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#1 2005-03-06 04:32:55

Registered: 2004-02-02
Posts: 358

Modification for pacman-2.9.5 - Improved Searching

I have re-written db_search() so that when you type more words into a search, the results are narrowed down (AND) instead of accumulated (OR). I find this much more useful.

For example, for the current pacman I get a rather useless long list when I issue the command:

$ pacman -Ss 3d game

current/xaw3d 1.5-2
    Athena widgets (libXaw) drop-in replacement
extra/3ddesktop 0.2.8-1
    a 3d virtual desktop switcher (opengl/mesa)
extra/asteroids3d 0.2.2-1
    Asteroids3D is a 3D, first-person game of blowing up asteroids
extra/blender 2.36-1
    A fully integrated 3D graphics creation suite
    BZFlag is a multiplayer 3D tank battle game.
extra/glchess 0.4.7-2
    3D Chess Frontend
extra/glhack 1.2-1
    a 3D port of Nethack for use with OpenGL
extra/gltron 0.70-1
    A tron-like lightcycle game with a nice 3D perspective.
extra/lib3ds 1.2.0-1
    Lib3ds is a free alternative to Autodesk's 3DS File Toolkit for handling 3DS
extra/maelstrom 3.0.6-1
    Maelstrom is an excellent Asteroids-type game with sound and 3D objects
extra/mage 6.35.040409-1
    Mage is a 3D vector display program which shows kinemage graphics. Used in
    both teaching and research, in applications ranging from estuary ecology to
    X-ray crystallography model quality assessments.
extra/neverball 1.4.0-2
    3D game similar to Super Monkey Ball or Marble Madness
extra/python-vpython 3.0.3-2
    A Python module that offers real-time 3D output, and is easily usable by
    novice programmers
extra/qwtplot3d 0.2.4beta-1
    Qt/OpenGL-based C++ programming library containing 3d-widgets
extra/tpop3d 1.5.3-1
    A high-performance pop3 server with virtualhost and maildir support and
    several auth method
extra/wmdots 0.2beta-1
    Absolutely useless but very pretty multishape 3d rotating dots
extra/xbl 1.1.2-1
    A 3D tetris/blockout game
extra/abuse 0.7.0-3
    Abuse is an action game that pits you --assuming the role of Nick Vrenna,
    res stance fighter -- against ruthless alien killers
extra/allegro 4.1.18-1
    Allegro is a multi-platform game library
extra/apricots 0.2.6-1
    A simple 2D flying/bombing game similar to basic side scrollers
extra/asteroids3d 0.2.2-1
    Asteroids3D is a 3D, first-person game of blowing up asteroids
extra/black-box 1.4.1-1
    A game where You can shoot in and watch, where the shot leaves the box
extra/bomberclone 0.11.5-1
    A Clone of the game AtomicBomberMan
extra/bs 2.7-1
    The classic game of Battleships against the computer. Ncurses.
extra/bumprace 1.45-1
    BumpRace is a simple arcade game
    BZFlag is a multiplayer 3D tank battle game.
extra/castle-combat 0.7.4-1
    It's a clone of the old DOS game Rampart
extra/circuslinux 1.0.3-1
    Circus Linux! is a clone of the Atari 2600 game Circus Atari
extra/clanlib 0.7.8-2
    A multi-platform game development library
extra/crimson 0.4.6-1
    Crimson Fields is a tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle
extra/dopewars 1.5.10-1
    dopewars is a Drug dealing game set in New York
extra/dosbox 0.63-1
    PC emulator with builtin DOS for running DOS Games
extra/enigma 1.04-1
    Enigma is a puzzle game involving falling blocks
extra/foobillard 3.0a-1
    An OpenGL billiard game for Linux
extra/fortune-mod 9708-1
    The Fortune Cookie Program from BSD games
extra/freeciv 1.14.2-1
    A multiuser clone of the famous Microprose game of Civilization
extra/frozen-bubble 1.0.0-5
    A game in which you throw colorful bubbles and build groups to destroy the
extra/gav 0.8.0-1
    GPL Arcade Volleyball: an SDL remake of the old dos game Arcade Volleyball
extra/gfpoken 0.25-1
    GFingerPoken is a black-box type game for gtk 1.2 or higher
extra/gltron 0.70-1
    A tron-like lightcycle game with a nice 3D perspective.
extra/gnome-games 2.8.2-1
    Some Games for GNOME
extra/gnuchess 5.07-2
    Lets most modern computers play a full game of chess
extra/gnugo 3.4-1
    This sofware is a program that plays the game of Go
extra/gtetrinet 0.7.6-1
    A clone of the game Tetrinet for the gnome environment.
extra/gtkatlantic 0.4.1-1
    Monopoly board game client for the monopd server.
extra/gweled 0.6-2
    Bejewled Game (aka Diamond Mine)
extra/kdegames 3.3.2-1
    Games for KDE.
extra/kobodeluxe 0.4pre8-1
    kobodeluxe is an enhanced version of Akira Higuchi's game XKobo
extra/lbreakout2 2.5.2-1
    A breakout game with nice effects, graphics, and sounds
extra/lexter 1.0.3-1
    Lexter is a text-based word puzzle game resembling tetris
extra/lincity 1.12.1-1
    LinCity is an SVGALIB (Linux only) and X based city/country simulation game
    for Linux and other Unix platforms (Solaris, FreeBSD, HP_UX, AIX, SCO and
extra/liquidwar 5.6.2-4
    Liquid War is a unique multiplayer wargame.
extra/luola 1.2.6-1
    Luola is a cavern-flying game for 1-4 players
extra/maelstrom 3.0.6-1
    Maelstrom is an excellent Asteroids-type game with sound and 3D objects
extra/mahjong 1.5.5-1
    The classical game of Mah Jongg (not the solitare version). Includes network
extra/moon-buggy 0.5.53-1
    Moon Buggy is a simple game for the text mode
extra/moon-lander 1.0-3
    An addictive game of skill where you must land a space-ship on the moon at a
    perfect speed.
extra/nethack 3.4.3-1
    A single player dungeon exploration game
extra/neverball 1.4.0-2
    3D game similar to Super Monkey Ball or Marble Madness
extra/pathological 1.1.3-2
    A puzzle game with the same feel as frozen bubble
extra/penguin-command 1.6.6-1
    This is a clone of the classic 'Missile Command' Game
extra/pente 2.2.5-1
    A five in a row game that can be played with X, curses, or text.
extra/pinball 0.3.1-1
    The Emilia Pinball Project strives to fulfil your needs for a great pinball
    game in Linux
extra/plib 1.8.4-1
    PLIB is a set of libraries to write games and other realtime interactive
extra/prboom 2.3.0-1
    PrBoom is a game engine - it provides a program to play Doom levels
extra/python-pygame 1.6-3
    Python game library
extra/qstat 2.7-1
    Qstat is a command line utility that displays the status of internet game
    servers including Quake
extra/rockdodger 0.6-1
    Space Rocks is a game - Dodge the space rocks, use your shields, fire your
    thrusters, cross your fingers, and kiss your ship goodbye
extra/scummvm 0.7.0-1
    A 'virtual machine' for several classic graphical point-and-click adventure
extra/toppler 1.1.1-1
    Tower Toppler (aka Nebulous) is the reimplementation of an old 'jump and
    run' game.
extra/trackballs 1.0.0-1
    Trackballs is a simple game similar to the classical game Marble Madness on
    the Amiga in the 80's
extra/tuxmath 2001.09.07-2
    'Tux of Math Command' is an educational math tutorial game for elementary
    school level children
extra/tuxtype 1.0.3-5
    TuxTyping is an educational typing tutorial game starring Tux
extra/vectoroids 1.1.0-2
    Vectoroids is based on the X-Window PDA game 'Agendaroids,'
extra/wesnoth 0.8.11-1
    A turn-based strategy game on a fantasy world
extra/xbill 2.1-3
    Xbill is a game that tests you reflexes as you seek and destroy all forms of
extra/xbl 1.1.2-1
    A 3D tetris/blockout game
extra/xconq 20031005-1
    Xconq is a general strategy game system.
extra/xmahjongg 3.6.1-2
    Mahjongg game for X-Window
extra/xrally 1.1.1-1
    XRally is a clone of the Rally X arcade game
extra/xscorch 0.2.0-1
    A clone of the classic DOS game Scorched Earth
extra/xskat 4.0-1
    XSkat lets you play the card game Skat as defined by the official Skat Order
    on any Un*x machine running X11

My modification returns these results:

$ pacman -Ss 3d game

extra/asteroids3d 0.2.2-1
    Asteroids3D is a 3D, first-person game of blowing up asteroids
    BZFlag is a multiplayer 3D tank battle game.
extra/gltron 0.70-1
    A tron-like lightcycle game with a nice 3D perspective.
extra/maelstrom 3.0.6-1
    Maelstrom is an excellent Asteroids-type game with sound and 3D objects
extra/neverball 1.4.0-2
    3D game similar to Super Monkey Ball or Marble Madness
extra/xbl 1.1.2-1
    A 3D tetris/blockout game

The link below is a tarball of the diff file, as well as the modified file (db.c) and the extra file (stristr.c - public domain stristr() function). The code is also shown below. … ch.tar.bz2

 *  New db_search() with logical AND searching, so that when the user
 *  types more words the search is narrowed down, rather than expanded!
 *  Copyright (c) 2005 by Luke McCarthy <>

static int in_pkg_name(pkginfo_t *pkg, const char *qry)
    return !!stristr(pkg->name, qry);

static int in_pkg_desc(pkginfo_t *pkg, const char *qry)
    return !!stristr(pkg->desc, qry);

static int in_pkg_provides(pacdb_t *db, pkginfo_t *pkg, const char *qry)
    int found = 0;
    pkginfo_t *info;
    PMList *i;

    info = db_scan(db, pkg->name, INFRQ_DESC | INFRQ_DEPENDS);
    if (!info) {
        return 0;
    for (i = info->provides; i; i = i->next) {
        if (stristr(i->data, qry)) {
            found = 1;
    return found;

static int in_pkg(pacdb_t *db, pkginfo_t *pkg, const char *qry)
       in_pkg_name(pkg, qry)
    || in_pkg_desc(pkg, qry)
    || in_pkg_provides(db, pkg, qry);

    The lists returned from or_search and and_search contain
    references to elements belonging to pkgs, so be careful
    when freeing later (i.e. set every data member to NULL
    before calling list_free). Otherwise dangling pointers
    will bite you.

static PMList *or_search(pacdb_t *db, PMList *pkgs, PMList *qrys)
    char *qry;
    pkginfo_t *pkg;
    PMList *hits = NULL, *i, *j;

    for (i = pkgs; i; i = i->next) {
        pkg = i->data;
        if (pkg) for (j = qrys; j; j = j->next) {
            qry = j->data;
            if (qry && in_pkg(db, pkg, qry)) {
                hits = list_add(hits, pkg);
    return hits;

static PMList *and_search(pacdb_t *db, PMList *pkgs, PMList *qrys)
    char *qry;
    pkginfo_t *pkg;
    PMList *hits, *frst, *i, *inxt, *j;

    /* Do an OR search on the first item. */
    frst = list_add(NULL, qrys->data);
    hits = or_search(db, pkgs, frst);
    frst->data = NULL;

    /* Eliminate results that do not correlate to all queries. */
    for (i = hits; i; i = inxt) {
        inxt = NULL;
        pkg = i->data;
        if (pkg) for (j = qrys; j; j = j->next) {
            qry = j->data;
            if (qry && !in_pkg(db, pkg, qry)) {
                inxt = i->next;
                i->data = NULL;  /* Not ours don't free it. */
                hits = list_remove(hits, i);
        if (!inxt) {
            inxt = i->next;
    return hits;

static void print_pkg(pkginfo_t *pkg, const char *treename)
    printf("%s/%s %sn    ", treename, pkg->name, pkg->version);
    indentprint(pkg->desc, 4);

void db_search(pacdb_t *db, PMList *pkgs, const char *treename, PMList *qrys)
    PMList *i, *hits;
    pkginfo_t *pkg;

    if (!qrys || !qrys->data) return;

    /* and_search can be interchanged with or_search */
    hits = and_search(db, pkgs, qrys);
    for (i = hits; i; i = i->next) {
        pkg = i->data;
        if (pkg) {
            print_pkg(pkg, treename);
            i->data = NULL;
            /* IMPORTANT: stops freeing the pkginfo! */


#2 2005-03-06 04:51:06

From: Boulder
Registered: 2005-01-22
Posts: 1,190

Re: Modification for pacman-2.9.5 - Improved Searching

Sounds like a great idea to me ::thumbs up::

How about a way to specify which method you want though? Similar to phpbb's "search1 AND search2" or "search1 OR search2" (maybe defaulting to OR...)

I am a gated community.


#3 2005-03-06 05:29:00

From: Santiago, Chile
Registered: 2003-08-24
Posts: 596

Re: Modification for pacman-2.9.5 - Improved Searching

I like the idea... you should file it as a feature request in the bug tracker.

And where were all the sportsmen who always pulled you though?
They're all resting down in Cornwall
writing up their memoirs for a paper-back edition
of the Boy Scout Manual.


#4 2005-03-06 05:36:03

Forum Fellow
From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2004-10-09
Posts: 4,927

Re: Modification for pacman-2.9.5 - Improved Searching

Aye, sign up, submit it as a request. Link to your new version. Chances are it will be adopted.


#5 2005-03-06 07:47:19

Arch Overlord
From: behind you
Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 7,879

Re: Modification for pacman-2.9.5 - Improved Searching

I agree - good idea... though you should post a patch file instead of the modified file... actually you should just request using a logical and instead of a logical or for search terms - I'm sure the developers would understand...


#6 2005-03-06 07:54:24

From: Hessen / Germany
Registered: 2003-12-01
Posts: 1,488

Re: Modification for pacman-2.9.5 - Improved Searching

Users should be able to decide wether they want to have a logical "or" or "and".

So, "pacman -S 3D ^ games" could be used as AND(3D,games), while "pacman -S 3D ° games" could be used as OR(3D,games). Furthermore, consider to have "pacman -S 3D ! games" as (3D,NOT(games)) ...

Frumpus addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]


#7 2005-03-06 10:36:19

Registered: 2005-01-03
Posts: 350

Re: Modification for pacman-2.9.5 - Improved Searching

then i would rather use || and && with !, if you encapsulate the search with quotes, then it would also work with bash.


#8 2005-03-06 15:31:00

Registered: 2004-02-02
Posts: 358

Re: Modification for pacman-2.9.5 - Improved Searching

Thanks everyone for your replies.

phrakture, I have included a patch file also. It's in the archive but you can download it directly: … earch.diff

Here is how to try it out (assuming the diff and pacman source archive is in the CWD):

$ tar xvzf pacman-2.9.5.tar.gz
$ cd pacman-2.9.5
$ patch -p1 -i ../pacman_and_search.diff
$ ./configure
$ make
$ ./pacman -Ss 3d game

Pink Chick, for that I would have to write a mini parser and interpreter. It's a bit beyond the scope of what I was aiming for ;-) Most of the time I don't imagine needing the full power of arbitrary expressions. It would probably be possible to add support for NOT e.g. 3d !game without too much trouble, I'll look into it.

stonecrest, I could add another command line flag. Any suggestions? Personally I wouldn't mind it replacing the default behaviour, but I'm biased :-)

I will file this as a feature request in the bug tracker as suggested.


#9 2005-03-07 05:39:14

Forum Fellow
From: UK
Registered: 2004-08-03
Posts: 4,439

Re: Modification for pacman-2.9.5 - Improved Searching

this is a great idea


#10 2005-03-07 17:00:39

Registered: 2004-02-02
Posts: 358

Re: Modification for pacman-2.9.5 - Improved Searching

I've added it as a feature request.


#11 2005-03-07 17:36:24

Schwag Merchant
From: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2004-01-18
Posts: 5,986

Re: Modification for pacman-2.9.5 - Improved Searching

I can't see anything wrong with replacing the default OR with an AND search. If you still need OR search, run two commands:

pacman -Ss 3d ; pacman -Ss games



#12 2005-03-07 17:58:44

Arch Overlord
From: behind you
Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 7,879

Re: Modification for pacman-2.9.5 - Improved Searching

Dusty wrote:

I can't see anything wrong with replacing the default OR with an AND search. If you still need OR search, run two commands:

pacman -Ss 3d ; pacman -Ss games


I agree... I mean google defaults to AND... so it's obviously logical


#13 2005-03-20 23:52:58

From: New Jersey
Registered: 2003-07-26
Posts: 507

Re: Modification for pacman-2.9.5 - Improved Searching

Just as a devil's advocate, couldn't you just do this to recreate AND searching:

pacman -Ss foo | grep bar

Is this slower? It seems like either AND or OR is going to become a kludge. Maybe provide both options, or even a more complex system (||, &&, !) like someone else mentioned?

"Contrary to popular belief, penguins are not the salvation of modern technology.  Neither do they throw parties for the urban proletariat."


#14 2005-03-23 11:52:39

Registered: 2004-02-16
Posts: 635

Re: Modification for pacman-2.9.5 - Improved Searching

contrasutra wrote:

Just as a devil's advocate, couldn't you just do this to recreate AND searching:

pacman -Ss foo | grep bar

You can't, unfortunately. Here's why:

[sweiss@raviv2 ~]$ pacman -Ss 3d | grep game
    A 3D racing and car-crashing game in Python
    Asteroids3D is a 3D, first-person game of blowing up asteroids
    BZFlag is a multiplayer 3D tank battle game.
    A tron-like lightcycle game with a nice 3D perspective.
    Maelstrom is an excellent Asteroids-type game with sound and 3D objects
    3D game similar to Super Monkey Ball or Marble Madness
    A 3D tetris/blockout game



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