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Can we make suggestions here?
I'm sure I'm not the only one that would like to run makepkg on all of my installed applications, etc. but there really isn't a good way to do this, except one package at a time.
It would be nice if there was a makeworld-like command that would run makepkg on each installed package.
Here's my thinking. I'd like to do a minimal install, just enough to get AL up and running and on the internet. Then set my optimizations (-O3 -march= -mcpu= etc), then have one command to issue which will download the newest package, build, install and go on to the next. Then I could run makepkg to build any other packages I need.
Any good?
yeah you can use makeworld to do that i think there is a manpage or makepkg manpage may have something on it.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Really? I thought makeworld would only do a group of modules, like "base" or "network"?
well yes but one thing you could do, until support such as you say is built into makeworld, copy all of the directories of the packages you have installed into /var/abs/local and run makeworld on that well with exception of the base packages as you likely have all of those installed.
you could do something like:
makeworld -bci /home/pkgs base local
then setup your pacman to use your custom packages so that you can install them with "pacman -S <pkg>" (and thus solve dependencies which is handy if you know you have a large number of packages to upgrade as you would after a rebuild that you suggest)
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
ewwwww, sounds like too much work to me.
It was just a suggestion, so I'll wait until it's implemented.
if you could i would suggest making a bug report requesting the feature otherwisethis thread could be forgotten by those who actually work on the code. i would not expect this feature to be implimented for sometime because i do not think makeworld is as high on the priority list as pacman and makepkg are. at least though it on the books, so to speak, and will have to be tackled some day if they don't want the bug staring them in the face.
i think that is an excellent suggest for makeworld. i would love to make use of that feature myself somedays.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Great, I'll do that.
Pages: 1