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#51 2009-05-09 10:17:16

Registered: 2008-06-15
Posts: 323

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

I'm having a problem. menu.xml has the code "/ ASXX0001"

The current weather seems to be ok in Celsius and with the correct celsius number, but the forecast units have the correct units, but show the weather temperature as the ferenheit one


#52 2009-05-09 12:30:11

Registered: 2008-10-05
Posts: 431

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

that is nice big_smile here is it with the black blue ob theme . big_smile


Desktop: E8400@4ghz - DFI Lanparty JR P45-T2RS - 4gb ddr2 800 - 30gb OCZ Vertex - Geforce 8800 GTS - 2*19" LCD
Server/Media Zotac GeForce 9300-ITX I-E - E5200 - 4gb Ram - 2* ecogreen F2 1.5tb - 1* wd green 500gb - PicoPSU 150xt - rtorrent - xbmc - ipazzport remote - 42" LCD


#53 2009-05-10 02:16:46

From: Spain
Registered: 2007-06-08
Posts: 115

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

zephyrus17 wrote:

I'm having a problem. menu.xml has the code "/ ASXX0001"

The current weather seems to be ok in Celsius and with the correct celsius number, but the forecast units have the correct units, but show the weather temperature as the ferenheit one

oh, I thought that google's feed was not working.


        #elif name == "temp_c":
            #print "<item label='Temperature " + attrs["data"] + " C' />"
        #elif name == "low":
            #print "<item label='Minimun " + attrs["data"] + " C' />"
        #elif name == "high":
            #print "<item label='Maximun " + attrs["data"] + " C' />"
        elif name == "temp_f":
            print "<item label='Temperature " + attrs["data"] + " F' />"
        elif name == "low":
            print "<item label='Minimun " + attrs["data"] + " F' />"
        elif name == "high":
            print "<item label='Maximun " + attrs["data"] + " F' />"


        elif name == "temp_c":
            print "<item label='Temperature " + attrs["data"] + " C' />"
        elif name == "low":
            print "<item label='Minimun " + attrs["data"] + " C' />"
        elif name == "high":
            print "<item label='Maximun " + attrs["data"] + " C' />"
        #elif name == "temp_f":
            #print "<item label='Temperature " + attrs["data"] + " F' />"
        #elif name == "low":
            #print "<item label='Minimun " + attrs["data"] + " F' />"
        #elif name == "high":
            #print "<item label='Maximun " + attrs["data"] + " F' />"

Maybe I should rewrite the google script in a more elegant way, like the yahoo script

Last edited by noalwin (2009-05-10 02:17:52)


#54 2009-07-17 10:15:25

Registered: 2009-02-07
Posts: 19

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

Hi, i was just trying your script and noticed the following:
i live in Göttingen in Germany and since you just changes the spanish characters, the script would not work.
to replace the german "umlaute" you need the following line:


Furthermore, i have a problem with the forecast:
i still use f = urllib.urlopen(""+sys.argv[1]), because wouldnt work.
the CURRENT weather information in celsius is correct, but it seems like the forecast is wrong: the numbers written there are in F, while the unit displayed is C. i would like to have the forecast temperature in celsius.


#55 2009-07-17 20:44:28

From: Spain
Registered: 2007-06-08
Posts: 115

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

nazarener wrote:

Hi, i was just trying your script and noticed the following:
i live in Göttingen in Germany and since you just changes the spanish characters, the script would not work.
to replace the german "umlaute" you need the following line:


Furthermore, i have a problem with the forecast:
i still use f = urllib.urlopen(""+sys.argv[1]), because wouldnt work.
the CURRENT weather information in celsius is correct, but it seems like the forecast is wrong: the numbers written there are in F, while the unit displayed is C. i would like to have the forecast temperature in celsius.

You can add "&hl=de" to the URL to solve the temperature issue

About the non-ascii characters, I think that I got what happened (openbox reads the pipemenus as utf-8 even if the locale is latin-1" and now non-latin characters should work properly

I ended rewriting the script to obtain one like the yahoo script

You can use it as " city language"

The language is the value of the "hl" parameter when you search something in google

#!/usr/bin/python -o
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from urllib import urlopen, quote
from xml.etree.cElementTree import parse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import os
from os.path import join
from sys import argv
    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle

    'en': {
        'current': 'Current conditions',
        'weather': 'Weather',
        'temp': 'Temperature',
        'humidity': 'Humidity',
        'wind': 'Wind',
        'forecast': 'Forecast',
        'mintemp': 'Minimun Temperature',
        'maxtemp': 'Maximun Temperature'
    'es': {
        'current': u'Actualmente',
        'weather': u'Tiempo',
        'temp': u'Temperatura',
        'humidity': u'Humedad',
        'wind': u'Viento',
        'forecast': u'Previsión',
        'mintemp': u'Temperatura Mínima',
        'maxtemp': u'Temperatura Máxima'
    'fr': {
        'current': u'Actuel',
        'weather': u'Météo',
        'temp': u'Température',
        'humidity': u'Humidité',
        'wind': u'Vent',
        'forecast': u'Prévision',
        'mintemp': u'Température minimale',
        'maxtemp': u'Température maximale'
    'de': {
        'current': u'Aktuell',
        'weather': u'Wetter',
        'temp': u'Temperatur',
        'humidity': u'Luftfeuchtigkeit',
        'wind': u'Wind',
        'forecast': u'Prognostizieren',
        'mintemp': u'Minimale Temperatur',
        'maxtemp': u'Höchste Temperatur'

if len(argv) != 3:
    raise Exception('Usage: city language.')
    city = argv[1]
    lang = argv[2]



def get_weather(city, lang):
    url = WEATHER_URL % (quote(city), quote(lang))
    data = parse(urlopen(url))
    forecasts = []
    for forecast in data.findall('weather/forecast_conditions'):
    dict([(element.tag, element.get("data")) for element in forecast.getchildren()]))
    return {
        'forecast_information': dict([(element.tag, element.get("data")) for element in data.find('weather/forecast_information').getchildren()]),
        'current_conditions': dict([(element.tag, element.get("data")) for element in data.find('weather/current_conditions').getchildren()]),
        'forecasts': forecasts

def get_openbox_pipe_menu(lang, forecast_information, current_conditions, forecasts):
    if lang == 'en-US':
        lang = 'en'
    tt = TRANSLATED_TEXT[lang]
    temp_var, temp_unit = ("temp_c", u"\u00b0C") if forecast_information['unit_system'] == "SI" else ("temp_f", "F")
    output = '<openbox_pipe_menu>'
    output += '\n<separator label="%s (%s)" />' % (weather['forecast_information']['city'],forecast_information['forecast_date'])
    output += '\n<separator label="%s" />' % tt['current']
    output += '<item label="%s: %s" />' % (tt['weather'], current_conditions['condition'])
    output += '<item label="%s: %s %s" />' % (tt['temp'], current_conditions[temp_var], temp_unit)
    output += '<item label="%s: %s" />' % (tt['humidity'], current_conditions['humidity'])
    output += '<item label="%s: %s" />' % (tt['wind'], current_conditions['wind_condition'])
    for forecast in forecasts:
        output += '\n<separator label="%s: %s" />' % (tt['forecast'], forecast['day_of_week'])
        output += '<item label="%s: %s" />' % (tt['weather'], forecast['condition'])
        output += '<item label="%s: %s %s" />' % ( tt['mintemp'], forecast['low'], temp_unit )
        output += '<item label="%s: %s %s" />' % ( tt['maxtemp'], forecast['high'], temp_unit )
    output += '\n</openbox_pipe_menu>'
    return output.encode('utf-8')

cache_file = join(os.getenv("HOME"), '.gweather.cache')

    f = open(cache_file,'rb')
    cache = pickle.load(f)
except IOError:
    cache = None

if cache == None or (city, lang) not in cache or (
        cache[(city, lang)]['date'] + timedelta(hours=CACHE_HOURS) < datetime.utcnow()):
    # The cache is outdated
    weather = get_weather(city, lang)
    ob_pipe_menu = get_openbox_pipe_menu(lang, **weather)
    print ob_pipe_menu
    if cache == None:
        cache = dict()
    cache[(city, lang)] = {'date': datetime.utcnow(), 'ob_pipe_menu': ob_pipe_menu}
    #Save the data in the cache
        f = open(cache_file, 'wb')
        cache = pickle.dump(cache, f, -1)
    except IOError:
    print cache[(city, lang)]['ob_pipe_menu']


$ python .config/openbox/scripts/ "New York" en
<separator label="New York, NY (2009-07-17)" />
<separator label="Current conditions" /><item label="Weather: Clear" /><item label="Temperature: 79 F" /><item label="Humidity: Humidity: 66%" /><item label="Wind: Wind: N at 5 mph" />
<separator label="Forecast: Fri" /><item label="Weather: Chance of Storm" /><item label="Minimun Temperature: 70 F" /><item label="Maximun Temperature: 90 F" />
<separator label="Forecast: Sat" /><item label="Weather: Chance of Storm" /><item label="Minimun Temperature: 65 F" /><item label="Maximun Temperature: 85 F" />
<separator label="Forecast: Sun" /><item label="Weather: Mostly Sunny" /><item label="Minimun Temperature: 63 F" /><item label="Maximun Temperature: 83 F" />
<separator label="Forecast: Mon" /><item label="Weather: Chance of Showers" /><item label="Minimun Temperature: 65 F" /><item label="Maximun Temperature: 81 F" />

$ python .config/openbox/scripts/ "New York" es
<separator label="New York, NY (2009-07-17)" />
<separator label="Actualmente" /><item label="Tiempo: Despejado" /><item label="Temperatura: 26 °C" /><item label="Humedad: Humedad: 66%" /><item label="Viento: Viento: N a 8 km/h" />
<separator label="Previsión: vie" /><item label="Tiempo: Posibilidad de tormenta" /><item label="Temperatura Mínima: 21 °C" /><item label="Temperatura Máxima: 32 °C" />
<separator label="Previsión: sáb" /><item label="Tiempo: Posibilidad de tormenta" /><item label="Temperatura Mínima: 18 °C" /><item label="Temperatura Máxima: 29 °C" />
<separator label="Previsión: dom" /><item label="Tiempo: Mayormente soleado" /><item label="Temperatura Mínima: 17 °C" /><item label="Temperatura Máxima: 28 °C" />
<separator label="Previsión: lun" /><item label="Tiempo: Posibilidad de chubascos" /><item label="Temperatura Mínima: 18 °C" /><item label="Temperatura Máxima: 27 °C" />

$ python .config/openbox/scripts/ "New York" fr
<separator label="New York, NY (2009-07-17)" />
<separator label="Actuel" /><item label="Météo: Temps clair" /><item label="Température: 26 °C" /><item label="Humidité: Humidité : 66 %" /><item label="Vent: Vent : N à 8 km/h" />
<separator label="Prévision: ven." /><item label="Météo: Risques de tempête" /><item label="Température minimale: 21 °C" /><item label="Température maximale: 32 °C" />
<separator label="Prévision: sam." /><item label="Météo: Risques de tempête" /><item label="Température minimale: 18 °C" /><item label="Température maximale: 29 °C" />
<separator label="Prévision: dim." /><item label="Météo: Ensoleillé dans l'ensemble" /><item label="Température minimale: 17 °C" /><item label="Température maximale: 28 °C" />
<separator label="Prévision: lun." /><item label="Météo: Risques d'averses" /><item label="Température minimale: 18 °C" /><item label="Température maximale: 27 °C" />

$ python .config/openbox/scripts/ "New York" de
<separator label="New York, NY (2009-07-17)" />
<separator label="Aktuell" /><item label="Wetter: Klar" /><item label="Temperatur: 26 °C" /><item label="Luftfeuchtigkeit: Feuchtigkeit: 66 %" /><item label="Wind: Wind: N mit 8 km/h" />
<separator label="Prognostizieren: Fr." /><item label="Wetter: Vereinzelt stürmisch" /><item label="Minimale Temperatur: 21 °C" /><item label="Höchste Temperatur: 32 °C" />
<separator label="Prognostizieren: Sa." /><item label="Wetter: Vereinzelt stürmisch" /><item label="Minimale Temperatur: 18 °C" /><item label="Höchste Temperatur: 29 °C" />
<separator label="Prognostizieren: So." /><item label="Wetter: Meist sonnig" /><item label="Minimale Temperatur: 17 °C" /><item label="Höchste Temperatur: 28 °C" />
<separator label="Prognostizieren: Mo." /><item label="Wetter: Vereinzelte Schauer" /><item label="Minimale Temperatur: 18 °C" /><item label="Höchste Temperatur: 27 °C" />

$ python .config/openbox/scripts/ "Göttingen" de
<separator label="Göttingen, NDS (2009-07-17)" />
<separator label="Aktuell" /><item label="Wetter: Meistens bewölkt" /><item label="Temperatur: 21 °C" /><item label="Luftfeuchtigkeit: Feuchtigkeit: 49 %" /><item label="Wind: Wind: SW mit 13 km/h" />
<separator label="Prognostizieren: Fr." /><item label="Wetter: Meist sonnig" /><item label="Minimale Temperatur: 13 °C" /><item label="Höchste Temperatur: 23 °C" />
<separator label="Prognostizieren: Sa." /><item label="Wetter: Vereinzelt Regen" /><item label="Minimale Temperatur: 11 °C" /><item label="Höchste Temperatur: 16 °C" />
<separator label="Prognostizieren: So." /><item label="Wetter: Vereinzelt stürmisch" /><item label="Minimale Temperatur: 12 °C" /><item label="Höchste Temperatur: 17 °C" />
<separator label="Prognostizieren: Mo." /><item label="Wetter: Vereinzelt Regen" /><item label="Minimale Temperatur: 10 °C" /><item label="Höchste Temperatur: 20 °C" />

Last edited by noalwin (2009-07-17 20:50:19)


#56 2009-07-24 22:31:28

Registered: 2009-07-24
Posts: 1

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

If you look at humidity and wind, you will see that the text is shown twice. I fixed this, and also added Swedish translation! smile

#!/usr/bin/python -o
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from urllib import urlopen, quote
from xml.etree.cElementTree import parse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import os
from os.path import join
from sys import argv
    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle

    'en': {
        'current': 'Current conditions',
        'weather': 'Weather',
        'temp': 'Temperature',
        'forecast': 'Forecast',
        'mintemp': 'Minimun Temperature',
        'maxtemp': 'Maximun Temperature'
    'sv': {
        'current': u'Aktuell prognos',
        'weather': u'Väder',
        'temp': u'Temperatur',
        'forecast': u'Prognos',
        'mintemp': u'Lägsta temperatur',
        'maxtemp': u'Högsta temperatur'
    'es': {
        'current': u'Actualmente',
        'weather': u'Tiempo',
        'temp': u'Temperatura',
        'forecast': u'Previsión',
        'mintemp': u'Temperatura Mínima',
        'maxtemp': u'Temperatura Máxima'
    'fr': {
        'current': u'Actuel',
        'weather': u'Météo',
        'temp': u'Température',
        'forecast': u'Prévision',
        'mintemp': u'Température minimale',
        'maxtemp': u'Température maximale'
    'de': {
        'current': u'Aktuell',
        'weather': u'Wetter',
        'temp': u'Temperatur',
        'forecast': u'Prognostizieren',
        'mintemp': u'Minimale Temperatur',
        'maxtemp': u'Höchste Temperatur'

if len(argv) != 3:
    raise Exception('Usage: city language.')
    city = argv[1]
    lang = argv[2]



def get_weather(city, lang):
    url = WEATHER_URL % (quote(city), quote(lang))
    data = parse(urlopen(url))
    forecasts = []
    for forecast in data.findall('weather/forecast_conditions'):
    dict([(element.tag, element.get("data")) for element in forecast.getchildren()]))
    return {
        'forecast_information': dict([(element.tag, element.get("data")) for element in data.find('weather/forecast_information').getchildren()]),
        'current_conditions': dict([(element.tag, element.get("data")) for element in data.find('weather/current_conditions').getchildren()]),
        'forecasts': forecasts

def get_openbox_pipe_menu(lang, forecast_information, current_conditions, forecasts):
    if lang == 'en-US':
        lang = 'en'
    tt = TRANSLATED_TEXT[lang]
    temp_var, temp_unit = ("temp_c", u"\u00b0C") if forecast_information['unit_system'] == "SI" else ("temp_f", "F")
    output = '<openbox_pipe_menu>'
    output += '\n<separator label="%s (%s)" />' % (weather['forecast_information']['city'],forecast_information['forecast_date'])
    output += '\n<separator label="%s" />' % tt['current']
    output += '<item label="%s: %s" />' % (tt['weather'], current_conditions['condition'])
    output += '<item label="%s: %s %s" />' % (tt['temp'], current_conditions[temp_var], temp_unit)
    output += '<item label="%s" />' % (current_conditions['humidity'])
    output += '<item label="%s" />' % (current_conditions['wind_condition'])
    for forecast in forecasts:
        output += '\n<separator label="%s: %s" />' % (tt['forecast'], forecast['day_of_week'])
        output += '<item label="%s: %s" />' % (tt['weather'], forecast['condition'])
        output += '<item label="%s: %s %s" />' % ( tt['mintemp'], forecast['low'], temp_unit )
        output += '<item label="%s: %s %s" />' % ( tt['maxtemp'], forecast['high'], temp_unit )
    output += '\n</openbox_pipe_menu>'
    return output.encode('utf-8')

cache_file = join(os.getenv("HOME"), '.gweather.cache')

    f = open(cache_file,'rb')
    cache = pickle.load(f)
except IOError:
    cache = None

if cache == None or (city, lang) not in cache or (
        cache[(city, lang)]['date'] + timedelta(hours=CACHE_HOURS) < datetime.utcnow()):
    # The cache is outdated
    weather = get_weather(city, lang)
    ob_pipe_menu = get_openbox_pipe_menu(lang, **weather)
    print ob_pipe_menu
    if cache == None:
        cache = dict()
    cache[(city, lang)] = {'date': datetime.utcnow(), 'ob_pipe_menu': ob_pipe_menu}
    #Save the data in the cache
        f = open(cache_file, 'wb')
        cache = pickle.dump(cache, f, -1)
    except IOError:
    print cache[(city, lang)]['ob_pipe_menu']

Another thing I notised was that you used quotes "" around the city, if you do that in the menu, it wont work. Just thought I'd help someone out a bit! smile
Also, I did a script to run the commands, and put it in /etc/cron.hourly/ to avoid the menu geting stuck every hour! smile

Thanks for this awsome script! big_smile

Last edited by LAltinell (2009-07-24 23:16:39)


#57 2009-07-26 14:28:55

From: Spain
Registered: 2007-06-08
Posts: 115

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

LAltinell wrote:

Another thing I notised was that you used quotes "" around the city, if you do that in the menu, it wont work. Just thought I'd help someone out a bit! smile
Also, I did a script to run the commands, and put it in /etc/cron.hourly/ to avoid the menu geting stuck every hour! smile

Thanks for this awsome script! big_smile

Could you explain better the problem with the quotes ""?
They shouldn't be problematic, unless the city name also had quotes on it.


#58 2009-08-29 16:10:47

Registered: 2009-08-29
Posts: 1

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

Yes you might or you should rewrite the script in a more elegant way to make it better..

Crawl space dehumidifier


#59 2010-03-08 20:28:27

Registered: 2008-12-11
Posts: 413

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

How do you make output separated? I want to separate current from forecast.
Like it is on your screenshots.


#60 2010-03-08 21:04:06

From: Spain
Registered: 2007-06-08
Posts: 115

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

Do you need a extra "Forecast" separator like in the original screenshot?


        output += '\n<separator label="Forecast" />'

before the

    for forecast in forecasts:

I think that it will do what you need

Last edited by noalwin (2010-03-08 21:04:35)


#61 2010-03-08 22:38:50

From: Norwich, UK
Registered: 2009-11-05
Posts: 145

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

I am not an openbox user but I thought I should post as I think you have another option to create weather output like this....I think, I hope I am not stepping on any toes.

You may be able to create a menu from my conkyForecast python script and a suitable template file (packaged as conkyforecast-bzr in AUR, weather data sourced from The template would contain the menu text with place holders for the data, that's assuming printed output with the right structure is all you need for pipe menus? The original ubuntu thread on the script is here:

Running Arch 64 (Made the switch to Arch 10/2009)


#62 2010-03-09 01:06:04

Registered: 2008-12-11
Posts: 413

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

noalwin wrote:

Do you need a extra "Forecast" separator like in the original screenshot?


        output += '\n<separator label="Forecast" />'

before the

    for forecast in forecasts:

I think that it will do what you need

Yes, thats it. Ty


#63 2010-06-06 04:40:48

Registered: 2010-06-06
Posts: 1

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

Use en-GB as the language option to get SI units in forecasts from iGoogle.
This altered code will make it work.
For fun, I also changed date  to  date plus UTC using 'current_date_time' instead of 'forecast_date':

#!/usr/bin/python -o
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from urllib import urlopen, quote
from xml.etree.cElementTree import parse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import os
from os.path import join
from sys import argv
    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle

    'en': {
        'current': 'Current conditions',
        'weather': 'Weather',
        'temp': 'Temperature',
        'humidity': 'Humidity',
        'wind': 'Wind',
        'forecast': 'Forecast',
        'mintemp': 'Minimum Temperature',
        'maxtemp': 'Maximum Temperature'
    'sv': {
        'current': u'Aktuell prognos',
        'weather': u'Väder',
        'temp': u'Temperatur',
        'forecast': u'Prognos',
        'mintemp': u'Lägsta temperatur',
        'maxtemp': u'Högsta temperatur'
    'es': {
        'current': u'Actualmente',
        'weather': u'Tiempo',
        'temp': u'Temperatura',
        'humidity': u'Humedad',
        'wind': u'Viento',
        'forecast': u'Previsión',
        'mintemp': u'Temperatura Mínima',
        'maxtemp': u'Temperatura Máxima'
    'fr': {
        'current': u'Actuel',
        'weather': u'Météo',
        'temp': u'Température',
        'humidity': u'Humidité',
        'wind': u'Vent',
        'forecast': u'Prévision',
        'mintemp': u'Température minimale',
        'maxtemp': u'Température maximale'
    'de': {
        'current': u'Aktuell',
        'weather': u'Wetter',
        'temp': u'Temperatur',
        'humidity': u'Luftfeuchtigkeit',
        'wind': u'Wind',
        'forecast': u'Prognostizieren',
        'mintemp': u'Minimale Temperatur',
        'maxtemp': u'Höchste Temperatur'

if len(argv) != 3:
    raise Exception('Usage: city language.')
    city = argv[1]
    lang = argv[2]



def get_weather(city, lang):
    url = WEATHER_URL % (quote(city), quote(lang))
    data = parse(urlopen(url))
    forecasts = []
    for forecast in data.findall('weather/forecast_conditions'):
    dict([(element.tag, element.get("data")) for element in forecast.getchildren()]))
    return {
        'forecast_information': dict([(element.tag, element.get("data")) for element in data.find('weather/forecast_information').getchildren()]),
        'current_conditions': dict([(element.tag, element.get("data")) for element in data.find('weather/current_conditions').getchildren()]),
        'forecasts': forecasts

def get_openbox_pipe_menu(lang, forecast_information, current_conditions, forecasts):
    if lang == 'en-US':
        lang = 'en'
#this solves the English language SI units problem
    if lang == 'en-GB':
        lang = 'en'
    tt = TRANSLATED_TEXT[lang]
    temp_var, temp_unit = ("temp_c", u"\u00b0C") if forecast_information['unit_system'] == "SI" else ("temp_f", "F")
    output = '<openbox_pipe_menu>'
    output += '\n<separator label="%s (%s)" />' % (weather['forecast_information']['city'],forecast_information['current_date_time'])
    output += '\n<separator label="%s" />' % tt['current']
    output += '<item label="%s: %s" />' % (tt['weather'], current_conditions['condition'])
    output += '<item label="%s: %s %s" />' % (tt['temp'], current_conditions[temp_var], temp_unit)
    output += '<item label="%s" />' % (current_conditions['humidity'])
    output += '<item label="%s" />' % (current_conditions['wind_condition'])
    for forecast in forecasts:
        output += '\n<separator label="%s: %s" />' % (tt['forecast'], forecast['day_of_week'])
        output += '<item label="%s: %s" />' % (tt['weather'], forecast['condition'])
        output += '<item label="%s: %s %s" />' % ( tt['mintemp'], forecast['low'], temp_unit )
        output += '<item label="%s: %s %s" />' % ( tt['maxtemp'], forecast['high'], temp_unit )
    output += '\n</openbox_pipe_menu>'
    return output.encode('utf-8')

cache_file = join(os.getenv("HOME"), '.gweather.cache')

    f = open(cache_file,'rb')
    cache = pickle.load(f)
except IOError:
    cache = None

if cache == None or (city, lang) not in cache or (
        cache[(city, lang)]['date'] + timedelta(hours=CACHE_HOURS) < datetime.utcnow()):
    # The cache is outdated
    weather = get_weather(city, lang)
    ob_pipe_menu = get_openbox_pipe_menu(lang, **weather)
    print ob_pipe_menu
    if cache == None:
        cache = dict()
    cache[(city, lang)] = {'date': datetime.utcnow(), 'ob_pipe_menu': ob_pipe_menu}
    #Save the data in the cache
        f = open(cache_file, 'wb')
        cache = pickle.dump(cache, f, -1)
    except IOError:
    print cache[(city, lang)]['ob_pipe_menu']

Last edited by bcebul (2010-06-06 06:04:21)


#64 2010-09-18 02:16:06

From: CA, USA
Registered: 2010-05-01
Posts: 24

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

fancrawl wrote:

Yes you might or you should rewrite the script in a more elegant way to make it better..
Crawl space dehumidifier

Or you can learn what the hell escape codes are, kiddo.

Last edited by kevr (2010-09-18 02:16:20)

Kevin Morris <>

Hangs out in #archlinux-aurweb. Loves the AUR.


#65 2010-10-16 08:47:58

From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2009-10-13
Posts: 55

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu


I'm trying to get the version of the pipe menu based on Yahoo weather working. Here's the script again.


import urllib
from xml.etree.cElementTree import parse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import os
from os.path import join
from sys import argv
    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle

#Usage: AYXX0001 Celsius

if len(argv) != 3:
    raise Exception('Usage: zip_code units. zip_code is your city code in Yahoo Weather, units can be Celsius or Fahrenheit.')
    zip_code = argv[1]
    if argv[2] == 'Fahrenheit' or argv[2] == 'fahrenheit':
        units = 'f'
        units = 'c'



def weather_for_zip(zip_code, units):
    url = WEATHER_URL % (zip_code, units)
    rss = parse(urllib.urlopen(url)).getroot()
    forecasts = []
    for element in rss.findall('channel/item/{%s}forecast' % WEATHER_NS):
    ycondition = rss.find('channel/item/{%s}condition' % WEATHER_NS)
    return {
        'current_condition': dict(ycondition.items()),
        'forecasts': forecasts,
        'title': rss.findtext('channel/title'),
        'pubDate': rss.findtext('channel/item/pubDate'), #rss.findtext('channel/lastBuildDate'),
        'location': dict(rss.find('channel/{%s}location' % WEATHER_NS).items()),
        'wind': dict(rss.find('channel/{%s}wind' % WEATHER_NS).items()),
        'atmosphere': dict(rss.find('channel/{%s}atmosphere' % WEATHER_NS).items()),
        'astronomy': dict(rss.find('channel/{%s}astronomy' % WEATHER_NS).items()),
        'units': dict(rss.find('channel/{%s}units' % WEATHER_NS).items())

def print_openbox_pipe_menu(weather):
    print '<openbox_pipe_menu>'
    print '<separator label="%s %s" />' % (weather['location']['city'],weather['pubDate'])
    print '<separator label="Current conditions" />'
    print '<item label="Weather: %s" />' % weather['current_condition']['text']
    print '<item label="Temperature: %s %s" />' % ( weather['current_condition']['temp'],
                                          weather['units']['temperature'] )
    print '<item label="Humidity: %s%%" />' % weather['atmosphere']['humidity']
    print '<item label="Visibility: %s %s" />' % ( weather['atmosphere']['visibility'],
                                          weather['units']['distance'] )
    #pressure: steady (0), rising (1), or falling (2)
    if weather['atmosphere']['rising'] == 0:
        pressure_state = 'steady'
    elif weather['atmosphere']['rising'] == 1:
        pressure_state = 'rising'
        pressure_state = 'falling'
    print '<item label="Pressure: %s %s (%s)" />' % ( weather['atmosphere']['pressure'],
                                          weather['units']['pressure'], pressure_state )
    print '<item label="Wind chill: %s %s" />' % ( weather['wind']['chill'],
                                          weather['units']['temperature'] )
    print '<item label="Wind direction: %s degrees" />' % weather['wind']['direction']
    print '<item label="Wind speed: %s %s" />' % ( weather['wind']['speed'],
                                          weather['units']['speed'] )
    print '<item label="Sunrise: %s" />' % weather['astronomy']['sunrise']
    print '<item label="Sunset: %s" />' % weather['astronomy']['sunset']
    for forecast in weather['forecasts']:
        print '<separator label="Forecast: %s" />' % forecast['day']
        print '<item label="Weather: %s" />' % forecast['text']
        print '<item label="Min temperature: %s %s" />' % ( forecast['low'],
                                                weather['units']['temperature'] )
        print '<item label="Max temperature: %s %s" />' % ( forecast['high'],
                                                weather['units']['temperature'] )
    print '</openbox_pipe_menu>'

cache_file = join(os.getenv("HOME"), '.yweather.cache')

    f = open(cache_file,'rb')
    cache = pickle.load(f)
except IOError:
    cache = None

if cache == None or (zip_code, units) not in cache or (
        cache[(zip_code, units)]['date'] + timedelta(hours=CACHE_HOURS) < datetime.utcnow()):
    # The cache is outdated
    weather = weather_for_zip(zip_code, units)
    if cache == None:
        cache = dict()
    cache[(zip_code, units)] = {'date': datetime.utcnow(), 'weather': weather}
    #Save the data in the cache
        f = open(cache_file, 'wb')
        cache = pickle.dump(cache, f, -1)
    except IOError:
    weather = cache[(zip_code, units)]['weather']


I have a problem which seems to be about confusion between locations:

The pipe menu works, i.e. shows in my obmenu, when I use my own zip code, 00840 in Helsinki, Finland. However, whilst Yahoo Weather's online search brings up my city as the first alternative, due to my IP addy I'm sure, the python script brings up the information for Frederiksted, Virgin Islands, U.S. on the same zip code.

Running the script with any other zip codes of my city (all of which the Yahoo weather search finds but most of which are in use in some other part of the world as well) produces the following:

$ python ~/.config/openbox/scripts/ 00530 Celsius
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/maria/.config/openbox/scripts/", line 100, in <module> weather =
     weather_for_zip(zip_code, units)
   File "/home/maria/.config/openbox/scripts/", line 41, in weather_for_zip
     'current_condition': dict(ycondition.items()),
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'items'

So, my question is: how should I modify the script so that it either can select the correct one from the various locations for the zip code (based on ip address?) or searches for city rather than zip code?


#66 2010-10-19 15:21:45

From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2009-10-13
Posts: 55

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu



#67 2010-10-20 22:53:54

From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2009-10-13
Posts: 55

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

Actually, sorry, only understood that I need to dig up the Yahoo weather code for Helsinki, Finland.


#68 2011-11-16 10:00:20

From: Sweden
Registered: 2011-02-05
Posts: 759

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

This script/pipe menu still works and might come in even handier since changed their api taking away the free accounts.

But, some changes in python needs to be corrected for; to run the script do;

python2 city langauge

and if copying the whole script from this thread look out for unwanted linebreaks!


#69 2012-01-12 02:51:34

Registered: 2010-05-02
Posts: 52

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

I've run into an issue with the initial script (still works fine for almost every location used): when the name of the city has an apostrophe (') inside, such as the capital of Chad (N'Djamena), the script fails to be parsed properly in the menu and therefore Openbox returns an error.  Does anyone with Python knowledge see where in the script things are going wrong?

I'd really like to have the weather readout for that city if possible.  Thanks for your assistance.

Note: Even though I can reference the city  N'Djamena properly by not including the apostrophe when running the command via terminal

$ python2 ~/.scripts/ Ndjamena

the problem is related to how Google's API returns the following output (italicized part):

<separator label='N'Djamena, N'Djamena' />
<separator label='Current condidtions' />
<item label='Weather: Clear' />
<item label='Temperature 66 F' />
<item label='Humidity: 37%' />
<item label='Wind: NE at 9 mph' />
<separator label='Forecast' />
<separator label='Thursday' />

EDIT: Okay, should have googled better first... the solution is to change the script as noted here:

Good luck!

Last edited by bkadoctaj (2012-01-12 03:26:18)


#70 2012-01-13 16:35:35

Registered: 2010-05-02
Posts: 52

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

I just wanted to follow up with a change a friend and I made to the initial Google API weather pipe menu script offered here:


import sys
import urllib2
from string import maketrans
#from xml.sax import make_parser, handler
from xml.sax import handler, parseString
class ElementProcesser(handler.ContentHandler):
    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
        if name == "city":
            print "<separator label=\"" + attrs["data"].encode('utf-8','replace') + "\" />"
        elif name == "current_conditions":
            print "<separator label='Current conditions' />"
        elif name == "condition":
            print "<item label='Weather: " + attrs["data"] + "' />"
        elif name == "humidity":
            print "<item label='" + attrs["data"] + "' />"
        elif name == "wind_condition":
            print "<item label='" + attrs["data"] + "' />"
        elif name == "day_of_week":
            print "<separator label='" + self.getDayOfWeek(attrs["data"]) + "' />"
        #elif name == "temp_c":
            #print "<item label='Temperature " + attrs["data"] + " C' />"
        #elif name == "low":
            #print "<item label='Minimum " + attrs["data"] + " C' />"
        #elif name == "high":
            #print "<item label='Maximum " + attrs["data"] + " C' />"
        elif name == "temp_f":
            print "<item label='Temperature " + attrs["data"] + " F' />"
        elif name == "low":
            print "<item label='Minimum " + attrs["data"] + " F' />"
        elif name == "high":
            print "<item label='Maximum " + attrs["data"] + " F' />"
    def endElement(self, name):
        if name == "current_conditions":
            print "<separator label='Forecast' />"
    def startDocument(self):
        print '<openbox_pipe_menu>'
    def endDocument(self):
        print '</openbox_pipe_menu>'
    def getDayOfWeek(self,day):
        if day == "Mon":
            return "Monday"
        elif day == "Tue":
            return "Tuesday"
        elif day == "Wed":
            return "Wednesday"
        elif day == "Thu":
            return "Thursday"
        elif day == "Fri":
            return "Friday"
        elif day == "Sat":
            return "Saturday"
        elif day == "Sun":
            return "Sunday"
            return day

# You should use your local version of google to have the messages in your language and metric system
for arg in sys.argv: str = arg
f = urllib2.urlopen(""+str)
xml =

#Avoid problems with non english characters
xml = xml.translate(trans)

#print xml



The main changes can be found in line 13.  When calling the script, one should use the following form, where Foo Bar is the city/town.

$ python2 ~/.scripts/ -c 'foo+bar'

[i.e. you must place the '+' wherever there is a ' ' (space)]

This script only functions in English as currently written.

Last edited by bkadoctaj (2012-01-13 23:31:22)


#71 2012-01-21 21:10:41

Registered: 2010-05-02
Posts: 52

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

Final project complete:

World capitals all listed in a pipe menu with icons...


#72 2012-02-16 11:39:55

Registered: 2010-11-08
Posts: 17

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

i know this is a little old but i need some help...i am having the same problem as zephyrus17 with the latest version of the script. i have commented out the F section and un-commented the C section but this is the output i get

 ~/.config/openbox/script $ python -c "Moncton"
<separator label="Moncton, NB" />
<separator label='Current conditions' />
<item label='Weather: Fog' />
<item label='Temperature: -4 C' />
<item label='Humidity: 100%' />
<item label='Wind: N at 7 mph' />
<separator label='Forecast' />
<separator label='Thursday' />
<item label='Minimum: 16 C' />
<item label='Maximum: 36 C' />
<item label='Weather: Fog' />
<separator label='Friday' />
<item label='Minimum: 25 C' />
<item label='Maximum: 37 C' />
<item label='Weather: Chance of Snow' />
<separator label='Saturday' />
<item label='Minimum: 18 C' />
<item label='Maximum: 36 C' />
<item label='Weather: Mostly Sunny' />
<separator label='Sunday' />
<item label='Minimum: 5 C' />
<item label='Maximum: 32 C' />
<item label='Weather: Fog' />

what else must i change? thanx for this script i love it.


#73 2012-02-16 16:21:58

From: Luxembourg
Registered: 2009-11-22
Posts: 121

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

I am using the version posted by bcebul above.
This is my openbox menu entry;

<menu execute="python2 ~/scripts/ Gralingen,Luxembourg en-GB" id="pipe-weather" label="Weather"/>

I had a problem with using 'current_date_time';

<separator label="Gralingen, Diekirch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000)" />

So I reverted to  'forecast_date' as per original script.

This screengrab shows the problem with 'current_date_time';

Also, the script appears to add another symbol before the Celcius symbol so there is a space I would like to get rid of...;

4 °C


#74 2012-02-16 21:48:54

Registered: 2010-11-08
Posts: 17

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

thanx that worked great.


#75 2014-01-04 16:08:35

From: Hartford Wi
Registered: 2013-12-10
Posts: 93

Re: Openbox Weather Pipe Menu

I can not get this to work on my arch. Every step I have follow, but when I hover over menu it gives my error. I have just tried both setups. The y and g version. Still no action. There has to be something I'm missing.

Last edited by jedijimi (2014-01-06 20:00:21)

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