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#1 2010-09-07 20:25:43

Registered: 2008-08-12
Posts: 565

[makizushi] A wrapper for devtools with a KISS philosophy.

I was using a personal script that I wrote from scratch to simplify building in a clean chroot.
It's still not as flexible as I would like it, but it essentially accomplishes what my modifications to Atsutane's original wrapper did, just in 160 less lines of code.
Thought I would share it with you smile

Script can be found at:

add ". .makizushi" to your .bashrc or .bash_profile
run . .makizushi to source the script

to build packages for all architectures:
run newchrs to create the default 32 and 64 bit clean chroots
run mkchrs in a directory with a PKGBUILD to create packages for both architectures

to build a package for a single package:
run mkchr chrootname

= functions =
newchr - will create all clean chroots
upchr - will update all clean chroots
mkchr - will create a package for all clean chroots
mkdchr- same as mkchr but doesn't clean the chroot (useful with the -I option)

NOTE: if you pass along any parameters, the first parameter's name is the name of the clean chroot, all other parameters will be passed to makechrootpkg

db-aur - used to release packages for people who have access to the community server

= variables =
chrootdir - the directory you want to use to store the clean chroots (default is /var/mychroots)
chroots - an associative array (bash 4 \o/) which contains keys that point to the clean chroot name and values point to the target architecture of that clean chroot (conceptual explanation)
packager - your info
makeflags - the ??? in arch's plan for world domination

I would like to hear any suggestions, comments, and even success (or failure) storries smile
Of course patches are welcome.


Last edited by tomd123 (2010-09-07 23:09:54)


#2 2010-09-08 17:31:07

From: Germany
Registered: 2008-11-19
Posts: 388

Re: [makizushi] A wrapper for devtools with a KISS philosophy.

Will take a look at it. Looks like a nice job so far.


#3 2010-09-16 09:26:24

Registered: 2004-12-06
Posts: 96

Re: [makizushi] A wrapper for devtools with a KISS philosophy.

The idea is nice, however it doesn't seem to support custom/default pacman.conf. As you surely know, it's not uncommon for devs and TUs to run [testing] on their machines, and if they use this script they'll get a [testing]-enabled chroot, which is not useful if building for a repo...

I will see if I can modify the code to support this. Maybe adding another variable would be enough, even though I'd like to customize all my chroots by enabling/disabling specific repos, like:

Arch = x86_64
Repos = core extra community

Arch = x86_64
Repos = testing core extra community

It would be nice to have the automatic creation of an appropriate pacman.conf with the default values and the corresponding repos... what do you think?

dreaming in digital / living in realtime / thinking in binary / talking in ip / welcome to our world


#4 2010-09-16 13:46:40

Registered: 2008-08-12
Posts: 565

Re: [makizushi] A wrapper for devtools with a KISS philosophy.

hey bardo,

That does sounds desirable and I have thought about adding it myself. The only reason why it's not in the scripts is because I couldn't figure out a good way to add them.

If you ever do implement this, let me know. I'll probably accept it if it works smile



#5 2010-09-16 15:17:34

From: Bonn
Registered: 2004-07-05
Posts: 1,964

Re: [makizushi] A wrapper for devtools with a KISS philosophy.

What's the problem you cannot use the archbuild scripts like extra-i686-build that come with devtools? (means I am asking for feedback to improve devtools)


#6 2010-09-18 05:13:56

Registered: 2008-08-12
Posts: 565

Re: [makizushi] A wrapper for devtools with a KISS philosophy.

Well, the reason why I wrote this is because it simplified a lot of things for me, without sacrificing functionality.
For instance, having to manually specify the root each time you want to build.

Edit: Also, my scripts are non-interactive. I never saw the point of having to press enter over and over during the build process.

Last edited by tomd123 (2010-09-18 05:22:06)


#7 2010-09-18 06:14:23

From: NH, USA
Registered: 2008-02-03
Posts: 241

Re: [makizushi] A wrapper for devtools with a KISS philosophy.


I'm also making a auto build bot for archlinux. Here is the link to the info to my script:

I hope it helps.

I'm working on a live cds based on Archlinux.


#8 2010-09-18 08:06:49

From: Bonn
Registered: 2004-07-05
Posts: 1,964

Re: [makizushi] A wrapper for devtools with a KISS philosophy.

tomd123 wrote:

Well, the reason why I wrote this is because it simplified a lot of things for me, without sacrificing functionality.
For instance, having to manually specify the root each time you want to build.

Edit: Also, my scripts are non-interactive. I never saw the point of having to press enter over and over during the build process.

I don't get it at all. devtools are non-interactive and don't require you to specify any parameters. In fact I cannot think of anything more simple. Are you sure we are talking about the same scripts? E.g. just type extra-i686-build within a pkgbuild dir. This will automatically create a chroot if its not there with some defined settings and build the package for you.


#9 2010-09-18 14:30:28

Registered: 2008-08-12
Posts: 565

Re: [makizushi] A wrapper for devtools with a KISS philosophy.

ok, so that worked smile

But also, I'm missing the ability to add options to extra-i686-build. like -I or -L


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