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#1 2010-06-26 14:44:30

Penguin Guy
Registered: 2009-05-12
Posts: 22

[SOLVED] Error Coloring the Console

I tried to make the console mroe colorful (and succeeded), but now when I login I get an error. I've been searching for a fix for weeks and have tried messing around adding parts and commenting parts of different files, but to no avail. Has anyone got any ideas?

Console output when logging in:

bash: LS_COLORS='rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.axv=01;35:*.anx=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.axa=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:';
export LS_COLORS: command not found

Relevant segment of /etc/bash.bashrc :

# Color ls and other common commands:
if [ -x /bin/dircolors ]; then
test -r /etc/DIR_COLORS && eval "$(dircolors -b /etc/DIR_COLORS)" || eval 
"$(dircolors -b)"
    alias ls='ls --color=auto'
    alias dir='dir --color=auto'
    alias vdir='vdir --color=auto'
    alias grep='grep --color=auto'
    alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
    alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'

[SOLVED] Looks like a random newline crept into /etc/bash.bashrc somehow. Here's the correct version:

# Color ls and other common commands:
if [ -x /bin/dircolors ]; then
test -r /etc/DIR_COLORS && eval "$(dircolors -b /etc/DIR_COLORS)" || eval "$(dircolors -b)"
    alias ls='ls --color=auto'
    alias dir='dir --color=auto'
    alias vdir='vdir --color=auto'
    alias grep='grep --color=auto'
    alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
    alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'

Last edited by Penguin Guy (2010-06-26 21:00:22)


#2 2010-06-26 19:28:42

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2009-06-15
Posts: 4,173

Re: [SOLVED] Error Coloring the Console

Hmm, what's in your startup scripts? It looks like bash is executing "LS_COLORS=<snip>; export LS_COLORS" as a single command. You're not trying to execute a variable like "$var" when you should be doing $var are you?

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#3 2010-06-26 20:04:21

Penguin Guy
Registered: 2009-05-12
Posts: 22

Re: [SOLVED] Error Coloring the Console

fsckd wrote:

Hmm, what's in your startup scripts?

I've added the relevant data into the first post.

fsckd wrote:

It looks like bash is executing "LS_COLORS=<snip>; export LS_COLORS" as a single command. You're not trying to execute a variable like "$var" when you should be doing $var are you?

Err, you lost me there.


#4 2010-06-26 21:04:00

Penguin Guy
Registered: 2009-05-12
Posts: 22

Re: [SOLVED] Error Coloring the Console

Looks like the fault was actually caused by a mysteriously inconspicuous-looking newline, or in other words - I messed up the code. Sorry, and thanks for the help.


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