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#1 2010-07-16 06:43:38

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,329

2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

Hi Arch community,

Arch Linux (archboot creation tool) 2010.07-1, "2k10-R5" has been released.
To avoid confusion, this is not an official arch linux iso release!

Homepage and for more information on archboot:

- Many new setup features, like btrfs, label and extlinux support.

Hybrid image file and torrent is provided, which include
i686 and x86_64 core repository. Please check md5sum before using it.

Hybrid image file is a standard CD-burnable image and also a raw disk image.
    - Can be burned to CD(RW) media using most CD-burning utilities.
    - Can be raw-written to a drive using 'dd' or similar utilities.
      This method is intended for use with USB thumb drives.

Please get it from your favorite arch linux mirror: … ot/2010.07


- kernel / LTS kernel
- pacman 3.4.0 usage
- RAM recommendations: 320 MB

Kernel changes:
- bump to latest .34 series and bump lts to .32 series

Removed features:
- None

Environment changes:
- Change to isolinux menu on boot
- Added more isolinux features on boot menu
- intel wireless now provided out of the box

hwdetect changes:
- added btrfs support

setup changes:
- added btrfs support
- added extlinux bootloader support
- added label namescheme support
- add automatic hostname to hosts file
- better automatic activation of complex devices like lvm,raid, dmraid.
- better support for cciss, ida, rd and mmcblk devices
- fixed grub2 install issues on lvm devices
- a lot of internal function cleanup

quickinst changes:
- fixed media installation

- FTP installation mode:
- CD installation mode:
Further documentation can be found on-disk and on the wiki.
Have fun!


Last edited by tpowa (2010-07-31 06:45:46)


#2 2010-07-16 16:31:34

From: Canary Islands
Registered: 2010-04-22
Posts: 23

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

Thank you, I'll test it soon smile.

Disfruta la vida, es más tarde de lo que crees. - Proverbio chino
Ten menos. Haz menos. Se más. - Aboodi Shaby


#3 2010-07-17 09:01:14

Registered: 2010-05-18
Posts: 11

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

Works well.

Just that new feature Label take lots of time and due to same reason I guess formatting of partition also take more time then before.

Other stuff works good as always.


#4 2010-07-18 07:02:10

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,329

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

I added a lot of checks and code to this setup part, some speed maybe lost in the part of setup due to this.


#5 2010-07-19 18:56:36

Registered: 2009-01-14
Posts: 23

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

Where can I select btrfs?


#6 2010-07-19 20:16:28

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,329

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

mount filesystem ->btrfs(Experimental!!!)


#7 2010-07-20 12:59:28

From: Cornwall, UK
Registered: 2010-04-06
Posts: 24

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

Hey tpowa, I have tried to use you iso to install arch with btrfs and grub2. I used cfdisk and when i went to set mount points it couldn't see my partitions. I then went on and used your auto partitioner and still no partitions came up. You got any ideas where i am going wrong. Much appreciate the help. Dave.


#8 2010-07-20 13:13:41

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,329

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

Ok have to look at that issue. It should work though exiting the menu and reentering the menu and go straight ahead to set mountpoints.


#9 2010-07-20 13:16:49

From: Cornwall, UK
Registered: 2010-04-06
Posts: 24

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

Ok I will reboot into it and have a look. I will do it strait away so i will report back in 10 mins if it doesn't work and if it does i will get back to you as soon as i have a gui up and going.
Thank you


#10 2010-07-20 13:18:44

From: Cornwall, UK
Registered: 2010-04-06
Posts: 24

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

I've just had a thought after posting that messege. Surely if I partitioned it using cfdisk I was never in the menu to start with so i cannot see how entering it then exiting then re-entering will work.

After trying again for an hour I still cannot do it. I think it must be a bug, either that or I'm just plain stupid. If you can give me any direction on what i am doing wrong or fix the bug if you can replicate it I will be very appreciative.
Incase it is a bug here are my specs
Q8200 intel 2.83GHz
4GB ddr2 800mhz ram
4 hard drives (all sata)
asrock g31m-gs mobo

Last edited by davetrotteruk (2010-07-20 16:54:24)


#11 2010-07-20 21:06:04

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,329

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

Just tell me what exactly you do, you want to do and what fails. I try most things with a simple kvm machine with one harddisk.
Tell me your steps i try to reproduce it then we will sure find what seems to be broken.
Thanks for your help debugging, i cannot test everything myself.


#12 2010-07-20 21:34:59

From: Cornwall, UK
Registered: 2010-04-06
Posts: 24

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

I have tried it with cfdisk and your auto partitioner.
I will partition my hard drive (just one). I alocate 100mb to boot, 4gb to swap and the rest to / that i will use as btrfs.
I will then do /arch/setup go through all the steps till i get to configure hard drives. I will then select set mount points and all i will get is loop devices and no hard drives or partitions.
I will do /arch/setup and go all the way up to the disk partitioning and will select auto partition. i will set the partitions the same except this time i have 100gb root and the rest home. I will then go to select mount points and will get the same errors.
I am going to go to bed soon but i just thought that i didnt md5 the iso or the dd may of messed up so i will re-download tomorow and md5 the iso this time and try the whole thing again.
Thanks for the help and hope we can solve it.
btw i think the iso as a whole is very good.... just need to get it to work for me  now tongue


#13 2010-07-21 05:33:48

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,329

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

Have you started with a clean harddisk?
Have you cleaned the partitiontable and the MBR before using the ISO?
Ok your harddrive, what /dev entry are you using? /dev/sda or something else?
What is the output of blkid?
Doing the autopartition part with btrfs is not supported by setup yet.
If you manually prepared your harddisk with cfdisk in an other terminal just go directly to Set Mountpoints.


#14 2010-07-21 09:13:35

From: Cornwall, UK
Registered: 2010-04-06
Posts: 24

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

Ok tried it just a second ago with a fully cleaned hard drive "less -f /dev/zero > /dev/sda"
and went through the setup and the same is happening. I don't it is the partitioning because it doesn't even see my hard drives in the mount section, but it does everywhere else. Anyway I'm just about to download it again and md5 it before dd'ing it to my flash drive. Will report back as soon as i know anything.


#15 2010-07-21 09:56:36

From: Cornwall, UK
Registered: 2010-04-06
Posts: 24

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

Ok now i have re-downloaded it md5sumed the iso dd'ed and it still doesn't work. I have also tried the x86 and the x86 LTS but the x64 LTS doesn't work. I don't know where to go from here. Any more ideas that i can try?

Last edited by davetrotteruk (2010-07-21 09:57:30)


#16 2010-07-21 13:10:49

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,329

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

LTS kernel doesn't support btrfs at all. This cannot work, we should meet in an IM or IRC session and debug this.


#17 2010-07-21 13:15:11

From: Cornwall, UK
Registered: 2010-04-06
Posts: 24

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

Yeah. I didn't mean btrfs didnt work i was saying it wouldn't see my hard drives. i don't mind chatting with you on im or irc it will be alot easyer.
and with the x64 LTS i meant the install won't load its missing the inr....... image.
My brothers coming round with his netbook in about half an hour I am just going to load up the installer on that and just see if it can see his hard drive.

I just sent you an email with my im address and when i will be on #archlinux.

Last edited by davetrotteruk (2010-07-21 13:17:25)


#18 2010-07-21 13:43:45

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,329

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

ok, LTS 64 bit issue confirmed, it's a typo in config file. The initrd name is initrd64lts.img and not initrdlts64.img.
Sorry folks workaround will be posted in announcement.


#19 2010-07-22 04:58:19

Registered: 2010-04-03
Posts: 4

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

I had some trouble with setting mountpoints, also.  I edited the devpath loop in findpartitions() in /arch/setup, removing the quotes around $(finddisks)

Also, in pacman_conf(), I had to add "Architecture = auto" to the [options] section to avoid a "url contains $arch variable, but no Architecture is defined error."

I'm not at all sure about what I am doing, so I don't know if this is the proper way to fix the issues I encountered, but it worked for me.

I'm still not able to boot, but at least it almost works.


#20 2010-07-22 06:25:46

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,329

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

Architecture = auto ok i'll add this, normally pacman should fallback to uname -r then and continue.
You are not able to boot the image or you are not able to boot the system?


#21 2010-07-22 10:50:01

From: Cornwall, UK
Registered: 2010-04-06
Posts: 24

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

Thanks for the hand last night im now talking from within my btrfs install. The rest of the installer worked except net install so i just used the files of the iso.


#22 2010-07-22 10:57:54

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,329

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

I never test net install, what exactly didn't work there?


#23 2010-07-22 22:27:54

Registered: 2010-04-03
Posts: 4

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

tpowa wrote:

Architecture = auto ok i'll add this, normally pacman should fallback to uname -r then and continue.
You are not able to boot the image or you are not able to boot the system?

Sorry about the lack of detail and clarity in my last post, I wrote it in a hurry as I was running out the door.  The image booted fine into the x86_64 menu option from a flash drive which was loaded using UNetbootin on Windows.  The system will not boot to the newly installed OS.  It fails very early, usually around CPU initialization, with a hard reset.  I'm going to try Grub 0.97 instead of Grub2 and see if that helps.

As for my previously mentioned mountpoint problem, during setup->Prepare Hard Drive->Set Filesystem Mountpoints, I get these messages on stderr:

basename: extra operand '/dev/sdc'
Try 'basename --help' for more information.
sed: -e expression #1, char 0: no previous regular expression
sed: -e expression #1, char 0: no previous regular expression
sed: -e expression #1, char 0: no previous regular expression
...(about 10 of those messages)...

Before getting a menu listing /dev/loop0 as the only available partition.  After selecting that, I get more of the same messages on stderr and a menu listing /dev/loop[0-7] and /dev/sr0 for partitions.

I'm guessing that this is because of the quotes around $(finddisks) in findpartitions() on line 524.  Removing them seems to fix things in any case.

I'll post updates here after I try installing without Grub2.

I've successfully booted after ditching Grub2 for plain old Grub.  I'm using btrfs for root and home with no problems so far.

Last edited by JoelHough (2010-07-22 22:57:15)


#24 2010-07-22 22:30:51

From: Belgium
Registered: 2010-07-10
Posts: 15

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

Hi, as I read that there is a patch for grub2 to support booting from btrfs directly.
Does the version of grub2 included in this iso support such a setup with just a single btrfs volume?


Last edited by JohnieBraaf (2010-07-22 22:51:10)


#25 2010-07-23 04:54:44

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,329

Re: 2010.07-1 archboot "2k10-R5" ISO hybrid image released

The image supports btrfs booting directly only with extlinux bootloader.
Extlinux doesn't support subvolume or raid setups yet.

All other bootloader can't handle btrfs yet.


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