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not sure if this already exists... but I'm wondering if there is a way to (aside from copying exact links from the address bar to a mousepad file or relying just on bookmarking) create within the forum a list of posts for quick reference on un/solved threads, stickies, etc that one could quick reference without having to re-search the threads or posts... something as simple as a button saying "like", "fav"/"favorite", or "helpful?" (or even "bookmark") on each post as well as the thread itself... which could link to a column or a page all to itself of links to threads and posts (listed separately, would be my preference) with subjects in tact (probably in a listed format) of stuff people found interesting or helpful to their own situations that they can get to right away. I think this would be better than just bookmarking on your browser because it is browser independant and bookmarks can be lost or corrupted. Also, making your own list via a text editor of the links (and adding topic titles yourself) would be tedious (even if you used ooweb or oowriter and basic html to make it look nice for yourself)... I find myself desiring such a feature for situations where I had not memorized a fix or workaround for something and need to find the thread or post again... I always come to the realization that my bookmarks have been lost SOMEWHERE in translation since the last time I was on the forum or I am using a new browser, someone else's computer, a fresh install, etc... something like this would be universally functional. I'd like to make a poll for this topic to see if enough of us would be interested in this to see the admins put it into place, but I don't see that option at the moment.
Thanks to all for your time. Just my two cents....hope it makes change...
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I just subscribe to those threads - it has the added advantage of keeping me abreast of any changes...
true, but what if you were never part of the thread and it hasn't been updated in a while? it's something you find while trying to figure out a problem (sometimes it's not even related to the problem you are looking up, just a good thread about something you were thinking about dealing with another time or didn't realize was wrong or could be better till you stumbled on that thread)... I have been one to fall "victim" to finding good bits of info that way MANY times in my forum crawls of the last few years...
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I think you misunderstood me: I subscribe to the thread not solely to get updates (that is an added advantage) but so all of those threads are accessible when I visit my subscribed threads page...
This is sort of a moot point, however, as the bbs is just the vanilla version on FluxBB - so if the feature you suggest requires any customisation, you may want to look at subscribing to those threads you find useful.
@CPUnltd: if what you are looking for is to follow a selection of threads of your choice, seems that subscribe does the job..
@CPUnltd: if what you are looking for is to follow a selection of threads of your choice, seems that subscribe does the job..
You can subscribe via the rss or via the forum 'Subscribe to this topic' link.
thing is... subscribing may get me to those specific threads... but there is nothing to get me to a specific post (especially within a 3-5-,20-,50-page thread)... if augmentation of the subscribing feature is the best route to go in order to favorite a specific post within a thread so one doesn't have to sift through that thread for the reason they subscribed to it, that would be nice... and that's where I'm coming from more than caring about listing the threads themselves that you found important info within.
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thing is... subscribing may get me to those specific threads... but there is nothing to get me to a specific post (especially within a 3-5-,20-,50-page thread)... if augmentation of the subscribing feature is the best route to go in order to favorite a specific post within a thread so one doesn't have to sift through that thread for the reason they subscribed to it, that would be nice... and that's where I'm coming from more than caring about listing the threads themselves that you found important info within.
I'm not getting your point, Arch doesn't extend the forum software so if there's no plugin that can do what you want, chances of it getting implemented are really slim. I'm subscribed to 200 topics atm and I do keep a list of urls to some specific post + notes e.g. a line from that post to instantly remind me what was it about w/o even clicking the link. It's KISS and trivial to "implement" :-)
This is an out-of-the-box thought, but why not just keep your 'favorite' threads/posts on your personal page in the arch wiki if you think subscribing is of no use?
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
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I finally found the "show subscribed threads" link at the very bottom of the forum start page. Took me some time
As an alternative I was thinking of an even more local solution as in some note dumper/organizer such as kbasket or freemind or some such. I quite like the idea of the wiki page though.
never trust a toad...
::Grateful ArchDonor::
::Grateful Wikipedia Donor::
can you elaborate on the wiki page thing, karol? I don't quite follow...
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@CPUnltd - You can create an account for Arch Wiki and then click your username to access your page. Alternatively just go to this url:
Just replace the username.
ok, cool... thanks... and this is pretty much a private page?
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Well it is a wiki page, so anyone can see it and edit it, but few would be motivated to...
Well its viewable by the public, but unlike normal wiki pages, not everyone can edit your personal page.
Last edited by anonymous_user (2010-08-12 03:31:42)
got ya... as long as I know what I'm getting myself into...
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