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i've just finished to install arch linux on my computer. i didn't install too many packets in the first place. after the installation was complete i downloaded from the internet a few more packets and tried to install them using pacman -A packetname.tar.gz
and i get smth like tins :
loading package data... load_pkg: missing package info file in castle-combat-0.7.4.tar.gz
God, My brilliance is starting to become a bit of a burden
you didn't download pacman compatible packages. The names will be of the form:
<package name>-<version>-<pkg number>.pkg.tar.gz
it looks like you downloaded source code for the apps....
yup phrakture you're right..... shame on me :oops:
God, My brilliance is starting to become a bit of a burden
heh no worries - I've done that before - the links off the packages web page are to the original source, not the pacman pkgs, those are on the ftp (check /etc/pacman.d/* for lists of ftp servers)
you don't have to download packages beore you install them,
just run # pacman -S <package-name> , and the program installs directly from the server,
also don't forget to put a local mirror first in the directory phrakture mentioned,
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy