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I have archlinux up to day, using the current and extra repositories.
I downloaded amsn 0.94 from the amsn web, and install tcl/tk as dependencies.
But amsn doesn't works, the wish process hags and my procesor is over 100% load.
It happens with kernel 2.6.9 and too with 2.6.10-rc*
Any idea?
nobody knows??
it's curious, but as root amsn works perfectly. May be is a permission problem?? but, permissions of what?
I need your help :?
can you post the error reported in the console?
launch amsn from the console as user, and copy&paste the error so we can have a look at it.
where did you extract the files??? this is important, as you wont be able to execute without modifying the perms of the dir if you extracted it outside your home or _anywhere_ as Root (as the owner will be Root and therefor you wont have the rights to run it, even if its in your home).
check that and we might find the problem.
Leonardo Andrés Gallego || Comunidad Hispana de Arch Linux
This is te terminal output:
luisfe@arch ~ $ amsn
luisfe@arch ~ $
simply there are no errors :?
If i remove my ~/.amsn the program works, but when i try to enter a profile for loggin it crash
And the try icon doesn't works too.
This is the PKGBUILD i get in the amsn's web:
#Contributor: Ravi Desai <>
pkgdesc="MSN client written in Tcl/Tk"
depends=(tk libjpeg libtiff libpng perl python imlib)
build() {
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/opt/amsn
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/bin
cd $startdir/src/amsn-0_94/plugins/traydock
make || return 1
mv $startdir/src/amsn-0_94/* $startdir/pkg/opt/amsn
chmod 755 $startdir/pkg/opt/amsn/amsn
I have used the ins_shortcut too.
so you installed it after making the package with pacman -U package??
when you run amsn as user and get no output, does the program start?? have you tried running it with full path instead of using the /usr/bin/amsn symlink?
Leonardo Andrés Gallego || Comunidad Hispana de Arch Linux
yes, i have installed it whith pacman -U pkg
But i'm so sure the problem is not in amsn, because i extracted the program in my home and i have the same problem (amsn is an executable, not a source to be compiled).
I tried /opt/amsn/./amsn and fails, the same that:
ln -s /opt/amsn/amsn /usr/bin/ (and run amsn)
What can i do to see if problem is in tcl/tk?
if i remove my .amsn home directory it run, but it hangs when i try to enter a new profile.
Gracias sud_crow
PD: eres argentino, no? lo digo por decirte gracias, o thank you, jejeje.
I'm the one who's done the package for amsn. I've dl'ed the source and am running directly from that now since maybe that way some error messages might be shown(since makepkg is supposed to remove debugging stuff,though I don't know if its the same with tcl/tk). I've sent this error to the mailing list before, but since there is no error output they can't seem to do anything about it. So basically, I'm running the source directly for any error messages that might be shown with the vanilla source.
aMSN freezes while adding a profile because it is unable to resolve
To fix this, add localhost to /etc/hosts file.
Then you could make a profile, but remember to remove .amsn/ before doing it or it will freeze again
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