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I guess my dzen2 script is just too basic, but when I issue the command
% killall dzen2
It kills the script calling dzen2 as well...
I guess my dzen2 script is just too basic, but when I issue the command
% killall dzen2
It kills the script calling dzen2 as well...
Is dzen2 being called multiple times in your script? If it's only being called once, it's the only thing keeping your script open so when dzen2 completes the script goes with it.
while true ; do
echo "`cat /home/daniel/highlights/list.txt`"
sleep 1
done | dzen2 -e '' -y '1008' -h '16' -w '1100' -x '1280' -l 5 -ta l -fg $FG -bg $BG -fn $FN
could anyone help me with this script? It should update once a second and get the new contents of that file, but instead it just runs once and never updates.
keevie: It does update. Read this: … n:option-l
The following creates a quite interesting effect:
while :; do
echo "`cat ./list.txt`"
sleep 1
done | dzen2 -u -y '1008' -h '16' -w '1100' -ta l -l 5 -fg $FG -bg $BG -fn $FN
Just wondering if anyone was able to use dzen to open firefox with a specific link.
I tried the following code without any success. I switched " to ' but no success so far. That is a bit upsetting because it works perfectly to launch simple url without special character in it.
dzen2 -e 'button1=exec: firefox "|FR|FR011|ROUEN&metric=1" ;'
Has anyone been able to display "proper" Japanese in dzen?It won't work if I feed the following line into it:
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九
Statusbar only displays rectangles,
Edit; Nevermind, I solved it – I just gave it the wrong font format.
Instead of
xft:Meguri P:size=9
it should have been
Meguri P-9
Last edited by Runiq (2010-06-09 15:02:51)
Has anyone been able to display "proper" Japanese in dzen?It won't work if I feed the following line into it:
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九
Statusbar only displays rectangles,
Edit; Nevermind, I solved it – I just gave it the wrong font format.
Instead of
xft:Meguri P:size=9
it should have been
Meguri P-9
Man, that's so Chinese, not Japanese!
Man, that's so Chinese, not Japanese!
Yah, whatever.
Actually that is 1-9 in Japanese Kanji too.
ichi, ni, san, shi (yon), go, roku, shichi, hachi, kyu
I knew taking Japanese in high school would come in useful for something!
I think he meant that it's the "Chinese" way of numbering things in Japanese. So you're both right.
And I am too. Yay!
Hey guys,
after quite some time of inactivity dzen has finally reached version 0.9.5-svn.
The most noticable new feature is support for nested ^ca() commands (thanks to Devin J. Pohly).
(Besides all the goodies that the svn version already had over 0.8.5, of course)
Feel free to give it a try and report any bugs you may find.
If things go well I'll release a new stable version within the next two weeks.
Thanks for your attention, Rob.
Last edited by gotmor (2010-06-13 17:39:19)
Hey guys,
after quite some time of inactivity dzen has finally reached version 0.9.5-svn.
The most noticable new feature is support for nested ^ca() commands (thanks to Devin J. Polhy).
(Besides all the goodies that the svn version already had over 0.8.5, of course)Feel free to give it a try and report any bugs you may find.
If things go well I'll release a new stable version within the next two weeks.
Thanks for your attention, Rob.
I'll give it a try later! Nice too see it's development continue. I will get back to you if there are any problems.
My Configs @ Github
It's back! It's back! *runs around in circles*
Rob, if you, by any chance, add transparency support, I can finally die a happy man after using it for many, many years.
Last edited by Runiq (2010-06-13 21:01:09)
It's back! It's back! *runs around in circles*
Rob, if you, by any chance, add transparency support, I can finally die a happy man.
That's counterproductive. You should wait until a reasonable time period has passed after the release of something cool before you kick the bucket. That way, the great piece of software in question will actually have users.
/end bump
Runiq wrote:It's back! It's back! *runs around in circles*
Rob, if you, by any chance, add transparency support, I can finally die a happy man.
That's counterproductive. You should wait until a reasonable time period has passed after the release of something cool before you kick the bucket. That way, the great piece of software in question will actually have users.
/end bump
Thank you for your consideration. Post edited accordingly.
Quick question that I can't seem to find an answer for via google:
Is it possible to use dzen2 in XMonad and have dzen appear on only a single workspace? When I launch dzen, it appears across all workspaces regardless of what I specify in myManageHook in my xmonad.hs.
Is this propagation a function of dzen itself? Or is this something I can change within XMonad?
Thanks for the tip, but the problem is I've only got one monitor, and therefore I don't have different Xinerama screens. (I tried passing -xs 9 to dzen, and it still appears on all workspaces.) What I'm trying to do is get dzen to appear on a single XMonad workspace.
Thanks for the tip, but the problem is I've only got one monitor, and therefore I don't have different Xinerama screens. (I tried passing -xs 9 to dzen, and it still appears on all workspaces.) What I'm trying to do is get dzen to appear on a single XMonad workspace.
Whoops, sorry – I misread workspace for monitor.
You probably can do that, but I have no idea how to achieve that. Probably something involving an eventHook.
I'm having trouble getting colors to work with dzen.
If I write ^fg(red) text here ^fg() it turns red (#FF0000), but if I try using hex values the text just disappears. For example ^fg(#FF0000) text here ^fg() doesn't show anything.
What am I doing wrong?
dibon: This is not a dzen2 problem, but is caused by how newer versions of conky handles #'s. Try escaping the hex colors with backslashes like this
That worked!
XMonad/dzen/dmenu configuration that all share the same fonts and colors. Includes a dzen clock that updates on the minute.
% cat .xmonad/xmonad.hs
import XMonad
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
import XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns
import XMonad.Layout.Named
import XMonad.Util.CustomKeys
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
main = xmonad =<< statusBar dzen2 pp toggleStrutsKey conf
dzen2 = "dzen2 -e 'onstart=lower' -w 1980 -ta l " ++ dzenOpts
toggleStrutsKey XConfig {modMask = modm} = (modm, xK_b)
conf = defaultConfig { layoutHook = threeCol ||| Full
, keys = customKeys delKeys insKeys
, startupHook = spawn ("~/.clock " ++ dzenOpts)
threeCol = named "[]||" (ThreeCol 1 (3/100) (1/3))
nb = "black"
nf = "white"
sb = "white"
sf = "black"
fn = "DejaVu Sans Mono-10"
dzenOpts = "-fn '" ++ fn ++ "' -bg '" ++ nb ++ "' -fg '" ++ nf ++ "'"
dmenuOpts = "-nb '" ++ nb ++ "' -nf '" ++ nf ++ "' -sb '" ++ sb ++ "' -sf '" ++ sf ++ "' -fa '" ++ fn ++ "'"
pp = dzenPP { ppCurrent = dzenColor sf sb . pad
, ppHidden = dzenColor nf nb . pad
, ppLayout = dzenColor nf nb . pad
, ppTitle = dzenEscape
delKeys XConfig {modMask = modm} =
[ (modm, k) | k <- [xK_j, xK_k, xK_m, xK_Return, xK_comma, xK_period, xK_w, xK_e, xK_r] ] ++
[ (modm .|. shiftMask, k) | k <- [xK_p, xK_j, xK_k, xK_w, xK_e, xK_r] ]
insKeys XConfig {modMask = modm} =
[ ((modm, xK_p), spawn ("exe=`dmenu_path | dmenu " ++ dmenuOpts ++ "` && eval \"exec $exe\""))
, ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_comma), windows W.swapDown)
, ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_period), windows W.swapUp)
% cat .clock
[ -f $pidf ] && kill $(< $pidf)
echo $$ > $pidf
trap "rm -f $pidf; exit" HUP INT TERM QUIT EXIT
while [ -f $pidf ]; do
date +'%A %-d %B %-l:%M%P'
sleep $((60 - $(date +%S)))
done | dzen2 -x 1720 -ta r "$@"
Last edited by xrchz (2010-10-10 10:09:53)
I have trouble piping conky-cli into dzen2. Piping simple bash scripts works wonderfully, but not with Conky. A Dzen bar shows, but it's empty. It doesn't work with simpler Conky configurations either.
EDIT: Solved, the filepaths were wrong.
Last edited by Arthenik (2010-10-11 13:53:14)
I have perl-weather-com installed, and up until today it was working. Has anybody else had this issue?
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl15/vendor_perl/Weather/Com/ line 108.
Use of uninitialized value in lc at /usr/share/perl15/vendor_perl/Weather/Com/ line 312.
Can't determine type of REF(0xa48190) at blib/lib/ (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Storable/ line 264, at /usr/share/perl15/vendor_perl/Weather/Com/ line 98
My weather script is:
use Weather::Com::Finder;
my $PartnerId = 'removed';
my $LicenseKey = 'removed';
my $iconpath = '/home/berticus/.local/share/icons/dzen/weather';
my %weatherargs = (
'partner_id' => $PartnerId,
'license' => $LicenseKey,
'units' => 's'
my $weather_finder = Weather::Com::Finder->new(%weatherargs);
my $loc1 = $weather_finder->find('01720');
my $loc2 = $weather_finder->find('14228');
my $temp_today1 = sprintf("% 3d", $loc1->[0]->current_conditions()->temperature());
my $icon_today1 = $loc1->[0]->current_conditions()->icon();
my $temp_today2 = sprintf("% 3d", $loc2->[0]->current_conditions()->temperature());
my $icon_today2 = $loc2->[0]->current_conditions()->icon();
print "^i(${iconpath}/${icon_today1}-scaled.xpm)^p(2)${temp_today1}°",