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I really want to use opera, but these fonts are just plain ugly. It looks like they are not anti-aliased or something. I don't know much about all the intricacies of fonts and linux, but that stuff usually just works. At least it does with chromium and firefox. Here a screenshot so you'll know what I mean:
Fine in chromium:
And basically all my fonts look good everywhere, except in opera. I had -devel from aur installed and just now tried to install the normal "opera" package, but both net the same result. Version is 10.60 ofc.
Last edited by kelnoky (2010-08-02 21:40:01)
Do you use a ~/.fonts.conf file? If not, try creating it:
Last edited by anonymous_user (2010-07-06 17:22:46)
Make sure
* Enable XFT fonts
* Draw Anti Aliased Fonts
are enabled and
* Enable Core X Fonts
is disabled
Thanks for the fast replies.
All those settings are at their default and thus at their correct setting, xft and anti-aliased are enabled (which is exactly what it *doesn't* look like) and core x fonts are disabled.
I didn't have one, but I created one with all the fancy stuff enabled and opera still looks ugly.
Last edited by kelnoky (2010-07-06 21:25:53)
See this: … 51#p783751
Applies to Opera as well.
Hm, I tried it with the xftoverride that you supplied, but the fonts still look ugly.
Match "xftoverride" contents with your real configuration.
Also, you can try disabling bitmap fonts.
cd /etc/fonts/conf.d
sudo ln -s ../conf.avail/70-no-bitmaps.conf
Do you mean the xft settings I have in my .Xdefaults? That's just
Xft.antialias: true
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
I did that, executed it again, but opera is still rather ugly. Also disabled the bitmap fonts.^^
Do you mean the xft settings I have in my .Xdefaults? That's just
Xft.antialias: true Xft.hinting: true Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
I did that, executed it again, but opera is still rather ugly. Also disabled the bitmap fonts.^^
Here's what i did, and it worked for me:
1- Remove (or rename) your ~/fonts.conf
2- create an ~/.Xdefaults and add the following:
Xft.antialias: 1
Xft.autohint: 1
Xft.hinting: 1
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
Xft.rgba: rgb
Save and restart Xorg.
See if the settings were applied:
$ xrdb -query
I hope this helps.
Edit: Looks like Opera 10.60 is no longer using ~/fonts.conf. It's only using the settings from "xrdb -query"
Last edited by eldarion (2010-07-12 17:18:16)
Last edited by warriant (2011-06-06 15:52:58)
Ha! Aaaand we have a winner. Eldarion's solution worked, and you guys know why? Apparently "true" is not good enough for opera in .Xdefaults, it really needs to be "1". That's what was wrong, I had "Xft.antialias: true" all the time, but Opera really, really wanted a 1 there.
Ah well, everything looks awesome now, thanks.
i have Opera 11, Rekonq and Firefox 4 Beta 8 installed. They both have nice fonts and work very well.
However, I have problem with foreign fonts. in Firefox and Rekonq they work fine but in Opera they are displayed as small squares.
This is the site that I am using to test (mom uses my laptop to read local news!!!)
I have MS and Vista fonts installed. I haven't done any special font configurations. Any idea what is happening??