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I've been trying to compile ncmpcpp from source. I've downloaded and installed the libmpdclient-2.1 libraries, but the configure script for ncmpcpp does not detect its existence, if indeed it does exist. I'm fairly sure the libraries exist and are in the right place; I added /usr/local/library to /etc/ then ran ldconfig as root. Installing libmpdclient, either -dev or -git or from source, completes successfully. I'm at my wits' end and cannot figure this out. Anyone have any tips, or can put the required libraries and executables in the repos? Any help at all would be really appreciated.
First of all: why do you need to compile it from source? It's already in the repo's. … 4/ncmpcpp/
If you really like compiling it for youself, just have a look at the PKGBUILD from the package's page. It will perhaps lead you in the right direction.
I'm running Arch on an iBook G4. I can't get to the community repo. Here's my mirrorlist:
2 ## $repo: Arch Linux PPC @REPO@ repository
3 ##
4 #
5 # Europe
6 #Server =$repo/os/ppc/
7 #Server =$repo/os/ppc/
8 #Server =$repo/os/ppc
10 Server =$repo/os/ppc
11 Server =$repo/os/ppc
13 Server =$repo/os/ppc
My /etc/pacman.conf file includes the mirrorlist for the community repo. It won't resolve. I can get core and extra, though.
Last edited by hlmtre (2010-06-18 07:56:13)
My bad, assumed 64. But since you're on PPC it seems only [core] and [extra] is served.
My problem is mainly that I can't seem to get libmpdclient in the right place. I downloaded and successfully compiled several versions, and as far as I can tell (I don't know much about libraries and where they go and how to get the linker to know they're there and ... so on) the parts they're supposed to install are in the right place. make install put a bunch of .so, .a and .la files in /usr/local/lib. There's an mpd directory in /usr/include, which has what looks like the proper headers required for compilation. As far as I can tell (and .. that isn't far... about to the end of the desk) I have the dependencies listed in PKGBUILD. I messed with the configure script so it wouldn't throw an error on the libmpdclient checks and generate the makefiles. Compilation went fine until it ran into the mpd library; ncurses went fine. No amount of ldconfig'ing and copying of .sos and headers to locations I figured might be looked in by the linker worked. ncmpc (the program ncmpcpp is based on) is included in the AUR; that compiled and installed fine. I'm a little burned out trying to figure this out. Overslept this morning because of it :\
Thanks for your help, toffryn.
This is the pkgbuild for libmpdclient:
# $Id: PKGBUILD 50625 2009-08-30 03:02:23Z allan $
# Maintainer: Andrea Scarpino <>
pkgdesc="An asynchronous API library for interfacing MPD in the C, C++ & Objective C languages"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
build() {
cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
./configure --prefix=/usr || return 1
make || return 1
package() {
cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install || return 1
And it's installed files:
* usr/
* usr/include/
* usr/include/mpd/
* usr/include/mpd/async.h
* usr/include/mpd/audio_format.h
* usr/include/mpd/capabilities.h
* usr/include/mpd/client.h
* usr/include/mpd/compiler.h
* usr/include/mpd/connection.h
* usr/include/mpd/database.h
* usr/include/mpd/directory.h
* usr/include/mpd/entity.h
* usr/include/mpd/error.h
* usr/include/mpd/idle.h
* usr/include/mpd/list.h
* usr/include/mpd/mixer.h
* usr/include/mpd/output.h
* usr/include/mpd/pair.h
* usr/include/mpd/parser.h
* usr/include/mpd/password.h
* usr/include/mpd/player.h
* usr/include/mpd/playlist.h
* usr/include/mpd/protocol.h
* usr/include/mpd/queue.h
* usr/include/mpd/recv.h
* usr/include/mpd/response.h
* usr/include/mpd/search.h
* usr/include/mpd/send.h
* usr/include/mpd/song.h
* usr/include/mpd/stats.h
* usr/include/mpd/status.h
* usr/include/mpd/sticker.h
* usr/include/mpd/tag.h
* usr/include/mpd/version.h
* usr/lib/
* usr/lib/libmpdclient.a
* usr/lib/
* usr/lib/
* usr/lib/
* usr/lib/pkgconfig/
* usr/lib/pkgconfig/libmpdclient.pc
* usr/share/
* usr/share/doc/
* usr/share/doc/libmpdclient/
* usr/share/doc/libmpdclient/COPYING
* usr/share/doc/libmpdclient/NEWS
* usr/share/doc/libmpdclient/README
How does this compare to your results?
Mine's exactly the same. The header files are commented copyrighted at the top through 2009, so I think it's up-to-date. My PKGBUILD is identical as well.
Then we can assume that something else is wrong
libmpdclient is correctly, so either there is a problem with the build environment or ncmpcpp... Hmmm...
My current theory is that the library, though it is installed, is not being located by the linker at compile time. I don't want to have to go into the makefiles and add some linker option to every g++ line...
I just built it from source under Ubuntu. When I downloaded libmpdclient with aptitude it did a distinct step where it updated the links... I did do that on the arch machine but I'm thinking the libraries aren't symlinked right. I'm looking into it.
Last edited by hlmtre (2010-06-20 22:20:02)
Hey, that's funny, I just installed arch on an ibook G4 yesterday.
I succeeded in compiling an installing ncmpcpp-git along with libmpdclient-git, and I rebuilt mpd from the abs. I did it the 'hackish way' so my PKGBUILDS are not of any use (yet) but if you're interested I could upload the packages somewhere. Just tell me.
skualito: that'd be spectacular. You have your own space somewhere for that? If you need fileserver space accessible from the internet let me know; I've got a public-facing sftp server of my own.
I don't have personal space, how can I send you the packages?
Hi, thanks for the storage. I'm having troubles with scp, it locks my computer everytime and I can't see if the file has been uploaded. Sorry for the delay
Heh, coulda used sftp as well. Thanks very much!
Take care,
Ok, done uploading ncmpcpp-git and libmpdclient-git
I don't have personal space, how can I send you the packages?
Hmm, I had forgotten about the shell account offered by Kaitocracy (thread in community contributions). I'll upload the packages there as well.
... that is the most silliestest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. skualito, I just installed your package with pacman -U ncmpcpp-blahblah and it installed fine. No dependency issues at all. Compiling from source still throws an error. Neither the configure script nor make find the libraries. Really strange. Anyway, I appreciate your help.