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There was two seperate general links to software in the wiki once upon a time. They were both fairly easy to find. Were are they now?
Before this thread gets misunderstood, I know that I can search for 'lightweight', but both indexes were easy to find.
The links are on the General Recommendations page in the Summary in the top right:
The links are on the General Recommendations page in the Summary in the top right:
Sweet! So I've finally last my marbles.
I was just looking at the main wiki page and wondering why we're still getting so many repeat questions.
I was just looking at the main wiki page and wondering why we're still getting so many repeat questions.
I've created 'arch support' folder in my firefox bookmarks and I add there links to things like flash plugin, time skew, no mouse / keyboard etc. so I don't have to search the wiki every time.
It's all there.