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Hello. I would like to buy USB sound card to my notebook - Dell Vostro 3300.
Could anyone tell me, how is it with compatibility USB sound cards with Linux. Are there many problems? It works out of the box?
Thanks for help.
I bought an Asonic External USB2.0 8 Channel Sound Card (14 UKP). It works fine with my 5.1 phono-lead logitech speakers, I don't have any optical/TOS-link speakers. VLC allows me to change output from stereo to 5.1 easily.
I have Creative Xfi External and it gives the sound to the output but nothing more --- I mean the volume/mute reg doesn't work neither the remote control.
When I cat the device in /dev/... and turn the volume I can see codes sent from the card (mostly 7776h) but I know nothing about programming drivers so
I don't know how to implement this. If you want a card with good sound quailty but without functionality you can buy this card.
So generally I can buy any card and it will work, yes?
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