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#1 2010-07-21 01:20:48

Registered: 2006-07-04
Posts: 226

[Solved'ish] I need help w/ a kb2kskype pkgbuild...

The driver source, usbb2k-api-mod, is complaining about Qt.

checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2)

What do I need to change so that it'll recognize Qt >= 4?

Last edited by omgwtfbyobbq (2010-07-28 01:58:23)


#2 2010-07-21 05:14:31

Registered: 2008-08-12
Posts: 2,549

Re: [Solved'ish] I need help w/ a kb2kskype pkgbuild...

I can't look at it right now (relative's PC), but remember that Arch puts Qt in an interesting spot compared to some other distros.
pacman -Ql qt can tell you where.

And actually, considering the line you gave, it may be looking for Qt3.  Try installing that.
You may need to install that and still feed it directly where to look (look at the --help, etc.).

Lastly, it's odd that a driver would want Qt.  See if there's a flag to disable some GUI or such and remove the requirement.


#3 2010-07-21 09:12:26

Registered: 2006-07-04
Posts: 226

Re: [Solved'ish] I need help w/ a kb2kskype pkgbuild...

Doh! I must have been building the kb2kskype package since the driver just built fine. That's what I get for bouncing between this and configuring video out. You're spot on about looking for qt in a different place,  after adding --with-qt-dir=/opt/qt it got past any qt3 issues. Unfortunately, I'm getting these errors now.

/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:54:62: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ';' token
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:55:54: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ';' token
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:56:54: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ';' token
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:58:21: error: non-member function 'bool isNull()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:59:22: error: non-member function 'bool isEmpty()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:60:22: error: non-member function 'bool isValid()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:61:5: error: 'QRect' does not name a type
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:63:19: error: non-member function 'int left()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:64:18: error: non-member function 'int top()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:65:20: error: non-member function 'int right()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:66:21: error: non-member function 'int bottom()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:68:5: error: 'QCOORD' does not name a type
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:69:5: error: 'QCOORD' does not name a type
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:70:5: error: 'QCOORD' does not name a type
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:71:5: error: 'QCOORD' does not name a type
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:73:17: error: non-member function 'int x()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:74:17: error: non-member function 'int y()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:87:23: error: non-member function 'QPoint topLeft()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:88:26: error: non-member function 'QPoint bottomRight()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:89:24: error: non-member function 'QPoint topRight()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:90:26: error: non-member function 'QPoint bottomLeft()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:91:22: error: non-member function 'QPoint center()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:93:51: error: non-member function 'void rect(int*, int*, int*, int*)' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:94:57: error: non-member function 'void coords(int*, int*, int*, int*)' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:111:19: error: non-member function 'QSize size()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:112:20: error: non-member function 'int width()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:113:21: error: non-member function 'int height()' cannot have cv-qualifier
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:118:5: error: 'QRect' does not name a type
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:119:5: error: 'QRect' does not name a type
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:120:5: error: 'QRect' does not name a type
/opt/qt/include/qrect.h:121:5: error: 'QRect' does not name a type

Is that because kde3 wasn't built w/ arts support (not really an issue, just time consuming to compile via abs on my old laptop), or is there something else I should be looking for? Thanks for the help btw!

Last edited by omgwtfbyobbq (2010-07-21 09:13:00)


#4 2010-07-21 22:55:31

Registered: 2006-07-04
Posts: 226

Re: [Solved'ish] I need help w/ a kb2kskype pkgbuild...

I've been poking around and it looks similar to this. Where in /opt/kde would I need to specify the arch version of kde3 common options?


#5 2010-07-26 02:48:18

Registered: 2006-07-04
Posts: 226

Re: [Solved'ish] I need help w/ a kb2kskype pkgbuild...

Almost done, hopefully. When using namcap, why is it complaining about the ELF file path? It's in $pkgdir/opt/kde/bin, which seems o.k. at least according to the arch wiki page on namcap.

elffile-not-in-allowed-dirs (error) ELF files should only be in these directories: /lib, /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /lib, /usr/lib, /opt/$pkgname/

Edit- namcap does the same thing for an arts pkgbuild, and that's supposed to be in /opt/kde AFAIK, so it looks like it doesn't discriminate for add-ons.

Last edited by omgwtfbyobbq (2010-07-28 01:57:41)


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