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I'm making a package for libgphoto2 and all work ok, but when I try to install it (pacman -A libghotoXXX), pacman complain that /usar/share/locale/locale.alias allready exists.
Reading again the pacman documentation about Handling Config Files and how work, I try to install using "pacman -U libgphotoXXX" , but the same luck
I try -U instead -A in a fresh install because the config file handling is used in -U or -R (according to the man pages).
The documentation say that in an Upgrade or Remove, pacman will generate a .pacsave file to preserve the configuration. Can pacman generate a .pacnew file when the new install have a file that allready exists? and inform about this new file after finish the install (RH don't say nothing about this)
:: nelson ::
PS: Today see that someone upload a gphoto2 and a libgphoto2 packages to the ftpsite
PS2: this package don't have the locale.alias file
he strip the file from the original package? this is the only solution by now ??
The reason you are getting the error message about the conflicting file is because the local.alias that you are trying to overwrite is owned by another package:
[john@limbo john]$ pacman -Qo /usr/share/locale/locale.alias
/usr/share/locale/locale.alias is owned by glibc 2.3.2-2
If it were owned by libgphoto2, then "pacman -U libgphoto2XXX" would happily overwrite it.
If you actually want to overwrite that file when installing, the you have to force the install. "pacman -Uf libgphoto2XXX". See the pacman man page for more info.
Finally, if that file did belong to a previous package of libgphoto2, then you could preserve or backup the file using the backup field in your PKGBUILD.
Good luck.
Don't forget to post your PKGBUILD in your thread when you announce a new package in incoming.
see HERE for details
PS2: this package don't have the locale.alias file
he strip the file from the original package? this is the only solution by now ??
This is not the "only" solution - it is the right solution :-) ...
I don't know the libgphoto2 package and why it includes the locale.alias file when you created it. Probably during the "make install" phase it tries to be nice and create the locale.alias file since it can't find one (at least within ABS when it is built).
However, locale.alias has not really anything to do with libgphoto but with internationalization and glibc, therefore, it belongs to glibc as pointed out by red_over_blue. There are several packages that create files during installation in ABS that need not be created (they are always of the kind "oops, a normal system should have XXX, this system does not have XXX, so let's be nice to the system and create XXX"). This just happens because in ABS these files are not pre-existing.
I uploaded libgphoto2 and I didn't do anything to look for locale.alias, it just wasn't created.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
ok ... :-) .... then my post was partially rubbish .... as I said, I don't know the libgphoto2 package ...
But I do remember that I have seen such "rm ...." commands in PKGBUILDS ...