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Update: 15/6/11
Geode Kernel is now available....
I creat a repo, so for some of you it might be more comfortable.
The tarball of the kernel: … 9.1.tar.gz
because aur still don't accept my tarball^^
### Generally ###
The AMD Geode LX CPU is a i686 CPU (Yes, it has cmov too!) but all its missing is the nopl (no operation, long / a time delay i guess) instruction. But the Geode CPU isn't alone.
involved cpus: Via C3, Via Eden, AMD Geode LX (as used in OLPC), Transmeta Crusoe and Virtual PC
Thera are atm two ways of getting full i686 work on those cpu (but i guess, via c3 is missing cmov too, isn't it?).
Here we go...
AMD Geode users have 2 options ATM:
- First: Using core kernel, newest glibc from repo and ignore system architecture (pacman.conf architecture)
- Second: still using kernel nopl emulation patch and waiting for binutils major update ~end of the year.
- Kernel 2.6.34 Tarball in aur:
VIA Nehmiah.
- For VIA Nehemiah the Nopl issue is fixed with the glibc (glibc 2.12.1-2) workaround in arch linux →
- Just patchset for Kernel 2.6.34 available: … nopl_patch
first i start collecting stuff for my AMD Geode LX in my Wiki because aur don't accept my kernel26-geode tarball. So today i uploaded all i got about this issue. i hope that might be help a few of you...
Last edited by markuman (2011-06-15 18:00:13)
Thanks a lot for this kernel26-geode package. I just upgraded glibc on my netbook and can't load programs anymore because of a nopl in the glibc.
The 2.6.34 Patch work for 2.6.35 Kernel too.
I've build an Kernel. Works fine an stable for me. include source and already build kernel pkg.tar.xz
I wondering if the special kernel is still needed: what do you think?
just for information, i start collect packages/tarballs/patches for transmeta crusoe and via nehmiah too, whitch has the same problems!
to stay up to date, take a look in my wiki or take a look at the start posting!
just for information, i start collect packages/tarballs/patches for transmeta crusoe and via nehmiah too, whitch has the same problems!
to stay up to date, take a look in my wiki or take a look at the start posting!
Nice work!
Is it possible to create common kernel for all problematic cpus?
Last edited by dobo (2010-09-16 22:12:39)
Nice work!
Is it possible to create common kernel for all problematic cpus?
Hm, i don't know if this work. I could try to build one.
But i can only test it on my geode lx, so someone have to donate hardware for me or test on the other affected cpus.
yes, glibc was patches. thx to allan!
I guess the nopl issue is fixed with the binutils update comming these days...
I'm running atm
Kernel from core, binutils 2.20.1-4 and glibc 2.12.1-2
on my geode lx 800
No problems or errors while booting. after booting the systems used 14mb ram on my alix board with default arch kernel.
Now i fire up some other apps for testing (lighttpd, mpd, cups, irssi...)
Private + Shared = RAM used Program
56.0 KiB + 11.5 KiB = 67.5 KiB lighttpd-angel
96.0 KiB + 24.0 KiB = 120.0 KiB init
116.0 KiB + 29.5 KiB = 145.5 KiB crond
140.0 KiB + 101.5 KiB = 241.5 KiB hald-addon-acpi
196.0 KiB + 142.0 KiB = 338.0 KiB hald-runner
288.0 KiB + 86.5 KiB = 374.5 KiB su
320.0 KiB + 81.5 KiB = 401.5 KiB vsftpd
448.0 KiB + 30.0 KiB = 478.0 KiB dbus-daemon
308.0 KiB + 172.5 KiB = 480.5 KiB hald-addon-input
364.0 KiB + 132.0 KiB = 496.0 KiB agetty (6)
260.0 KiB + 366.5 KiB = 626.5 KiB udevd (3)
548.0 KiB + 226.0 KiB = 774.0 KiB screen-4.0.3 (2)
736.0 KiB + 369.5 KiB = 1.1 MiB syslog-ng (2)
984.0 KiB + 136.5 KiB = 1.1 MiB lighttpd
1.5 MiB + 316.5 KiB = 1.8 MiB cupsd
1.1 MiB + 1.1 MiB = 2.2 MiB sshd (3)
2.3 MiB + 203.5 KiB = 2.5 MiB hald
1.8 MiB + 890.0 KiB = 2.6 MiB bash (4)
4.1 MiB + 209.0 KiB = 4.3 MiB irssi
10.7 MiB + 245.0 KiB = 11.0 MiB mpd
11.9 MiB + 4.4 MiB = 16.3 MiB php-cgi (8)
47.3 MiB
Private + Shared = RAM used Program
i guess for special geode hardware support, e.g. Geode LX AES engine, you have still build your own one, but don't need to patch it.
Last edited by markuman (2010-10-12 18:49:33)
hm as i see now, the system boots as i586 can't update/install packages from repo anymore...
because geode users still waits for major binutils update, i've build a new 2.6.36 kernel with newest nopl patch from mattoe.
you find the tarball in my wiki: … 61-3_geode
and a ready to use kernel package in my repo:
New glibc und binutils Version from 17.Dec. will floot your log files with nopl emulating message!! more than 1000 per second!
You have to downgrade to older versions of binutils and glibc or stop syslog-ng. filtering will be to heavy for the geode.
i'll build a new kernel where it don't write thos messages in the logs.
and the arch core kernel don't boot anymore on amd geode since glibc and binutils update!
more soon....
Do you have an updated version for Transmeta Crusoe? The link in the original post is no longer valid.
First, welcome to Arch Linux. Second, you may have missed that this thread is from last December (13 months ago), not last month.
Closing this thread as it is really not likely to still be relevant. . Our Policy
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