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How about "a Bite"? (obscure reference to Pacman
), or you could go with "a Byte", but that's unoriginal
Maybe "a Byte of News"? or "News bite" (like sound bite)
"Take a byte into Arch"
lswest wrote:How about "a Bite"? (obscure reference to Pacman
), or you could go with "a Byte", but that's unoriginal
Maybe "a Byte of News"? or "News bite" (like sound bite)
"Take a byte into Arch"
Well, since Ghost is managing the magazine, maybe...
"Take a byte at Pinky"
Why not go basic and call it "The Archade" (pronounced like "Arcade")?
Lswest <- the first letter of my username is a lowercase "L".
"...the Linux philosophy is "laugh in the face of danger". Oops. Wrong one. "Do it yourself". That's it." - Linus Torvalds
"The Boomerang"
They always come back.
" cannot be angry when one looks at a penguin." - John Ruskin
"Life in general is a bit shit, and so too is the internet. And that's all there is." - scepticisle
The Big KISSue
"It is very difficult to educate the educated."
"The Boomerang"
They always come back.
Now that one has good potential with a slogan.
I understand Ghost, what you are going through, my suggestion would be the same I was about to do before I gave the Newsletter to you. Go back to the original way, HTML only, with the sections we had before the conversion to a magazine. I wish I could help again, since I love the newsletter, and everyone knows how enthusiastic I was/am about it.
Ah, it's good to see you again Kensai! Maybe you can bring some spirit back to help the newsletter/magazine.
skanky wrote:"The Boomerang"
They always come back.
Now that one has good potential with a slogan.
Unfortunately, there's actually a Cartoon Network-sponsored program called "Boomerang: It's All Coming Back" which is basically 24-hour classic cartoons. Sadly for that name and slogan, you will probably run into trademark issues if you use it, though I'm not sure if Boomerang is still up and running.
the big KISSue is great. i also like Take a byte into arch, that could be the slogan of the page
Im also in for the design similar to looks pretty amazing
Last edited by 655321 (2010-07-23 00:16:15)
Linux user #498977
With microsoft you get windows and gates, with linux you get the whole house!
My Blog about ArchLinux and other stuff
Ok... Lots of good ideas, some are definite possibilities. Anyone got anything else for me?
I don't know if this has been considered, but why not publish articles instead of a magazine. Basic idea is that someone submit to you an article, if you are happy with it, you publish it online (simple html). The article gets added to a table of content where all passed articles are listed which makes the whole think searcheable (author, title, topic, keyword...). The difference from the wiki is that the article is not widely editable of course.
Actually OMG! Ubuntu has a sister site called OMG! Suse for OpenSuse. The concept of having a blog by arch community members which is as thorough and updated as OMG! Ubuntu is great. Planet Arch is good but it somehow feels incomplete. I'd also love to contribute in the magazine and I can be used as a proofreader.
Actually OMG! Ubuntu has a sister site called OMG! Suse for OpenSuse. The concept of having a blog by arch community members which is as thorough and updated as OMG! Ubuntu is great. Planet Arch is good but it somehow feels incomplete. I'd also love to contribute in the magazine and I can be used as a proofreader.
An OMG! Arch would be awesome.
pratik_narain wrote:Actually OMG! Ubuntu has a sister site called OMG! Suse for OpenSuse. The concept of having a blog by arch community members which is as thorough and updated as OMG! Ubuntu is great. Planet Arch is good but it somehow feels incomplete. I'd also love to contribute in the magazine and I can be used as a proofreader.
An OMG! Arch would be awesome.
Arch is already awesome...
Something similar to OMG would be just fine, but the guy running that one seems a little bit... I don't know. I like the way that blog gets updated just as often as new things get done, like docky and unity and such, but he focuses on certain things way too much and leaves out a lot of other stuff. His blog is great, if you're running gnome and docky, and your primary concern with new ubuntu releases is the new themes and wallpapers. I guess what I'm saying is that the format of that blog is pretty great, and the way it updates on new stuff is pretty great, as compared to posts about stuff that aren't too current, like, say, lifehacker does sometimes. But I wouldn't want it to focus too much on stuff like gtk themes. Stuff like, docky adding a new feature is just fine, i suppose. Stuff like new icons for the notification panel annoy me. I think I rambled a lot. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.