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This line in the Official Arch Linux Install Guide
Official Arch Linux Install Guide
dd if=archlinux-XXX.img of=/dev/sdX
Needs to be changed too
dd if=archlinux-2010.05-{core|netinstall}-{i686|x86_64|dual}.iso of=/dev/sdx
OpenBSD-current Thinkpad X230, i7-3520M, 16GB CL9 Kingston, Samsung 830 256GB
Contributor: linux-grsec
Please change it, then!
allright, sorry you can't - maybe add it to the discussions page.
edit2: here you go:
This guide is maintained in aif git
Patches/comments are welcome on the arch releng mailing list or mail to
Last edited by hokasch (2010-05-26 12:49:39)
Okay cool, ya I didn't know who to tell. I sent an email to dieter.
OpenBSD-current Thinkpad X230, i7-3520M, 16GB CL9 Kingston, Samsung 830 256GB
Contributor: linux-grsec
I first have to learn git. It's on my todo list but don't hold your breath - the list is longer than my arm.
> Okay cool, ya I didn't know who to tell. I sent an email to dieter.
Email w/o a git patch probably won' do much good.
Hum, well I don't know how to write a git patch. I guess it would be a good thing to learn though, but I have to go to bed now.
Hum..., after further looking at the this forums section I guess I posted in a totally wrong place Live and learn.
Last edited by hunterthomson (2010-05-26 13:16:47)
OpenBSD-current Thinkpad X230, i7-3520M, 16GB CL9 Kingston, Samsung 830 256GB
Contributor: linux-grsec
> I guess I posted in a totally wrong place
No no no, it's fine, we'll wait here for your contribution. If you decide not to share with the community, we simply release the vicious dogs :-D
Okay, sure I'm going to wake up and watch the x-files but then I'll learn how to write the git patch and get it done.
OpenBSD-current Thinkpad X230, i7-3520M, 16GB CL9 Kingston, Samsung 830 256GB
Contributor: linux-grsec
You will certainly not need git for a one-liner. Git is defenitly worth learning, but in this case, it is like ordering a super-tanker from Bahrain, just because your lawn-mower has run out of fuel. A message to the maintainer should be enough.
Hay, thanks falconindy. I got lost looking for a way to do it. Sure enough it was super simple
Ya tlaloc, it dose seem a little much, but hay, now I'll be far more likely to write patches for other stuff.
Last edited by hunterthomson (2010-05-28 01:39:01)
OpenBSD-current Thinkpad X230, i7-3520M, 16GB CL9 Kingston, Samsung 830 256GB
Contributor: linux-grsec