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Hi, when I try to activate a screensaver that uses OpenGL, it shows a message that indicates that I have not the necessary permissions to execute it.
/dev/nvidia0 and /dev/nvidiactl are the problem ... when I change the permissions to 0666 on both everything is fine, but when I reboot, it's all the same problem.
I have to modify something here? /etc/udev/permissions.d/udev.permissions ... "nvidia" is set to 0666:
Also, I belong to the "video" group
Arch GNU/Linux 0.7.1 (Noodle)
Linux 2.6.14-archck1
2 options:
1. remove suid on /usr/bin/xscreensaver
2. or add
KERNEL="nvidia*", GROUP="video", MODE"0666"
to /etc/udev/rules.d/00.rules
Thanks mico that worked.
By the way, I'm using ArchLinux 0.7 and the file is actually:
OK - mico is suggesting using a custom rules file - .rules are read alphabetically so prefixing one with 00 guarantees it is read first
Meshuggin - udev.permissions is no longer used - permissions are now set in .rules files
The latest version of udev has some upstream changes in the configuration layout.
Permissions and user/group ownership are no longer defined in separate files -- instead they are specified within the rules file itself. Look at /etc/udev/rules.d/udev.rules for examples.
This means that any custom permissions need to be moved into a rules file like /etc/udev/rules.d/udev.rules or /etc/udev/rules.d/00-my.rules.
See the udev(8) manpage for more information on writing rules.
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