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#1 2010-06-30 12:02:15

From: gordonsville,va
Registered: 2009-03-14
Posts: 144

how to make a ARCH package from local folder?

hello ARCH lovers
I can't seem to figure out how to make a installable
package from a folder on my desktop?

Coming from Slackware; the procedure would be simple enough just issuing
"makepkg /root/pkgname.txz"

Now; how would I do the same in ARCH?
I know about PKGBUILD, etc but there is no source or any url's

I just need to make it into a .pkg.tar.xz

The package is my "kernel-live-kit" for both x86 and x86_64 versions of arch
enabling one to remaster there existing install into a livecd/usb, etc

The kernel itself is kernel26-zen from AUR

however; mine is quite different and also includes all components to make the livecd using modified linux-live-6.3.0
scripts and special stuff
The pkg includes a premade kernel with modules and full kernel source

The resulting live media is similar to my nFluxOS builds

As I will be releasing the new four horsemen of nFluxOS today; I also made 4 Kernel pkg's for the arch and slack versions
Those will be for x86/x86_64 versions for both arch and slackware

I did this in lieu of creating a quartet of x86_64 versions of nFluxOS; as that would up the number of versions to 8
and I would then have to maintain 8 distro's instead of 4.

I made a testing version of ARCH x86_64 live … ost4017796

so, I really need to make the ARCH x86 and x86_64 kernel kits into installable pkg's because there are many symlinks that would get corrupted if I just tarred it and then the end user untars it and copies it somewhere it would mess up the symlinks.

as I said, in slackware I do makepkg and it creates a script named "" that makes all the symlinks, etc

so, any help appreciated!


#2 2010-06-30 13:10:27

From: Australia
Registered: 2009-06-18
Posts: 663

Re: how to make a ARCH package from local folder?


#3 2010-06-30 14:32:32

From: Connecticut, USA
Registered: 2009-11-09
Posts: 4,092

Re: how to make a ARCH package from local folder?

You can read a simple introduction to using the ABS here.

By the way, it's not hard. Out of all the distributions I've used, Arch Linux is the only one I've figured out how to make packages for. tongue


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