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Pages: 1
Hi! I have just one qustion about current gnome: It is possible to edit main(start) menu? I ask this qustion, becouse i tried to switch to gnome and only one thing that stopped me is uneditable menu. Pls help.
no it isn't, the only way to add launchers is to place a .desktop file /usr/share/applications.
Freedom is what i love
With GNOME 2.10, a new menu system has been introduced, based on the standards. It now uses an XML markup to define the hierarchy of the menus and whatnot. Because of this switch, the old menu editing capabilities have been rendered useless and there will not be a way to edit your menus graphically until 2.12. Sorry.
I take my Poprocks with Diet Pepsi
In old gnome i can edit menu by the applications:/// URI in nautilus browser. But now then i type applications:// in nautilus i have an error, says that there is no such protocol applications:///.
This is disabled or i need some package?
No, applications/// and whatnot all ALL disabled, by this I mean they no longer work in gnome 2.10.
-- woodstock
Pages: 1