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Hi, all!
I'm fairly new to Arch and my main PC is running quite happily with an Arch installation. I have a spare box and would ideally like to replicate my existing system configuration, settings and packages.
Does anyone how I would go about doing this? It would save me a lot of 'post installation' time, if I didn't have to fine tune a vanilla install, to get it just the way I like it.
Any advice really appreciated.
Many thanks,
You can move the install without problems. There are many topics about it already (or so I believe), quick one:
You can just copy everything from one drive to the other. The only things to be careful about are:
*permissions, use the right flags for cp, or use dd
*edit fstab, grub config (don't forget to install grub to the MBR if it's not there yet), maybe other files that I'm forgetting about now
*install and uninstall drivers in case of hardware differences
I've done this multiple times in the past without issues, but make sure you've got a live cd to fix stuff in case you forget to edit a file or so and can't boot.
^ Exactly. The -a flag will keep all of the file attributes in place (user, group, write/read time, permissions), -R will copy recursively, and for peace of mind, -v will make it verbose. You can also write the copy procedure to a file if you'd like: append > log to the command (will be saved in the working directory). This will give you:
cp -Rva /currentsystem /newsystem > log
Pages: 1