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$ flo watch movie,d020
Ids are updated.
$ flo eat lunch,d11100-d11130
Ids are updated.
$ flo
0 08-16 20:00 d0 watch movie
1 08-17 11:00 d1 eat lunch
11:30 d1
flo [-a] [-c id] [-f from] [-r id] [-t to] [-w what] [what[,from][-to]]
-a all items
-c id change item
-f from from date
-r id remove item
-t to to date
-w what
When changing an item, setting -f or -t to r removes the field.
YYYYMMDDhhmm, MMDDhhmm, DDhhmm, DDhh, and DD are the valid date
formats. Replace DD with dn to set the date n days from today's date.
If the year or the month isn't specified, the current year and month is used.
For formats without a month, if the date specified is before today's date, the
month is set to the next month.
The value for hours and minutes is set to 00 if no other value is specified.
flo runs fast since it's written in C, and the goal is to keep it as simple as possible. It uses between 1–2 milliseconds to start when it's cached by the OS.
The package is named flo-git in AUR. The development happens on GitHub.
Last edited by alexanderte (2010-08-22 10:50:05)
git clone git:// cd flo make cp flo /usr/local/bin/ # optional echo "alias f='flo'" >> ~/.bashrc
You should always use Pacman to install packages on Arch. Here's a PKGBUILD:
# Contributor: Xyne
pkgdesc="A command line app for organizing events, to-dos, and deadlines."
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
build() {
cd "$srcdir"
if [ -d "$_gitname" ] ; then
cd "$_gitname" && git pull origin
git clone "$_gitroot" "$_gitname"
cd "$_gitname"
install -Dm755 flo "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/flo"
You can learn more about PKGBUILDs in the wiki:
I recommend that you upload it to the AUR as well, with any changes that you deem necessary. Don't forget to add yourself as the maintainer at the top of the file.
My Arch Linux Stuff • Forum Etiquette • Community Ethos - Arch is not for everyone
Thank you, Xyne!
I will update the installation description in my original post, and attemt to maintain the package.