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In a silly mood I decided to finally move to xorg on my perfectly working laptop (centrino+ intel i810 graphics). It was the only thing that was not up to date on this machine.
This is where a lot of trouble began:
In kdm ( yes the x server works ok ) I choose a user account. Kde starts with the splash but sticks at "initializing peripherals". Then bang, I'm back in kdm menu...
After I have succesfully logged in and out as root, I can again log in as a user. Strange!
I pinned the problem down to kde complaining about the directory
/tmp/. ICE-unix
not belonging to root (indeed it belonged to the user that tried to log in.) When I change ownership to root before trying to log in, I can successfully log in. After every reboot however this will have to be repeated.
Anyone have a solution for this tedious problem?
please search the forums - this issue was discussed a few months back - IIRC you need to make sure certain daemons are running before starting kde...
I found this one. Sure this would work (the rc.local trick) but it doesn't tackle the source of the problem.... … +kde+login
Is there any more wisdom on this issue?
i strongly suggest run a simple pacman -Syu
then your rc.sysinit will be updated and should have the rigth entry for the /tmp/ files
try here - last posts on both of these should help you out: