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I created this client during summer:
(everyone likes screenshots better: … creenshots)
This is my first real word application, and I'm not sure about many things, like licenses, packaging etc.
I uploaded a pkgbuild to AUR in case you want to try it.
So a little bit of history:
I was an mpd user for a year or so. It's great and all, but it has it's limitations. So I started to look around and found xmms2, which was pretty much what I was looking for (for comparisons mpd vs xmms2 see, the main advantage of xmms2 are Collections: The only problem was, that I couldn't find a suitable client, so I started my own.
Where did the name come from: According to wikipedia etude means: is an instrumental musical composition, most commonly of considerable difficulty, usually designed to provide practice material for perfecting a particular technical skill - in my case programming. Also I listen to classical music and one of my favourites is Chopin, who wrote number of beautiful etudes.
The whole application is based on plugins (using setuptools). There are three types of them: Layout (the basic controller), Panels (parts of gui - like playlist, medialib browser), Extras (plugins that doesn't need a frame - notification, albumart cover downloader, media button support). So why plugins for almost everything: back in my windows days I used to use miranda and I really liked the concept.
(Note: there are bugs, probably many bugs and a few of them caused by xmms2, most of them because of "Collections" limitations. There is a big update coming in the future - Collections 2.0, until then many of them won't be solved....)
Last edited by lman (2009-10-09 23:56:13)
It's really a very good client for xmms2.
the notifycation logo is tooooo big...
i don't know how to change playlists...
the notifycation logo is tooooo big...
hm... Are you using gnome? Maybe it's not scaled down automatically, like in xfce... I'll fix that
i don't know how to change playlists...
Change you mean switch playlist? Collections tab -> ComboBox on the top, choose Playlists, Select your playlist and the right bottom button in the Collections tab.
If you wan't to add songs from media library you can use drag and drop, the same goes for reordering. To add files under the playlist is an open button
the notifycation logo is tooooo big...
OMG I just tried it under gnome... sry I use xfce...
Edit: Fixed in mercurial
Last edited by lman (2009-09-28 08:31:35)
infact i am using xfce4, too... also have big logo. but it already fixed, thanks!
about playlists. i didn't know it's there... thanks for notification..
Another questions: how to use lyrics function? how can i help to translate this application?
and i guess it will be better to make the notification popup have the style like networkmanager. i mean popup from the trayicon.
I used the notification daemon provided by xfce (xfce4-notifyd). It lookes much nicer. I'll try to improve it. I didn't try it with another notification daemon before
It should work on it's own. At least for now. I'm using, to fetch lyrics if the artist and title are set in song metadata. It definitely needs improving. As is the albumart downloader.
I'll change that combobox into a tree, So Playlists would be easier to find.
at first I'll have to figure out how is gettext working in eggs, so every plugin/pack would have it's own translations. Give me a week and I'll put something together. Also if you by any chance know how to do it, it would be great.
EDIT: I posted these to the Issues on google code page. I helps me to keep track of what I have to do.
Last edited by lman (2009-09-29 08:19:54)
That's really good news. thanks!
jarryson, It seems you have used launchpad for translations before. I'm going to work on the translations this weekend. If you can help me with launchpad it would be great...
BTW lot's of things changed, added a few extra features. Lyrics are now saved to the daemon and are editable, lots of systray improvements( scrolling for volume, middle click play_pause if supported by pygtk version) and others.
sorry, i do tried launchpad for translation but only for two weeks, and a english website like that is still a little difficult for me.
maybe it is easier than you thought? ; )
Please use the edit function instead of bumping yourself continuously.
I think I'm going to do translations management through the issue tracker+wiki for now... The translation templates are in the queue for nearly day and a half on launchpad. Maybe I missed sthing, I'm supposed to do, but I'm not going to spend more time on that sluggish website.
Last edited by lman (2009-10-12 19:18:22)
i can't install python-distribute, can someone can help me? i'm using archlinux 64bit.
Could you change the AUR package name to etude or etude-hg to make it shorter?
I really like this a lot, could you add a minimize to tray option, sorry if this already an option and I didn't see it?
Also, for the PKGBUILD, could you add xmms2 as a dependancy and not an optional dependancy?
Last edited by Anonymo (2010-06-27 16:38:37)
Sry, I've been on vacation.
Try this package: … pkg.tar.xz
download it somewhere and then
# pacman -U python-distribute-0.6.13-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
Also I think setuptools is fine now too, you don't necessarily need distribute. I haven't tried it in a while though.
minimize to tray, sure, I can do that.
As for xmms2 dependency. If someone only wants to control xmms2 on a remote machine they don't need xmms2 on they local installation. But I guess that's a minority and they already know how to remove xmms2 from the dependencies.