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First of all: I'm not sure this is the right place for such a thread.
I like Mirage. I'm not sure how popular it is, but it's just what I need.
The thing is that the project seems dead. No updates since March 2008 and no activity on the project page. So I guess the guy who worked on it moved on to more important stuff etc. and maybe he considered the project complete and not worth further work etc.
Lets get to the point then. First, I ask: does someone know about any new Mirage related developments (maybe forked or whatnot)? And (if not) - second: is there someone willing to take over / fork the project and maintain/improve it, while keeping its spirit?
As I mentioned Mirage has most of what's needed, but there's always room for improvement and bugs to be fixed. For example RAW support and a Windows port (oops, sorry ) And btw the latter should be easy (maybe using py2exe).
If you wonder why I post this on the Arch forums: coz i'm an Arch user (and loving it) and I gamble that the community is nice and may help
I for one use and love Mirage, would be awesome to see support for it carried on, Good luck finding someone! :>
The developer is Scott Horowitz, and he also is working on the Sonata project. Why don't you just email him and ask him what is happening?
Scott Horowitz <stonecrest at>
(replace the 'at' with @)
The developer is Scott Horowitz, and he also is working on the Sonata project. Why don't you just email him and ask him what is happening?
Scott Horowitz <stonecrest at>
(replace the 'at' with @)
Yeah, I thought about that. I'm just not sure if he would respond or if he's still using that mailbox, because of the abrupt end of his involvement. I may try tomorrow (its late here now)
He used to be a regular around here.
It's been ages since we've seen him...
Last post: 2009-01-21 03:21:49
Hm. It *has* been ages. I thought it said 2010, but it does not.
* B hangs his head in shame
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
The developer is Scott Horowitz, and he also is working on the Sonata project.
Wow, that's cool. No wonder both projects are similar-spirited: PyGTK, lightweigh, no big dependencies, rich functionality. I would certainly love Mirage to be revived and I'd love more fast and functional PyGTK projects to emerge, like the relatively recent Gummi.
Two days since I e-mailed Scott. No reply - as expected.
Good news everyone. After two years, our favorite image viewer program, Mirage, have just release a new version!
You can read the changelog here.
And to top it off, the new version is already in Extra repository! Kudos to Ionuț, Mirage's maintainer for doing a great job maintaining the package.
Sorry if I'm being a little too enthusiastic, but I'm just glad Mirage is still alive and kicking.
Last edited by zodmaner (2010-07-02 16:23:53)
Good news everyone. After two years, our favorite image viewer program, Mirage, have just release a new version!
Of particular interest is that Mirage appears to have a new maintainer.
I'm glad that mirage is maintained again, but there is a major bug. If I crop an image and want to save it, it says "Unable to Save". Anyone with the same problem?
Last edited by Banton (2010-07-04 07:41:24)
I'm glad that mirage is maintained again, but there is a major bug. If I crop an image and want to save it, it says "Unable to Save". Anyone with the same problem?
Yep. Same issue here.
Banton wrote:I'm glad that mirage is maintained again, but there is a major bug. If I crop an image and want to save it, it says "Unable to Save". Anyone with the same problem?
Yep. Same issue here.
Filed a bugreport on mirage bugtracker.
I'm glad that mirage is maintained again, but there is a major bug. If I crop an image and want to save it, it says "Unable to Save". Anyone with the same problem?
I get that error too.
Also, it refuses to save after rotating as well.
Seems to be fixed in svn.
Good news! The problem is fixed with the new version of Mirage (version 0.9.4-2) in Extra repository.
Good news! The problem is fixed with the new version of Mirage (version 0.9.4-2) in Extra repository.
/me is watching
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
So that's why the update was so fast.
Thank you wonder for a very speedy fix.
Thank you wonder
Nice work!
Excellent, I really like this prog.....
On the journey since 2006
Pages: 1