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hi, i'm trying to use vim as my only full ide, for c/c++ and java
how can i bind the f5 key for a "compile, correct and run" process inside vim, like bigs ide? (and for differents languages)
for now i have this, but doesn't work:
au FileType c setl makeprg=gcc\ %
au FileType cpp setl makeprg=g++\ %
au FileType java setl makeprg=javac\ %
map <F5> : call Compila()<CR>
func! Compila()
exec "w"
exec "make"
exec "cw"
map <F6> : call CompilaEjecuta()<CR>
func! CompilaEjecuta()
exec "w"
exec "make"
exec "cw"
exec "!./%"
map <F7> :cp<CR>
map <F8> :cn<CR>
i try with the cvim plugin.. but most commands are in that way "\xx", for example, to compile and run the command is \rc
it's looks like \ are not recognized, cos \rc only replace actual character with "c"
i'm using a spanish keyboard, i don't know if that's the problem
Last edited by kismet010 (2010-07-10 11:36:06)
*A inattentive user's stupid comment was here. Sorry.
Last edited by a_priori_mouse (2010-07-09 04:08:18)
for now i have this, but doesn't work:
What exactly does not work, what is error message? I tried these settings in my vimrc - seems it is working correctly.
first, i don't want that when i press F5, command make exits vim, and i have to press a key (i only wanna see the quickfix window)
last, exec "!./%" doesn't run the file
and my purpose is to get better ideas from others users to do this...
Have a look at :make
"from my vimrc
map <F12> :make<enter>
Then you can put a Makefile in your project's directory and vim will execute it, when you press F12 (can be changed to F5 of course).
If you don't want to use Makefiles, you can set the makeprg varible to something different than "make"
With this method vim will parse the output from the makefile invokation and jump into the lines, where errors were found. To step from error to error, use the :cnext and :cprev commands (I have bound :cprev to F3).
last, exec "!./%" doesn't run the file
First, man gcc:
-o file
Place output in file file...
If -o is not specified, the default is to put an executable file in
a.out, the object file for source.suffix in source.o, its assembler
file in source.s, a precompiled header file in source.suffix.gch,
and all preprocessed C source on standard output.
So, in your case make output file is ./a.out You shoud run ./a.out and not ./%.
Or, better:
au FileType c setl makeprg=gcc\ %\ -o\ %<
exec "!./%<"
exec "!./%:r
I do not remember the difference, but the this option is more popular
Last edited by a_priori_mouse (2010-07-10 09:59:50)
yep, i'm making some progress since i wrote this post, one of them that one, specially from stackoverflow. now i'm trying to work with an errorfile
i read 2 books about vim, but i'd never imagine things like that gonna be so difficult xD i have to succumb to the power of eclipse
lot of thanks for your interest a_priori_mouse
it`s nothing
i have to succumb to the power of eclipse
No! Don't!
Here's what I came up with. It's not exactly what you're after (see below), but maybe you can borrow some of its ideas.
map <F5> :call CompileAndRun(1)<CR>
map <S-F5> :call CompileAndRun(0)<CR>
fun! CompileAndRun(runProgram)
let l:progname = './' . expand('%:t:r')
let l:interpreter = 0
let l:domake = 1
let l:runner = './run'
" Otherwise :make won't return a proper exit status.
setl shellpipe=2>&1\ \|\ tee\ %s;exit\ \${PIPESTATUS[0]}
" Find out how to build the program.
if filereadable("SConstruct")
setl makeprg=scons
elseif filereadable("Makefile") || filereadable("makefile")
setl makeprg=make
elseif filereadable("build.xml")
setl makeprg=ant
elseif &filetype == 'c'
setl makeprg=gcc\ -Wall\ -o\ %<\ %
elseif &filetype == 'cpp'
setl makeprg=g++\ -Wall\ -o\ %<\ %
elseif &filetype == 'java'
setl makeprg=javac\ %
let l:progname = 'java ' . expand('%:t:r')
let l:interpreter = 1
elseif &filetype == 'matlab'
let l:progname = 'octave ' . expand('%') . ' | less'
let l:interpreter = 1
let l:domake = 0
" Assume it's a simple script.
let l:progname = './' . expand('%')
let l:domake = 0
if l:domake == 1
silent !echo -e "\n\nBuilding..."
silent !echo -e "\n\nNot running build tool."
if v:shell_error == 0 && a:runProgram == 1
if executable(l:runner)
silent !echo -e "\n\nExecuting run script..."
exec '!' . l:runner
elseif executable(l:progname) || l:interpreter == 1
silent exec '!echo -e "\n\nExecuting \"' . l:progname . '\""...'
exec '!' . l:progname
It first checks if there are any build instructions (scons, make or ant). If so, we'll use them. If not, it checks if it knows the file type in order to build/compile a single file. If all that fails, we treat the file as a simple script.
For complex programs, I usually have a "run" script (containing command line arguments or whatever). If there's no such script, then try to execute the program/script directly.
Now, it still requires you to press "Return" a few times. That's because I like it that way. You could avoid that by prefixing "make" with "silent". If this results in a cluttered screen, use "redraw" or "redrawstatus" at the end of the function.
wow!! that's exactly what i wanted back to the drawer eclipse...
thanks u guys
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