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The new forum works well with my mobile phone browser and my work PC's Chromium, but my home Arch install will not load the forum (newest stable Chromium). Any ideas? I use default settings all around, except some stuff like download directory etc. I didn't mess with any cookie settings or anything.
I am pretty clueless as to why it doesn't work at home.
seems to have either a) worked itself out, or b) the new chromium update fixed it
Last edited by Google (2010-08-22 03:08:23)
What seems to be the problem? SSL? Maybe you have blacklisted the forum's website somehow? Start chromium from the console and see if there are any errors.
I always start chromium using Awesome's built in console, super+r then typing Chromium. I can load just fine, but the bbs link loads and loads, and takes ages. Once in a while it loads but each link I click takes ages to load, even 20-30 minutes. The last few days I haven't had the forum load at all.
I am clueless about the problem, it started ever since the forum update. My system is up to date, I update daily.
When I get home I can try running it from my normal console and see if there's any errors. Any other ideas? I am at work and try when I get home.
You can check for any similar problems
maybe chromium is confused coz of the SSL validation. installed ca-certificates?
after you make sure this package is installed, try
Last edited by canolucas (2010-08-17 15:01:25)
I thnk the certs may have sped it up back to normal. I will check again after work to make sure everything is still smooth.
Bad news, it only seemed to speed it up yesterday. It's back to freeze loading veryyyyy slow. I can't even use the forum at home...
hmm sometimes work, sometimes not.. sound like a connection issue. it only happens with the forum website? tried other browsers? if so, remove any custom config directory, reinstall chromium and start over. cannot think of any other cause than a broken config, or slow connection + timeout, as ca-certificates + chromium works flawlessly here.. though, from what you say, i don't think it's chromium's fault. i would recommend you to check that your connection is working as it should.
PS1: if you are on a router, or on wifi, you may try networkmanager to get things properly configured, as this is what i use, and works perfectly fine.
PS2: check the drivers for your network card. if you use a packaged kernel module, and did a kernel upgrade recenty, you may need to reinstall it.
good luck dude
Last edited by canolucas (2010-08-19 13:55:11)
It's only the Arch forum that is slow or not working, everything else is pretty great. I guess I can try a reinstall, but I am not sure if it will work. I tried the forum in DWB and Uzbl and it was the same. It's a weird mystery...