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Hi there...
I'm not sure if it's the right forum to post my question but I try
I'm making my end's bachelor project and I (try to) write my report in Latex.
I use the report class but I have some constraints to respect.
So, my problem is that I need to have on each pages (except the title page) the same header and footer. I made my own header and footer using fancyhdr and it worked, except on special page like the first page of each chapter or the tables of contents.
How can I have my header/footer on each page?
This is my preambule:
\usepackage{lmodern} % police
\usepackage{graphicx} % image
\usepackage{geometry} % marges
\usepackage{titlesec} % chapitre
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % en-tete et pied de pages
% Enlever le mot "Chapitre" au debut de chaque chapitre
% Marge exterieure plus grande
\hypersetup {
pdfauthor = {my name},
pdftitle = {Rapport},
pdfsubject = {Rapport},
pdfkeywords = {}
% Entete et pied de pages
\fancyhead{} % efface le contenu de l'en-tete
\fancyfoot{} % efface le contenu du pied de page
\rhead{my name}
% Paragraphe (espace entre chaque paragraphe et decrementer)
\setlength{\parskip}{1ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}
Thanks for answer and sorry for my bad english
For those special pages, LaTeX switches to the plain page layout, which doesn't use headers/footers. However, you can change the fancyhdr pagestyles using the \fancypagestyle command, e.g.:
Found this on here in case you can read German.
For those special pages, LaTeX switches to the plain page layout, which doesn't use headers/footers. However, you can change the fancyhdr pagestyles using the \fancypagestyle command, e.g.:
\fancypagestyle{plain}{% (…) }
Found this on here in case you can read German.
Thank you! It works fine
I'm sorry but I still have a problem with that solution
Now headers are fine, but footers doesn't work
I only have the page number on the table of content and not on the others page...
Ok, it works... I'm feeling like a n00b
My bottom margin was to short to display the page number