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#526 2010-07-29 04:45:01

Registered: 2010-05-01
Posts: 28

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

TheMuffinMan wrote:



My first attempt at a Tiling WM.
- Heavily patched/customized dwm
- urxvt
- conky + dzen2
- ncmpcpp

Work in progress...

Nice shots! Care to share some configs? (.Xdefaults, .ncmpcpp/config) smile

arch64 :: zsh :: dwm :: urxvt \\ Still using the same computer I built when I was 15 smile
I also use twitter entirely too much.


#527 2010-07-29 06:14:32

Registered: 2010-06-03
Posts: 18

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

necr0mancer wrote:

Nice shots! Care to share some configs? (.Xdefaults, .ncmpcpp/config) smile

Sure thing!


!Cursor theme
Xcursor.theme: Human

!*color0: #353535
!*color8: #666666
!*color1: #D81860
!*color9: #F00060
!*color2: #B7CE42
!*color10: #BDE077
!*color3: #FEA63C
!*color11: #FFE863
!*color4: #6F99B4
!*color12: #7C96B0
!*color5: #8B7B8B
!*color13: #D8BFD8
!*color6: #A7A15E
!*color14: #F0E68C
!*color7: #DDDDDD
!*color15: #FFFFFF
!*background: #212021
!*foreground: #DDDDDD

! file:            .colours/sicp
! author:        marcus lauver <>

*background:                                #202020
*foreground:                                #ffffff

! Black --------------------------------------------
*color0:                            #292929
*color8:                            #3d3d3d
! Red ----------------------------------------------
*color1:                            #DE6951
*color9:                            #c56a47
! Green --------------------------------------------
*color2:                            #bcda55
*color10:                            #9dbf60
! Yellow -------------------------------------------
*color3:                            #E2A564
*color11:                            #EC8A25
! Blue ---------------------------------------------
*color4:                            #2187F6
*color12:                            #5495DC
! Magenta ------------------------------------------
*color5:                            #875C8D
*color13:                            #E41F66
! Cyan ---------------------------------------------
*color6:                            #4390B1
*color14:                            #276CC2
! White --------------------------------------------
*color7:                            #D2D2D2
*color15:                            #ffffff
! EOD ----------------------------------------------

!URxvt settings
URxvt*depth: 32
!URxvt*background: rgba:2020/2020/2020/dddd
URxvt*geometry: 80x15
URxvt*scrollBar: false
URxvt*buffered: true
!URxvt*foreground: #FBFAF8
URxvt*cursorColor: #FBFAF8
URxvt*secondaryScroll:  true    # Enable Shift-PageUp/Down in screen
URxvt*cursorBlink: true

!font settings
Xft.antialias:              true
Xft.rgba:                   rgb
Xft.hinting:                true
Xft.hintstyle:              hintslight

config.h (dwm)

/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */

/* appearance */
static const char font[]            = "Snap 8";
static const char dmenu_font[]      = "Snap";
static const char normbordercolor[] = "#ffffff";
static const char normbgcolor[]     = "#222222";
static const char normfgcolor[]     = "#ffffff";
static const char selbordercolor[]  = "#276cc2";
static const char selbgcolor[]      = "#222222";
static const char selfgcolor[]      = "#276cc2";
static const unsigned int borderpx  = 1;        /* border pixel of windows */
static const unsigned int gappx     = 6;        /* gap pixel between windows */
static const unsigned int snap      = 32;       /* snap pixel */
static const Bool showbar           = True;     /* False means no bar */
static const Bool topbar            = True;     /* False means bottom bar */

static const Rule rules[] = {
    /* class      instance    title       tags mask     isfloating   monitor */
    { "Gimp",     NULL,       NULL,       0,            True,        -1 },
    { "Namoroka", NULL,       NULL,       1 << 1,       False,       -1 },
    { NULL,       "ncmpcpp",  NULL,       1 << 4,       False,       -1 },

/* layout(s) */
static const float mfact      = 0.55; /* factor of master area size [0.05..0.95] */
static const Bool resizehints = False; /* True means respect size hints in tiled resizals */
static const int nmaster = 1; /* default number of clients i nteh master area */

#include "nmaster.c"
#include "fibonacci.c"
static const Layout layouts[] = {
    /* symbol     arrange function */
     /*{ "[]=",      tile },   */ /* first entry is default */
        { "-|=",      ntile },
        { "-|-",      nbstack },
        { "[@]",      spiral },
        { "[\\]",     dwindle },
    { "><>",      NULL },    /* no layout function means floating behavior */
    { "[M]",      monocle },

/* key definitions */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TAGKEYS(KEY,TAG) \
    { MODKEY,                       KEY,      view,           {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask,           KEY,      toggleview,     {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,             KEY,      tag,            {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask|ShiftMask, KEY,      toggletag,      {.ui = 1 << TAG} },

/* helper for spawning shell commands in the pre dwm-5.0 fashion */
#define SHCMD(cmd) { .v = (const char*[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, NULL } }

/* commands */
static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "dmenu_run", "-fa", dmenu_font, "-nb", normbgcolor, "-nf", normfgcolor, "-sb", selbgcolor, "-sf", selfgcolor, NULL };
static const char *termcmd[]  = { "urxvtc", NULL };
static const char *ncmptoggle[] = { "ncmpcpp", "toggle", NULL };
static const char *ncmpnext[] = { "ncmpcpp", "next", NULL };
static const char *ncmpprev[] = { "ncmpcpp", "prev", NULL };

#include "cycle.c"
#include "push.c"
static Key keys[] = {
    /* modifier                     key        function        argument */
    { MODKEY,                       XK_p,      spawn,          {.v = dmenucmd } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_Return, spawn,          {.v = termcmd } },
        { MODKEY|ControlMask,           XK_Home,   spawn,          {.v = ncmptoggle } },
        { MODKEY|ControlMask,           XK_Page_Down,spawn,        {.v = ncmpnext } },
        { MODKEY|ControlMask,           XK_Page_Up,spawn,          {.v = ncmpprev } },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_r,      togglebar,      {0} },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_j,      focusstack,     {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_k,      focusstack,     {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_h,      setmfact,       {.f = -0.05} },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_l,      setmfact,       {.f = +0.05} },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_Return, zoom,           {0} },
        { MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_j,      pushdown,       {0} },
        { MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_k,      pushup,         {0} },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_Tab,    view,           {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_c,      killclient,     {0} },
     { MODKEY,                       XK_a,      incnmaster,     {.i = +1} },
     { MODKEY,                       XK_z,      incnmaster,     {.i = -1} },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_Right,  cycle,          {.i = +1} },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_Left,   cycle,          {.i = -1} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_Right,  tagcycle,       {.i = +1} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_Left,   tagcycle,       {.i = -1} },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_t,      setlayout,      {.v = &layouts[0]} },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_b,      setlayout,      {.v = &layouts[1]} },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_s,      setlayout,      {.v = &layouts[2]} },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_d,      setlayout,      {.v = &layouts[3]} },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_f,      setlayout,      {.v = &layouts[4]} },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_m,      setlayout,      {.v = &layouts[5]} },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_grave,   shiftlayout,    {.i = +1} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_grave,   shiftlayout,    {.i = -1} },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_space,  setlayout,      {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_space,  togglefloating, {0} },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_0,      view,           {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_0,      tag,            {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_comma,  focusmon,       {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY,                       XK_period, focusmon,       {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_comma,  tagmon,         {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_period, tagmon,         {.i = +1 } },
    TAGKEYS(                        XK_1,                      0)
    TAGKEYS(                        XK_2,                      1)
    TAGKEYS(                        XK_3,                      2)
    TAGKEYS(                        XK_4,                      3)
    TAGKEYS(                        XK_5,                      4)
    TAGKEYS(                        XK_6,                      5)
     /*TAGKEYS(                        XK_7,                      6)
    TAGKEYS(                        XK_8,                      7)
    TAGKEYS(                        XK_9,                      8)*/
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_q,      quit,           {0} },

/* button definitions */
/* click can be ClkLtSymbol, ClkStatusText, ClkWinTitle, ClkClientWin, or ClkRootWin */
static Button buttons[] = {
    /* click                event mask      button          function        argument */
    { ClkLtSymbol,          0,              Button1,        shiftlayout,    {.i = +1} },
    { ClkLtSymbol,          0,              Button3,        shiftlayout,    {.i = -1} },
    { ClkWinTitle,          0,              Button2,        zoom,           {0} },
    { ClkStatusText,        0,              Button2,        spawn,          {.v = termcmd } },
    { ClkClientWin,         MODKEY,         Button1,        movemouse,      {0} },
    { ClkClientWin,         MODKEY,         Button2,        togglefloating, {0} },
    { ClkClientWin,         MODKEY,         Button3,        resizemouse,    {0} },
    { ClkTagBar,            0,              Button1,        view,           {0} },
    { ClkTagBar,            0,              Button3,        toggleview,     {0} },
    { ClkTagBar,            MODKEY,         Button1,        tag,            {0} },
    { ClkTagBar,            MODKEY,         Button3,        toggletag,      {0} },


## this is example configuration file, copy it to ##
## ~/.ncmpcpp/config and set up your preferences  ##
##### connection settings #####
## set it in order to make tag editor and renaming files work properly
mpd_host = "localhost"
mpd_port = "6600"
mpd_music_dir = "~/Music"
mpd_connection_timeout = "5"
mpd_crossfade_time = "3"
mpd_communication_mode = "notifications" (polling/notifications)
##### music visualizer #####
## Note: In order to make music visualizer work you'll
## need to use mpd fifo output, whose format parameter
## has to be set to 44100:16:1. Example configuration:
## (it has to be put into mpd.conf)
## audio_output {
##        type            "fifo"
##        name            "My FIFO"
##        path            "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
##        format          "44100:16:1"
## }
#visualizer_fifo_path = ""
## Note: Below parameter is needed for ncmpcpp
## to determine which output provides data for
## visualizer and thus allow syncing between
## visualization and sound as currently there
## are some problems with it.
#visualizer_output_name = ""
## Note: Below parameter defines how often ncmpcpp
## has to "synchronize" visualizer and audio outputs.
## 30 seconds is optimal value, but if you experience
## synchronization problems, set it to lower value.
## Keep in mind that sane values start with >=10.
#visualizer_sync_interval = "30"
## Note: To enable spectrum frequency visualization
## you need to compile ncmpcpp with fftw3 support.
#visualizer_type = "wave" (spectrum/wave)
##### system encoding #####
## ncmpcpp should detect your charset encoding
## but if it failed to do so, you can specify
## charset encoding you are using here.
## Note: You can see whether your ncmpcpp build
## supports charset detection by checking output
## of `ncmpcpp --version`.
## Note: Since MPD uses utf8 by default, setting
## this option makes sense only if your encoding
## is different.
#system_encoding = ""
##### delays #####
## delay after playlist highlighting will be disabled (0 = don't disable)
#playlist_disable_highlight_delay = "5"
## defines how long various messages are supposed to be visible
#message_delay_time = "4"
##### song format #####
## for song format you can use:
## %l - length
## %f - filename
## %D - directory
## %a - artist
## %A - album artist
## %t - title
## %b - album
## %y - year
## %n - track number (01/12 -> 01)
## %N - full track info (01/12 -> 01/12)
## %g - genre
## %c - composer
## %p - performer
## %d - disc
## %C - comment
## $R - begin right alignment
## you can also put them in { } and then it will be displayed
## only if all requested values are available and/or define alternate
## value with { }|{ } eg. {%a - %t}|{%f}
## Note: Format that is similar to "%a - %t" (i.e. without any additional
## braces) is equal to "{%a - %t}", so if one of the tags is missing,
## you'll get nothing.
## text can also have different color than the main window has,
## eg. if you want length to be green, write $3%l$9
## available values:
## - 0 - default window color (discards all other colors)
## - 1 - black
## - 2 - red
## - 3 - green
## - 4 - yellow
## - 5 - blue
## - 6 - magenta
## - 7 - cyan
## - 8 - white
## - 9 - end of current color
## Note: colors can be nested.
#song_list_format = "{%a - }{%t}|{$8%f$9}$R{$3(%l)$9}"
#song_status_format = "{{%a{ \"%b\"{ (%y)}} - }{%t}}|{%f}"
#song_library_format = "{%n - }{%t}|{%f}"
#tag_editor_album_format = "{(%y) }%b"
## Note: Below variables are for alternative version of user's interface.
## Their syntax supports all tags and colors listed above plus some extra
## markers used for text attributes. They are followed by character '$'.
## After that you can put:
## - b - bold text
## - u - underline text
## - r - reverse colors
## - a - use alternative character set
## If you don't want to use an attribute anymore, just put it again, but
## this time insert character '/' between '$' and attribute character,
## e.g. {$b%t$/b}|{$r%f$/r} will display bolded title tag or filename
## with reversed colors.
#alternative_header_first_line_format = "$b$1$aqqu$/a$9 {%t}|{%f} $1$atqq$/a$9$/b"
#alternative_header_second_line_format = "{{$4$b%a$/b$9}{ - $7%b$9}{ ($4%y$9)}}|{%D}"
## Note: Below variables also supports
## text attributes listed above.
#now_playing_prefix = "$b"
#now_playing_suffix = "$/b"
#browser_playlist_prefix = "$2playlist$9 "
#selected_item_prefix = "$6"
#selected_item_suffix = "$9"
## colors are not supported for below variable
#song_window_title_format = "{%a - }{%t}|{%f}"
##### columns settings #####
## syntax of song columns list format is "column column etc."
## - syntax for each column is:
## (width of column)[column's color]{displayed tag}
## Note: Width is by default in %, if you want a column to
## have fixed size, add 'f' after the value, e.g. (10)[white]{a}
## will be the column that take 10% of screen (so the real column's
## width will depend on actual screen size), whereas (10f)[white]{a}
## will take 10 terminal cells, no matter how wide the screen is.
## - color is optional (if you want the default one, type [])
## Note: You can give a column additional attributes by putting appropriate
## character after displayed tag character. Available attributes are:
## - r - column will be right aligned
## - E - if tag is empty, empty tag marker won't be displayed
## You can also:
## - give a column custom name by putting it after attributes,
##   separated with character ':', e.g. {lr:Length} gives you
##   right aligned column of lengths named "Length".
## - define sequence of tags, that have to be displayed in case
##   predecessor is empty in a way similar to the one in classic
##   song format, i.e. using '|' character, e.g. {a|c|p:Owner}
##   creates column named "Owner" that tries to display artist
##   tag and then composer and performer if previous ones are
##   not available.
#song_columns_list_format = "(7f)[green]{l} (25)[cyan]{a} (40)[]{t|f} (30)[red]{b}"
##### various settings #####
## Note: Custom command that will be executed each
## time song changes. Useful for notifications etc.
## Attention: It doesn't support song format anymore.
## Use `ncmpcpp --now-playing SONG_FORMAT` instead.
#execute_on_song_change = ""
#playlist_show_remaining_time = "no"
#playlist_shorten_total_times = "no"
#playlist_separate_albums = "no"
playlist_display_mode = "columns" (classic/columns)
browser_display_mode = "columns" (classic/columns)
search_engine_display_mode = "columns" (classic/columns)
#discard_colors_if_item_is_selected = "yes"
#incremental_seeking = "yes"
#seek_time = "1"
autocenter_mode = "yes"
#centered_cursor = "no"
#progressbar_look = "=>"
#default_place_to_search_in = "database" (database/playlist)
user_interface = "alternative" (classic/alternative)
#media_library_left_column = "a" (possible values: a,y,g,c,p, legend above)
#default_find_mode = "wrapped" (wrapped/normal)
#default_space_mode = "add" (add/select)
#default_tag_editor_left_col = "albums" (albums/dirs)
#default_tag_editor_pattern = "%n - %t"
#header_visibility = "yes"
#statusbar_visibility = "yes"
#header_text_scrolling = "yes"
#fancy_scrolling = "yes"
#cyclic_scrolling = "no"
#lines_scrolled = "2"
#follow_now_playing_lyrics = "no"
#ncmpc_like_songs_adding = "no" (enabled - add/remove, disabled - always add)
#show_hidden_files_in_local_browser = "no"
#display_screens_numbers_on_start = "yes"
## How shall key_screen_switcher work?
## - "previous" - switch between current and last used screen
## - "sequence: 2 -> 9 -> 5" - switch between given sequence of screens.
## Screen numbers you can use after 'sequence' keyword are:
## - 1 - help
## - 2 - playlist
## - 3 - browser
## - 4 - search engine
## - 5 - media library
## - 6 - playlist editor
## - 7 - tag editor
## - 8 - outputs
## - 9 - visualizer
## - 10 - clock
## As you can see, above example will switch between
## playlist, visualizer and media library screens.
#screen_switcher_mode = "sequence: 2 -> 3"
## Note: You can define startup screen for ncmpcpp
## by choosing screen number from the list above.
#startup_screen = "2"
#jump_to_now_playing_song_at_start = "yes"
#ask_before_clearing_main_playlist = "no"
clock_display_seconds = "yes"
display_volume_level = "yes"
display_bitrate = "yes"
display_remaining_time = "no"
#regular_expressions = "basic" (basic/extended)
## Note: If below is enabled, ncmpcpp will ignore leading
## "The" word while sorting items in browser, tags in
## media library, etc.
ignore_leading_the = "yes"
#block_search_constraints_change_if_items_found = "yes"
#mouse_support = "yes"
#mouse_list_scroll_whole_page = "yes"
#empty_tag_marker = "<empty>"
#tag_editor_extended_numeration = "no"
#media_library_display_date = "yes"
#media_library_disable_two_column_mode = "no"
#enable_window_title = "yes"
## Note: You can choose default search mode for search
## engine. Available modes are:
## - 1 - use mpd built-in searching (no regexes, pattern matching)
## - 2 - use ncmpcpp searching (pattern matching with support for regexes,
##       but if your mpd is on a remote machine, downloading big database
##       to process it can take a while
## - 3 - match only exact values (this mode uses mpd function for searching
##       in database and local one for searching in current playlist)
#search_engine_default_search_mode = "1"
## Note: Below variables can allow you to physically
## remove files and directories from your hdd using
## ncmpcpp's browser screen.
#allow_physical_files_deletion = "no"
#allow_physical_directories_deletion = "no"
##### lyrics support #####
## supported lyrics databases:
## - 1 -
#lyrics_database = "1"
#external_editor = ""
#use_console_editor = "no" (set to yes, if your editor is console app)
##### colors definitions #####
#colors_enabled = "yes"
#empty_tag_color = "cyan"
#header_window_color = "default"
#volume_color = "default"
#state_line_color = "default"
#state_flags_color = "default"
#main_window_color = "yellow"
#color1 = "white"
#color2 = "green"
#main_window_highlight_color = "yellow"
#progressbar_color = "default"
#statusbar_color = "default"
#alternative_ui_separator_color = "black"
#active_column_color = "red"
#window_border_color = "green"
#active_window_border = "red"


background no
out_to_console yes
update_interval 1.0
total_run_times 0
use_spacer none

^fg(\#888888)MPD: ^fg()${mpd_smart 40} \
^fg(\#276cc2)::^fg() \
^fg(\#888888)CPU: ^fg()${cpu cpu0}% \
^fg(\#276cc2)::^fg() \
^fg(\#888888)MEM: ^fg()${memperc}% \
^fg(\#276cc2)::^fg() \
^fg(\#888888)PKG: ^fg()${execi 5 paconky ~/.config/packconf} \
^fg(\#276cc2)::^fg() \
${time %I:%M %a %d %b}

If you want my dwm.c and custom files or anything else for that matter just lemme know.

Last edited by TheMuffinMan (2010-07-29 06:16:41)


#528 2010-07-29 06:36:17

From: Australia
Registered: 2009-06-18
Posts: 663

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

Nice one. What gtk / icon theme is that?


#529 2010-07-29 07:32:32

Registered: 2010-06-18
Posts: 39

Re: July 2010 Screenshots



#530 2010-07-29 08:47:21

From: Michigan
Registered: 2010-05-09
Posts: 51

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

| CM690 | Intel i5 4690 | Gigabyte Windforce 1060 6GB | Assorted 2TB Hitachi Deskstars/128GB SSDs |


#531 2010-07-29 09:56:16

Registered: 2009-12-16
Posts: 90

Re: July 2010 Screenshots


just finished tinkering around with the default theme.

aiming for a elementary color scheme.

Archers take their arrows in the knee.


#532 2010-07-29 13:25:49

From: Austin, TX.
Registered: 2010-02-25
Posts: 128

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

Just in case anyone wants the colors, it's my gnumatic colour scheme. tongue

Moderator edit: Read the rules on images

Just want as many people as possible to know where to find my colors. lol

Last edited by .:B:. (2010-07-30 14:03:10)


#533 2010-07-30 09:05:30

From: Algeria
Registered: 2010-04-23
Posts: 30

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

Soumyadeep wrote:
cant live without openbox

Amazing! can you please share the configs ?

الناس رجلان : رجل نام في النور، و رجل استيقظ في الظلام!!
فاين انت منهما ؟؟؟

archlinux x86_64 | مجتمع لينكس العربي


#534 2010-07-30 09:15:17

From: Denmark
Registered: 2009-08-04
Posts: 100

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

could you share your conky?


#535 2010-07-30 09:47:07

Registered: 2010-05-01
Posts: 28

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

TheMuffinMan wrote:
necr0mancer wrote:

Nice shots! Care to share some configs? (.Xdefaults, .ncmpcpp/config) smile

Sure thing!


If you want my dwm.c and custom files or anything else for that matter just lemme know.

Thanks for these big_smile
and yes I'd love to see your dwm.c! I'd like to know how to get the gaps around the windows like that.
Also, did you do anything special to get vim to look that way? (I'm not too familiar with customizing vim)

arch64 :: zsh :: dwm :: urxvt \\ Still using the same computer I built when I was 15 smile
I also use twitter entirely too much.


#536 2010-07-30 09:49:01

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,426

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

necr0mancer wrote:

I'd love to see your dwm.c! I'd like to know how to get the gaps around the windows like that.

The aptly named useless gaps patch:

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

Registered Linux User #482438


#537 2010-07-30 12:14:13

Registered: 2010-02-25
Posts: 20

Re: July 2010 Screenshots



#538 2010-07-30 18:25:47

From: Algeria
Registered: 2010-04-23
Posts: 30

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

tawan wrote:
هاشم wrote:

can you share this gr8 work pls ??

I will collect up all the scripts and configs soon and post them.

I'm still waiting

الناس رجلان : رجل نام في النور، و رجل استيقظ في الظلام!!
فاين انت منهما ؟؟؟

archlinux x86_64 | مجتمع لينكس العربي


#539 2010-07-30 18:46:45

From: Greece
Registered: 2007-08-28
Posts: 132

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

@ Apocalypsus:

Congrats smile
Beatutiful screenshot!

Last edited by avoulk (2010-07-30 18:47:14)


#540 2010-07-30 20:56:10

Registered: 2006-02-05
Posts: 136

Re: July 2010 Screenshots


And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought... a board is found.
        "This is it... this is where I belong..."

Arch Linux x86_64 | LiCo #213644 | blog / configs


#541 2010-07-30 21:29:06

Registered: 2010-03-27
Posts: 178

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

Finally managed to get a nicer system infos bar :


And with the build-in systray wmfs is even better !


#542 2010-07-30 22:53:57

From: Linden, NJ USA
Registered: 2009-03-14
Posts: 96

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

Here is my shot nothing special...


Registered Linux user :#500622
"être fort pour être utile" (be strong to be useful) —Georges Hébert
"There is only Good people and Bad people, we should not be judged by Race, religion or sex but we should be judged by our deeds or actions." - Lindsey Irving
Xenokite aka Lycan


#543 2010-07-31 11:19:24

Registered: 2010-06-18
Posts: 39

Re: July 2010 Screenshots


#544 2010-07-31 12:47:48

From: Ireland
Registered: 2008-08-24
Posts: 405

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

Moderator edit: read the rules on pictures

Last edited by .:B:. (2010-07-31 21:38:03)


#545 2010-07-31 13:17:30

From: Croatia
Registered: 2010-04-04
Posts: 943

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

Mountainjew, the master of screenshots. ^^
Can you tell everything you use to get this desktop, please?


#546 2010-07-31 14:00:10

From: Poland
Registered: 2009-04-29
Posts: 955

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

Allan wrote:

Full of awesome!

What is the editor on the screenshot number two?

Shell Scripter | C/C++/Python/Java Coder | ZSH


#547 2010-07-31 15:09:47

From: WI, USA
Registered: 2010-03-16
Posts: 203

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

SpeedVin wrote:
Allan wrote:

Full of awesome!

What is the editor on the screenshot number two?

That would be Geany.


#548 2010-07-31 16:09:52

From: Ireland
Registered: 2008-08-24
Posts: 405

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

archman-cro wrote:

Mountainjew, the master of screenshots. ^^
Can you tell everything you use to get this desktop, please?

Sure, i'm using the GTK theme and conky from this

And the covergloobus skin is here

If i missed anything, lemme know smile


#549 2010-07-31 16:49:12

Registered: 2010-07-08
Posts: 3

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

Mountainjew wrote:
archman-cro wrote:

Mountainjew, the master of screenshots. ^^
Can you tell everything you use to get this desktop, please?

Sure, i'm using the GTK theme and conky from this

And the covergloobus skin is here

If i missed anything, lemme know smile

The panel is gnome-panel? Wallpaper? Dockbar is AWN? Dockbar theme? big_smile


#550 2010-07-31 16:58:15

From: Ireland
Registered: 2008-08-24
Posts: 405

Re: July 2010 Screenshots

Hilinus wrote:
Mountainjew wrote:
archman-cro wrote:

Mountainjew, the master of screenshots. ^^
Can you tell everything you use to get this desktop, please?

Sure, i'm using the GTK theme and conky from this

And the covergloobus skin is here

If i missed anything, lemme know smile

The panel is gnome-panel? Wallpaper? Dockbar is AWN? Dockbar theme? big_smile

Yeah gnome panel with compiz transparency.

Awn theme is just called 'Dark Theme' and it came with mine, and the icons are here … s#/d1ezqj6

And here's the wallpaper


Last edited by Mountainjew (2010-07-31 16:58:36)


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