You are not logged in.
I've had this cron'd to alert me when the provides of any manually installed package goes out of date according to the official repos.
for package in $(pacman -Qqm); do
pkg=($(awk '/^Version/{print $3} /^Provides/{ for(i=3;i<=NF;i++) print $i };' <(pacman -Qi $package)))
for provide in ${pkg[@]:1}; do
[[ $provide == "None" ]] && continue
pacver=$(awk '/^Version/{ print $3; exit }' <(pacman -Si ${provide} 2>/dev/null))
[[ -z ${pacver} ]] && continue
[[ ${pacver%-*} == ${pkg[0]%-*} ]] && continue
if [[ $(vercmp ${pacver} ${pkg[0]}) -gt 0 ]]; then
echo -e "${provide} \033[1;31m${pkg[0]}\033[1;0m -> \033[1;32m${pacver}\033[1;0m"
text = ARGV[0] command = ARGV[1] color = "41" # TODO: can't get it to work with ARGV[2]
You'll have to surround your command with quotes (if it contains spaces), otherwise it will clobber ARGV[2].
after.gsub!(" ", "_") after.downcase! after.gsub!(/[^a-zA-z0-9._]/, "") after.squeeze!("_") after.squeeze!("")
\w represents word characters [0-9A-Za-z_], and \s is for space characters [ \t\n\r\f] so this could be shortened (simplifed?) to:
after = before.gsub(/\s{1,}/, '_').gsub(/[^\w.]/, '').downcase
@awkwood, thanks that looks much cleaner
GCS d- s-:+ a12 C++++ U++++ L+++ P--- E--- W+++ N+ o K- w--- O? M-- V? PS PE
Y- PGP? t? 5? X? R tv b+++ DI+ D- G++ e++ h! !r !y
Please ignore me... I'm pretty weird...
# my quick & dirty logfile check
find /var/log/* -type f -regex '[^0-9]+$' -print0 \
| xargs -0 egrep -nri '.*(missing|error|fail|\s(not|no .+) found|(no |not |in)valid|fatal|conflict|problem|critical|corrupt|warning|wrong|illegal|segfault|\sfault|caused|\sunable|\(EE\)|\(WW\))' \
| more
Last edited by rwd (2010-06-10 23:36:53)
rather than find -print0 | xargs -0, you could just use -exec grep -E 'whatever' {} \+
the manpage states that the \+ option to exec builds the arguments in much the same way xargs does before passing them to the exec command just once (the more ubiquitous \; execs the command once per found file). also, i hear find -exec is the absolute most robust way to handle odd filenames.
rather than find -print0 | xargs -0, you could just use -exec grep -E 'whatever' {} \+
Thanks...this works indeed. Is '-print0 | xargs -0' replacable by this in all cases?
find /var/log/* -type f -regex '[^0-9]+$' \
-exec grep -Eni '.*(missing|error|fail|\s(not|no .+) found|(no |not |in)valid|\sbug|fatal|conflict|exception|problem|critical|exceed|corrupt|warning|wrong|illegal|segfault|\sfault|caused|\sunable|could not|can'\''t|cannot|\(EE\)|\(WW\))' {} \+ \
| more
Last edited by rwd (2011-06-05 10:40:11)
I don't remember if I actually made this up myself any more, but I think I did:
alias pactesting='comm -12 <(\ls -1 /var/lib/pacman/sync/*testing | sort) <(\ls -1 /var/lib/pacman/local)'
A bash alias that shows you which packages you're using from [testing] and [community-testing].
I don't remember if I actually made this up myself any more, but I think I did:
alias pactesting='comm -12 <(\ls -1 /var/lib/pacman/sync/*testing | sort) <(\ls -1 /var/lib/pacman/local)'
A bash alias that shows you which packages you're using from [testing] and [community-testing].
Interesting. I'd prefer to do without the ls though, and use pacman:
comm -12 <(pacman -Sl {community-,}testing | cut -d' ' -f2- | sort) <(pacman -Q)
Here is some sort of basic xinit-exec-wm-switcher i made, after testing a lot of different similar things from aur:
# ---- X-Session-Select Script 1.9 By P.ReP ----
# Credits to Snosscire For friendly support :)
# And Gam for introducing dialog, adding the code
# for it, and good input for improvement :)
# -----------------------------------------------
# You are free to do whatever with this silly,
# simple script. Though i would be a happy Reptile
# If you give a small mention if this inspired you
# somehow :) /Poisionous RePTiLe
# -----------------------------------------------
# -> Set The Tempfile for storing Menu-Choice
# Run dialog, the nifty menu-thing
dialog --title "PReP X-Session Menu" \
--menu "Choose Dude" 0 40 0 \
"1" "Openbox" \
"2" "KDE" \
# Return code is in $?, so..
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo Cancelled
exit 0
# -> Make $ANSWER equal to the value in the Tempfile
if [ $ANSWER = 1 ]; then
sed 's/startkde/openbox-session/g; s/xbmc-session/openbox-session/g' /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc > enfil
DIDRUN="I set stuff to openbox"
if [ $ANSWER = 2 ]; then
sed 's/openbox-session/startkde/g; s/xbmc-session/startkde/g' /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc > enfil
DIDRUN="I set stuff to kde!"
if [ $ANSWER = 3 ]; then
sed 's/openbox-session/xbmc-session/g; s/startkde/xbmc-session/g' /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc > enfil
DIDRUN="I set stuff to XBMC!"
# -> Copy changes to actual xinitrc, clean up and start X
cp enfil /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
rm enfil
I would probably be modified for ones own setup.
For instance the xinitrc in /etc and the specific Vm's.
I made it for having as simple a thing i could think of,
but also as a starter to learn bash/sh
Last edited by PReP (2010-06-13 23:46:52)
. Main: Intel Core i5 6600k @ 4.4 Ghz, 16 GB DDR4 XMP, Gefore GTX 970 (Gainward Phantom) - Arch Linux 64-Bit
. Server: Intel Core i5 2500k @ 3.9 Ghz, 8 GB DDR2-XMP RAM @ 1600 Mhz, Geforce GTX 570 (Gainward Phantom) - Arch Linux 64-Bit
. Body: Estrogen @ 90%, Testestorone @ 10% (Not scientific just out-of-my-guesstimate-brain)
I just wrote this script yesterday to rip the audio off DVDs and split it so that there is one mp3 file per chapter:
get_chapters() {
mplayer -identify -frames 0 -vo null -ao null -dvd-device "$DVD" dvd://"$TITLE" 2>/dev/null \
| sed -n '/CHAPTERS: / {s///;s/,$//p}' \
| tr -d '\n' \
| awk 'BEGIN { RS=","; FS=":" } { print ($1*60)+$2 "." $3 }'
mplayer -vo null -channels 2 -srate 44100 -ao pcm:waveheader:fast:file="${FILENAME:=audiodump}".wav -dvd-device "${DVD:=/dev/dvd}" dvd://"$TITLE" -alang "${AUDIOLANG:=en}"
lame -V 6 "$FILENAME".wav "$FILENAME".mp3
rm "$FILENAME".wav
mp3splt -o @f@n "$FILENAME".mp3 `get_chapters`
rm "$FILENAME".mp3
There are no options, just pass it custom environment variables to override the defaults (which should be fairly sane). The version I use is actually slightly different than this, but I edited it a little to remove some quirky things I wanted it to do. So please tell me if I accidentally broke it.
Last edited by fflarex (2010-06-15 02:43:40)
My FIRST ever Python program, so don't be too harsh. I find it to be very useful for the lazy people out there like me, and maybe useful for newbies like myself.
Edit Archlinux configuration files for system maintenance, the newbie and lazy way. Easily customize directories and the editor of your choice.
I wrote a bash script to start it with a simple command, because I am that lazy.
# Archlinux Configuration editor
# by: Google, ArchLinux BBS
import os,sys
os.system('clear') # Initial Clearing
editor = 'nano'# your favorite editor goes here
## Directories for configuration files
xorg = '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'
rccon = '/etc/rc.conf'
xinitrc = '~/.xinitrc'
xlog = '/var/log/Xorg.0.log'
mkinitcpio = '/etc/mkinitcpio.conf'
modprobeconf = '/etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf'
resolvconf = '/etc/resolv.conf'
hosts = '/etc/hosts'
dhosts = '/etc/hosts.deny'
ahosts = '/etc/hosts.allow'
localegen = '/etc/locale.gen'
pacmancon = '/etc/pacman.conf'
pacmanmir = '/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist'
fstab = '/etc/fstab'
#### Function to show available options for system configuration #######
def ShowOptions():
z = '\n 0: EXIT '
a = '\n 1: edit xorg '
b = ' 2: edit rc.conf\n '
c = '\n 3: edit xinitrc '
d = ' 4: view xorg log\n '
e = '\n 5: edit mkinitcpio.conf '
f = ' 6: edit modprobe.conf\n '
g = '\n 7: edit resolv.conf '
h = ' 8: edit hosts\n '
i = '\n 9: edit hosts.deny '
j = ' 10: edit hosts.allow\n '
k = '\n 11: edit locale.gen '
l = ' 12: edit pacman.conf\n '
m = '\n 13: edit pacmans mirrorlist '
n = ' 14: view fstab\n '
print "***************************************************************\n"
print "************* System Configuration and Maintenance ***********\n"
print "***************************************************************\n"
# Comment out what you don't need or want
print a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m + n + z
#### Function to allow user to make a choice, and not allow bad input
def UserInput():
var = raw_input('\n Choose your destiny: ')
if var == '1':
os.system(editor + ' ' + xorg)
if var == '2':
os.system(editor + ' ' + rccon)
if var == '3':
os.system(editor + ' ' + xinitrc)
if var == '4':
os.system(editor + ' ' + xlog)
if var == '5':
os.system(editor + ' ' + mkinitcpio)
if var == '6':
os.system(editor + ' ' + modprobeconf)
if var == '7':
os.system(editor + ' ' + resolvconf)
if var == '8':
os.system(editor + ' ' + hosts)
if var == '9':
os.system(editor + ' ' + dhosts)
if var == '10':
os.system(editor + ' ' + ahosts)
if var == '11':
os.system(editor + ' ' + localegen)
if var == '12':
os.system(editor + ' ' + pacmancon)
if var == '13':
os.system(editor + ' ' + pacmanmir)
if var == '14':
os.system(editor + ' ' + fstab)
if var == '0':
#### MAIN PROGRAM ###################################
while 1 == 1:
## END
Last edited by Google (2010-06-15 13:35:01)
# typo
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $arg = shift // 'insansiate';
my $lwp = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => 'Mozilla');
my $c = $lwp->get("$arg") or die $!;
my @content = split(/:/, $c->content);
for(@content) {
if(m;<b><i>(.+)</i></b>;) {
print "$1\n";
./typo foobaz
foo bar
./typo discnecct
Eek, huge elif chain! That's not needed! Here, I rewrote it too make it more idiomatic python and cleaned it up to match the python style guide better.
# Archlinux Configuration editor
# by: Google, ArchLinux BBS
import os,sys
# Get editor from env variable, or fall back to vi if not set
editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR') or os.environ.get('VISUAL') or 'vi'
## Config files
configs = {
1: '/etc/X11/xorg.conf',
2: '/etc/rc.conf',
3: '~/.xinitrc',
4: '/var/log/Xorg.0.log',
5: '/etc/mkinitcpio.conf',
6: '/etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf',
7: '/etc/resolv.conf',
8: '/etc/hosts',
9: '/etc/hosts.deny',
10: '/etc/hosts.allow',
11: '/etc/locale.gen',
12: '/etc/pacman.conf',
13: '/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist',
14: '/etc/fstab',
def ShowOptions():
""" Function to show available optionns for system configuration """
# This function is really ugly...
z = '\n 0: EXIT '
a = '\n 1: edit xorg '
b = ' 2: edit rc.conf\n '
c = '\n 3: edit xinitrc '
d = ' 4: view xorg log\n '
e = '\n 5: edit mkinitcpio.conf '
f = ' 6: edit modprobe.conf\n '
g = '\n 7: edit resolv.conf '
h = ' 8: edit hosts\n '
i = '\n 9: edit hosts.deny '
j = ' 10: edit hosts.allow\n '
k = '\n 11: edit locale.gen '
l = ' 12: edit pacman.conf\n '
m = '\n 13: edit pacmans mirrorlist '
n = ' 14: view fstab\n '
print "***************************************************************\n"
print "************* System Configuration and Maintenance ***********\n"
print "***************************************************************\n"
# Comment out what you don't need or want
print a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m + n + z
def UserInput():
""" Function to allow user to make a choice, and not allow bad input """
var = raw_input('\n Choose your destiny: ')
if var == '0':
return False
os.system(editor + ' ' + configs[var])
def main():
os.system('clear') # Initial Clearing
while 1:
UserInput() or break
if __name__ == '__main__':
Last edited by Daenyth (2010-06-15 14:04:48)
[git] | [AURpkgs] | [arch-games]
Thanks, I haven't learned those yet but it makes sense. I knew there must be a better way to handle the ifs, but I didn't know what else to do.
The ShowOptions function is pretty ugly, I was going to do something like:
CheckSystem -> if config file exists, print the corresponding option -> loop through the configs and print out all of those that the system returns as 'exist'
If you get my drift... but I kind of gave up on that!
Probably the easiest way would be to dynamically make the menu based on the items in the configs dict. Change the keys from numbers to labels, then iterate through the keys and display options for each one. (See 'zip()', it may help here for associating number selections to keys). Have the menu record the label of the selected choice, then use it to get the file that should be edited. There's lots of ways you can improve it, you'll get there.
I also found "dive into python" a great tutorial. That and coding things in it and finding out how things work that way. Read other people's code too. Namcap might be a good place to start, it's well written and I think there are even some feature requests open on the bug tracker
Last edited by Daenyth (2010-06-15 14:20:00)
[git] | [AURpkgs] | [arch-games]
Thanks, I am going to try an learn a lot. I learn mostly by doing and being corrected and messing with stuff which is why I just jumped straight into coding something. I like the elbow deep, sink or swim approach haha. I will try reading tutorials to learn the basics more and get a good foundation. I like the idea of being able to code something and actually use it. I learned C++ a long time ago but never found it practical in Windows or where ever. I really like what I have learned in Python and Bash so far, feels really productive and useful.
I'm the same way, really. Currently working on python-networkmanager for fun and for work, so I'm having a good time
For bash, not to toot my own horn, but you may want to look at pkgtools. Oh and makepkg as well.
[git] | [AURpkgs] | [arch-games]
Last edited by commander_keen (2010-06-15 14:59:03)
A Gtk replacement for xmessage written in Vala, that I call gtkmsg:
using Gtk;
int main( string[] args ) {
Gtk.init( ref args );
string title, msg;
if( args.length <= 2 ) {
string cmd = args[0];
title = "gtkmsg";
msg = @"USAGE: $cmd [TITLE] [MESSAGE]";
else {
title = args[1];
msg = args[2];
var msgbox = new MessageDialog( null, 0, MessageType.INFO, ButtonsType.OK, "%s", msg );
msgbox.title = title;
msgbox.destroy.connect( Gtk.main_quit );
msgbox.response.connect( Gtk.main_quit );;
return 0;
@LinuxFreak: Is there something wrong with gxmessage?
Here is what I use when batch renaming picture files
import os, sys
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-f", "--filetype", metavar="filetype",default=".jpg", help="Choose file type to rename", type="string", dest="ren_filetype")
parser.add_option("-p", "--prefix", metavar="prefix", default="Pictures", help="Choose a filename prefix", type="string", dest="ren_prefix")
parser.add_option("-s", "--startcount", metavar="startcount", default=1, help="Choose what number to start counting from", type="int", dest="ren_startcount")
parser.add_option("-d", "--directory", metavar="directory", default=".", help="Define a different directory besides the working directory", type="string", dest="ren_directory")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
ren_filetype = options.ren_filetype
ren_prefix = options.ren_prefix
ren_startcount = options.ren_startcount
ren_directory = options.ren_directory
for a in os.listdir('.'):
if a.endswith(ren_filetype) == True:
ren_filecount='%(#)0' + str(len(str(ren_filecount + ren_startcount))) + 'd'
for b in ren_list:
os.rename(b, ren_prefix + '-' + (ren_filecount % {"#" : ren_startcount}) + ren_filetype)
and this is what I use in place of cd ../../../.. etc
for i in $(seq $1)
cd $x
I named the above script to cdup and then made an alias: alias up='source cdup' so i wouldn't have to constantly prefix a . or source to the command.
This last script I use to mess with my wife when she's on the tower pc. Let me show the script first:
run_task() {
mytype=$(cut -d ' ' -f1 /home/lucian/scripts/xcutr_script/commander)
mytask=$(cut -d ' ' -f2- /home/lucian/scripts/xcutr_script/commander)
if [ "$mytype" == "msg" ]
notify-send "Message from Lucian" "$mytask"
echo "Sent message: $mytask at $(date +%D) $(date +%r)" >> /home/lucian/scripts/xcutr_script/comm_log
> /home/lucian/scripts/xcutr_script/commander
elif [ "$mytype" == "exec" ]
exec $mytask &
echo "Ran command: $mytask at $(date +%D) $(date +%r)" >> /home/lucian/scripts/xcutr_script/comm_log
> /home/lucian/scripts/xcutr_script/commander
while :
if [ ! $(ls -l /home/lucian/scripts/xcutr_script/commander |cut -d ' ' -f5) -eq 0 ]
This script is ran on start-up on my tower pc, and is constantly running. It monitors a file named "commander" in the base directory of the script for any commands. So, I just ssh in to the tower and run something like: echo "msg how are you" > commander OR echo "exec firefox" > commander
The above will either send a notify-send on the tower pc or execute firefox (or open tab if already opened) to
The commander file has to exist (empty) prior to running and all commands will be logged to comm_log in the base directory as well with date and time.
<snip />
and this is what I use in place of cd ../../../.. etc#!/bin/bash x='' for i in $(seq $1) do x="$x../" done cd $x
I named the above script to cdup and then made an alias: alias up='source cdup' so i wouldn't have to constantly prefix a . or source to the command.
<snip />
You should look into functions.
up () {
local x=
for i in $(seq $1)
cd $x
Remove the script and alias, and put that in your shell rc. You'll get the same behaviour.
(For "robust"ness, you might want to add a `test $# -eq 1` and `test "$1" -eq "$1" 2> /dev/null`, but it's probably overkill/useless here. )
``Common sense is nothing more than a deposit of prejudices laid down by the mind before you reach eighteen.''
~ Albert Einstein
evil wrote:<snip />
and this is what I use in place of cd ../../../.. etc#!/bin/bash x='' for i in $(seq $1) do x="$x../" done cd $x
I named the above script to cdup and then made an alias: alias up='source cdup' so i wouldn't have to constantly prefix a . or source to the command.
<snip />You should look into functions.
up () { local x= for i in $(seq $1) do x=$x../ done cd $x }
Remove the script and alias, and put that in your shell rc. You'll get the same behaviour.
(For "robust"ness, you might want to add a `test $# -eq 1` and `test "$1" -eq "$1" 2> /dev/null`, but it's probably overkill/useless here.)
woot. thanks for that. i'll try that in a few.