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Hi all, I hope to find someone that can help me.
I'm struggling in using the command base64, which encodes a file to another one
more in details, the following command works
echo VGhlIExpbnV4IEpvdXJuYWwK | base64 -d
and gives the proper result (The Linux Journal)
Is there a way to get the result into a C variable (i.e char*)?
PS i know that the method "system("type here the shell command") executes the command, but output is not recoverable...i mean, i don't know how.
Last edited by virusso80 (2010-05-25 18:13:37)
man 3 exec
man fork
man pipe
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I think popen is what you are looking for.
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i second popen.
Last edited by n0dix (2010-05-25 18:56:37)
But, you probably dont what to use it (popen), I think this can really slow down you program, I recommend that you implement a base64 dec/enc in C for example
Yes, don't use popen if you can avoid it. For one thing it is slower, and for another it is less portable. Write your own conversion algorithm (it's relatively short), or use someone else's. Googling "base64 C library" brings up libb64 and a smattering of others.
You should try to use a native library where possible
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And probably some library already provide base64, in my mind come openssl (its is a core package). For example google give me this … d-openssl/ and … 58722.html