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#1 2010-08-01 09:48:04

From: Connecticut, USA
Registered: 2009-11-09
Posts: 4,092

PekWM window placement / moving

I just started using PekWM and really like it, but I'm having trouble with two points.

1) Is there a way to set window placement to be random? By default it's set to "CenteredOnParent Smart MouseNotUnder", and it doesn't seem to center on anything, and it certainly doesn't seem very smart. hmm

2) When I drag a window to another workspace, I go FLYING all the way to the last workspace in the column or row. Is there a way to make dragging windows between workspaces a little less hyperactive?

Thank you!


#2 2010-08-01 14:19:35

Registered: 2008-03-11
Posts: 1,020

Re: PekWM window placement / moving

It probably shouldn't be acting that way. You should post your config files (specifically the mouse one) so that maybe we can spot the error.


#3 2010-08-01 18:01:45

From: Connecticut, USA
Registered: 2009-11-09
Posts: 4,092

Re: PekWM window placement / moving

Sure, let's see...


Files {
    Keys = "~/.pekwm/keys"
    Mouse = "~/.pekwm/mouse"
    Menu = "~/.pekwm/menu"
    Start = "~/.pekwm/start"
    AutoProps = "~/.pekwm/autoproperties"
    Theme = "/usr/share/pekwm/themes/default"
    Icons = "~/.pekwm/icons/"

MoveResize {
    EdgeAttract = "0"
    EdgeResist = "0"
    WindowAttract = "0"
    WindowResist = "0"
    OpaqueMove = "True"
    OpaqueResize = "False"

Screen {
    Workspaces = "9"
    WorkspacesPerRow = "3"
    WorkspaceNames = "one;two;three;four;five;six;seven;eight;nine"
    ShowFrameList = "True"
    ShowStatusWindow = "True"
    ShowStatusWindowCenteredOnRoot = "False"
    ShowClientID = "False"
    ShowWorkspaceIndicator = "500"
    PlaceNew = "True"
    FocusNew = "True"

    TrimTitle = "..."
    FullscreenAbove = "True"
    FullscreenDetect = "True"
    HonourRandr = "True"
    HonourAspectRatio = "True"
    EdgeSize = "1 1 1 1"
    EdgeIndent = "False"
    PixmapCacheSize = "20"
    DoubleClickTime = "250"

    Placement {
        Model = "CenteredOnParent Smart MouseNotUnder"
        Smart {
            Row = "True"
            TopToBottom = "True"
            LeftToRight = "True"
            OffsetX = "0"
            OffsetY = "0"

    UniqueNames  {
        SetUnique = "False"
        Pre = " #"
        Post = ""

Menu {
    DisplayIcons = "False"

    Icons = "DEFAULT" {
        Minimum = "16x16"
        Maximum = "16x16"

    # To enable make separate window have other icon size restrictions,
    # for example wallpaper menu found in pekwm_menu_tools, set the following
    # for each menu you want to "free".

    # Icons = "Wallpaper" {
    #     Minimum = "64x64"
    #     Maximum = "64x64"
    # }

    # Defines how menus act on mouse input.
    # Possible values are: "ButtonPress ButtonRelease DoubleClick Motion"
    # To make submenus open on mouse over, comment the default Enter,
    # uncomment the alternative, and reload pekwm.
    Select = "Motion MotionPressed"
    Enter = "MotionPressed ButtonPress"
    # Enter = "Motion"
    Exec = "ButtonRelease"

CmdDialog {
    HistoryUnique = "True"
    HistorySize = "1024"
    HistoryFile = "~/.pekwm/history"
    HistorySaveInterval = "16"

Harbour {
    OnTop = "True"
    MaximizeOver = "False"
    Placement = "Right"
    Orientation = "TopToBottom"
    Head = "0"

    DockApp {
        SideMin = "64"
        SideMax = "0"


FrameTitle {
    ButtonRelease = "1" { Actions = "Raise; Focus; ActivateClient" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 1" { Actions = "Focus; Raise" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod4 1" { Actions = "Focus; Raise" }
    ButtonRelease = "2" { Actions = "Lower" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod4 3" { Actions = "Close" }
    ButtonRelease = "3" { Actions = "ShowMenu Window" }
    ButtonRelease = "4" { Actions = "ActivateClientRel 1" }
    ButtonRelease = "5" { Actions = "ActivateClientRel -1" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 4" { Actions = "SendToWorkspace Next; GotoWorkspace Next" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 5" { Actions = "SendToWorkspace Prev; GotoWorkspace Prev" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 Shift 4" { Actions = "SendToWorkspace PrevV; GotoWorkspace PrevV" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 Shift 5" { Actions = "SendToWorkspace NextV; GotoWorkspace NextV" }
    ButtonRelease = "Ctrl 4" { Actions = "MoveClientRel 1" }
    ButtonRelease = "Ctrl 5" { Actions = "MoveClientRel -1" }
    ButtonRelease = "Ctrl Mod1 1" { Actions = "Focus; Raise True" }
    DoubleClick = "1" { Actions = "Toggle Shaded" }
    DoubleClick = "Mod1 1" { Actions = "Toggle Shaded" }
    DoubleClick = "2" { Actions = "MaxFill True True" }
    DoubleClick = "Mod1 2" { Actions = "Toggle Maximized True True" }
    Motion = "1" { Threshold = "4"; Actions = "Raise; Move" }
    Motion = "Mod1 1" { Threshold = "4"; Actions = "Raise; Move" }
    Motion = "Mod4 1" { Threshold = "4"; Actions = "Raise; Move" }
    Motion = "2" { Threshold = "4"; Actions = "GroupingDrag True" }
    Motion = "Mod1 3" { Actions = "Resize" }
    # Remove the following line if you want to use click to focus.
    #Enter = "Any Any" { Actions = "Focus" }

OtherTitle {
    ButtonRelease = "1" { Actions = "Raise; Focus" }
    ButtonRelease = "2" { Actions = "Focus" }
    ButtonRelease = "3" { Actions = "Close" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod4 3" { Actions = "ShowMenu Window" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 4" { Actions = "SendToWorkspace Next; GotoWorkspace Next" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 5" { Actions = "SendToWorkspace Prev; GotoWorkspace Prev" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 Shift 4" { Actions = "SendToWorkspace PrevV; GotoWorkspace PrevV" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 Shift 5" { Actions = "SendToWorkspace NextV; GotoWorkspace NextV" }
    Motion = "1" { Threshold = "4"; Actions = "Raise; Move" }
    Motion = "Mod1 1" { Threshold = "4"; Actions = "Raise; Move" }
    Motion = "Mod4 1" { Threshold = "4"; Actions = "Raise; Move" }
    # Remove the following line if you want to use click to focus.
    #Enter = "Any Any" { Actions = "Focus" }

Border {
    TopLeft {
        # Remove the following line if you want to use click to focus.
        #Enter = "Any Any" { Actions = "Focus" }
        ButtonPress = "1" { Actions = "Focus; Raise; Resize TopLeft" } }
    Top {
        # Remove the following line if you want to use click to focus.
        #Enter = "Any Any" { Actions = "Focus" }
        ButtonPress = "1" { Actions = "Focus; Raise; Resize Top" } }
    TopRight {
        # Remove the following line if you want to use click to focus.
        #Enter = "Any Any" { Actions = "Focus" }
        ButtonPress = "1" { Actions = "Focus; Raise; Resize TopRight" } }
    Left {
        # Remove the following line if you want to use click to focus.
        #Enter = "Any Any" { Actions = "Focus" }
        ButtonPress = "1" { Actions = "Focus; Raise; Resize Left" } }
    Right {
        # Remove the following line if you want to use click to focus.
        #Enter = "Any Any" { Actions = "Focus" }
        ButtonPress = "1" { Actions = "Focus; Raise; Resize Right" } }
    BottomLeft {
        # Remove the following line if you want to use click to focus.
        #Enter = "Any Any" { Actions = "Focus" }
        ButtonPress = "1" { Actions = "Focus; Raise; Resize BottomLeft" } }
    Bottom {
        # Remove the following line if you want to use click to focus.
        #Enter = "Any Any" { Actions = "Focus" }
        ButtonPress = "1" { Actions = "Focus; Raise; Resize Bottom" } }
    BottomRight {
        # Remove the following line if you want to use click to focus.
        #Enter = "Any Any" { Actions = "Focus" }
        ButtonPress = "1" { Actions = "Focus; Raise; Resize BottomRight" } }

ScreenEdge {
    Down {
        Enter = "Mod1 Any" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Down" }
        ButtonRelease = "3" { Actions = "ShowMenu Root" }
        ButtonRelease = "2" { Actions = "ShowMenu Goto" }
        ButtonRelease = "1" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Down" }
        ButtonRelease = "Mod4 2" { Actions = "ShowMenu GotoClient" }
        ButtonRelease = "4" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Up" }
        ButtonRelease = "5" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Down" }
        ButtonRelease = "Mod1 4" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace PrevV" }
        ButtonRelease = "Mod1 5" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace NextV" }
        EnterMoving = "Any Any" { Actions = "WarpToWorkspace Down" }
    Up {
        Enter = "Mod1 Any" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Up" }
        ButtonRelease = "3" { Actions = "ShowMenu Root" }
        ButtonRelease = "2" { Actions = "ShowMenu Goto" }
        ButtonRelease = "1" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Up" }
        ButtonRelease = "Mod4 2" { Actions = "ShowMenu GotoClient" }
        ButtonRelease = "4" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Up" }
        ButtonRelease = "5" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Down" }
        ButtonRelease = "Mod1 4" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace PrevV" }
        ButtonRelease = "Mod1 5" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace NextV" }
        EnterMoving = "Any Any" { Actions = "WarpToWorkspace Up" }
    Left {
        Enter = "Mod1 Any" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Left" }
        ButtonRelease = "3" { Actions = "ShowMenu Root" }
        ButtonRelease = "1" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Left" }
        DoubleClick = "1" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Left" }
        ButtonRelease = "2" { Actions = "ShowMenu Goto" }
        ButtonRelease = "Mod4 2" { Actions = "ShowMenu GotoClient" }
        ButtonRelease = "4" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Right" }
        ButtonRelease = "5" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Left" }
        ButtonRelease = "Mod1 4" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Next" }
        ButtonRelease = "Mod1 5" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Prev" }
        EnterMoving = "Any Any" { Actions = "WarpToWorkspace Left" }
    Right {
        Enter = "Mod1 Any" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Right" }
        ButtonRelease = "3" { Actions = "ShowMenu Root" }
        ButtonRelease = "1" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Right" }
        DoubleClick = "1" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Right" }
        ButtonRelease = "2" { Actions = "ShowMenu Goto" }
        ButtonRelease = "Mod4 2" { Actions = "ShowMenu GotoClient" }
        ButtonRelease = "4" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Right" }
        ButtonRelease = "5" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Left" }
        ButtonRelease = "Mod1 4" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Next" }
        ButtonRelease = "Mod1 5" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Prev" }
        EnterMoving = "Any Any" { Actions = "WarpToWorkspace Right" }

Client {
    # Remove the following line and uncomment the alternative if windows should raise when clicked.
    ButtonPress = "1" { Actions = "Focus" }
    # Uncomment the following line if windows should raise when clicked.
    # ButtonPress = "1" { Actions = "Focus; Raise" }

    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 1" { Actions = "Focus; Raise" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod4 1" { Actions = "Lower" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 4" { Actions = "SendToWorkspace Next; GotoWorkspace Next" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 5" { Actions = "SendToWorkspace Prev; GotoWorkspace Prev" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 Shift 4" { Actions = "SendToWorkspace PrevV; GotoWorkspace PrevV" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 Shift 5" { Actions = "SendToWorkspace NextV; GotoWorkspace NextV" }
    ButtonRelease = "Ctrl Mod1 1" { Actions = "Focus; Raise True" }
    Motion = "Mod1 1" { Threshold = "4"; Actions = "Focus; Raise; Move" }
    Motion = "Mod4 1" { Threshold = "4"; Actions = "Focus; Raise; Move" }
    Motion = "Mod1 2" { Threshold = "4"; Actions = "GroupingDrag True" }
    Motion = "Mod1 3" { Actions = "Resize" }
    # Remove the following line if you want to use click to focus.
    #Enter = "Any Any" { Actions = "Focus" }

Root {
    ButtonRelease = "3" { Actions = "ShowMenu Root" }
    ButtonRelease = "2" { Actions = "ShowMenu Goto" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod4 2" { Actions = "ShowMenu GotoClient" }
    # Horizontal movement
    ButtonRelease = "4" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Right" }
    ButtonRelease = "5" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Left" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 4" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Next" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 5" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Prev" }
    # Vertical movement
    ButtonRelease = "Shift 4" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Up" }
    ButtonRelease = "Shift 5" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace Down" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 Shift 4" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace NextV" }
    ButtonRelease = "Mod1 Shift 5" { Actions = "GoToWorkspace PrevV" }
    ButtonRelease = "1" { Actions = "HideAllMenus" }

Menu {
    Enter = "Any Any" { Actions = "Focus" }
    Motion = "Mod1 1" { Threshold = "4"; Actions = "Focus; Raise; Move" }

Other {
    Enter = "Any Any" { Actions = "Focus" }
    ButtonRelease = "3" { Actions = "Close" }
    Motion = "1" { Actions = "Focus; Raise; Move" }
    Motion = "Mod1 1" { Threshold = "4"; Actions = "Focus; Raise; Move" }

I appreciate you looking them over.


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