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nope, i downloaded it from the website anyway, i reinstalled it and it works
recompile and install package-query and yaourt, and works fine
I installed mine from AUR and reinstalling does not fix it. I still get /usr/bin/pacman: unrecognized option '--print-uris'
Does installing from site or the 'Easy' method make a difference to a solution to this problem?
Tweak it 'til it breaks, then learn how to fix it. Linux Is For Everyone (L.I.F.E.)
There is no call to pacman with --print-uris in actual version of yaourt.
Maybe you installed a fork version like yaourt-abs ?
I installed by following the Yaourt instructions for 'From the AUR' here
I finally solved my problems by manually deleting all downloaded versions of both package-query.tar.gz and yaourt.tar.gz and doing an install from scratch.
Tweak it 'til it breaks, then learn how to fix it. Linux Is For Everyone (L.I.F.E.)
today I tried to instal usb-creator. I am using KDE and the software has a lot of gnome-depencies. As I only wanted to make a bootable-rescue-USB i thoght i would instal it and than make a simple yaourt -Rs usb-creator. But the install fails and i stayed with a lot of dependencies. Would be nice if in this case yaourt would give the option to uninstall those packages if main-package instal fails.
And yaourt -Qdt shows me dependencies not needed anymore but only gives the option to remove them with -Rcs wich would remove other packages wich i don't want to remove...Why is there no -Rs option?
Last edited by capoeira (2010-08-28 06:03:25)
any way to update including checking if aur-packages exists wich are more up to date as repro-packages?
And yaourt -Qdt shows me dependencies not needed anymore but only gives the option to remove them with -Rcs wich would remove other packages wich i don't want to remove...Why is there no -Rs option?
any answer on that one?
Last edited by capoeira (2010-09-16 02:16:19)
pacman -Rs $(pacman -Qdt)
I'm french, don't mind my mistakes in english.
-Qdt shows unrequired packages, so -c is harmless here.
-Qdt shows unrequired packages, so -c is harmless here.
in my case it tries to remove kde-meta-kdebase, so when doing -Rcs it will uninstall KDE-packages with it
==> Downloading catalyst PKGBUILD from AUR...
==> ERROR: catalyst not found in AUR.
I am getting this error for every package. is there any reason for that?
Can you try:
curl -o catalyst.tar.gz
if it works, run:
bash -x yaourt -S catalyst |& tee yaourt.log
and pastebin the yaourt.log.
Wow I am amazed by the speed increase of package-query-0.5. I just looked at the git comments. Is this the effect of the threading?
Wow I am amazed by the speed increase of package-query-0.5. I just looked at the git comments. Is this the effect of the threading?
I'm really amazed at latest yaourt speed too
When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn't an option. It's a necessity. - Steve Pavlina
I am using yaourt for a long time but from a few days I am getting this "pthread error":
[root@xyz~]# yaourt -Syu --aur
:: Synchronizowanie baz danych z pakietami...
core jest już w najnowszej wersji
extra jest już w najnowszej wersji
community jest już w najnowszej wersji
pthread error 11
Any idea?
I cannot speak for tuxce, but this is certainly related to the new threading code that was introduced in package-query 0.5. What is your version of package-query? If it is 0.5, you should upgrade to 0.5.1 (using makepkg and pacman -U to install) because it corrects a threading bug.
Strange, because:
[root@xyz~]# yaourt -Qs package-query
local/package-query 0.5.1-1
Query ALPM and AUR
I also reinstalled package-query just in case but without result.
[2010-12-02 17:26] upgraded package-query (0.5.1-1 -> 0.5.1-1)
Last edited by em (2010-12-02 16:32:17)
em, did you set a limit for the number of processes ?
how much foreign packages do you have ?
em, did you set a limit for the number of processes ?
Yes, but it has not been reached - 512.
how much foreign packages do you have ?
[root@xyz~]# pacman -Qm|wc -l
Last edited by em (2010-12-02 20:39:59)
Perhaps the number of processes + threads exceeded 512? (ps -eL | wc -l)
I'll modify the code to wait instead of exit when the limit is reached.
I tried with unlimited and same error:
[root@xyz~]# ulimit -u unlimited
[root@xyz~]# ulimit -u
[root@xyz~]# yaourt -Syu --aur
:: Synchronizowanie baz danych z pakietami...
core jest już w najnowszej wersji
extra jest już w najnowszej wersji
community jest już w najnowszej wersji
pthread error 11
can you try package-query-git ?
Yes, I think my problem is solved, git version gave me useful info:
[root@xyz ~]# yaourt -Syu --aur
:: Synchronizowanie baz danych z pakietami...
core jest już w najnowszej wersji
extra jest już w najnowszej wersji
community jest już w najnowszej wersji
curl error: Out of memory
curl error: Out of memory
curl error: SSL connect error
curl error: SSL connect error
/usr/lib/yaourt/ line 12: 19757 Naruszenie ochrony pamięci package-query "${PKGQUERY_C_ARG[@]}" "$@" <--- segfault
So I checked my limits again:
virtual memory (kbytes, -v) 1024000
and raised it a bit.
I thought that 1024000 kbytes should be enough but looks like package-query has really huge appetite for memory. There is no way to optimize this?
At first I did not understand what you've meant, but reading cower's code, actually, it's a good solution, thank you.
(Implement would be better )