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I prefer:
mplist(){ mplayer -playlist <(tree -aif "$1" | awk '/\.(mp3|wav|ogg|avi|mpg|iso)$/'); }
Why use 'tree | awk' instead of 'find'? Just curious, not challenging.
GraveyardPC wrote:I prefer:
mplist(){ mplayer -playlist <(tree -aif "$1" | awk '/\.(mp3|wav|ogg|avi|mpg|iso)$/'); }
Why use 'tree | awk' instead of 'find'? Just curious, not challenging.
Asking myself the same question, might be a lot shorter, but I did need a pacman -S tree to perform it
I use
#!/bin/bash echo "For what do you want to make a password?" read name echo "How long?" read len pw=$(dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | uuencode -m -| sed -ne 2p | cut -c-$len) echo $name ';' $pw >> ~/password/file cat ~/password/file | grep $pw
for that, found it somewhere on the internet and modified it for my own uses.
A while ago I decided to make a nice and compact version of my own (I've puth this in my zshrc):
mkpw () { cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc "[:print:]\n" | grep ".\{16\}" | cut -b -16 | head -n `[[ "$1" == "" ]] && echo 1 || echo "$1"`}
Simple script to set a new wallpaper. Restarts ROX and conky to make the change take effect.
Uses ImageMagick to resize and crop-to-fit the image and saves it in a specified path, which is also used by SLiM, so that I have the same background in SLiM and OB.
I use it as a custom action in Thunar.
# makewall
# A simple script to resize and crop-to-fit an image to use as Wallpaper
# Usage: makewall IMAGE
# Christian Brassat <>
# Display help
if [ "$1" = "-h" ]; then
echo "Usage: makewall IMAGE"
# Resize Image to Fit
convert "$1" -resize 1280x800^ -gravity Center -crop 1280x800+0+0 +repage /home/christian/Bilder/Wallpapers/current.png
# Set as Wallpaper
feh --bg-center /home/christian/Bilder/Wallpapers/current.png
# Restart ROX to update Wall
killall ROX-Filer
( rox -S ) &
# Restart Conky
killall conky
( conky -c /home/christian/.config/conky/conkyrc ) &
( conky -c /home/christian/.config/conky/conkyrc2 ) &
( conky -c /home/christian/.config/conky/conkyrc3 ) &
Last edited by k3ttc4r (2010-09-10 04:59:28)
GraveyardPC wrote:I prefer:
mplist(){ mplayer -playlist <(tree -aif "$1" | awk '/\.(mp3|wav|ogg|avi|mpg|iso)$/'); }
Why use 'tree | awk' instead of 'find'? Just curious, not challenging.
No specific reason, find works equally well there.
EDIT: Oh, I remember why. I just used tree really quick one day and was doing more with awk than just that expression. Then I shortened it and just never changed it. That was a direct copy/paste from my bashrc.
EDIT2: I just created an alternate method, but you still must use both find and sort to get the same result as tree sorts by default:
mplist(){ mplayer -playlist <(find "$1" -regex '.*\.\(mp3\|wav\|ogg\|avi\|mpg\|iso\)' | sort); }
My original took (real: 0.013s, user: 0.010s) vs. find/sort (real: 0.009s, user: 0.003s). So I guess find is faster.
Last edited by GraveyardPC (2010-09-10 15:51:36)
if you didn't mind the unsorted-ness you could actually do it without the subshell entirely:
find "$1" -regex '.*(wh|at|ev|er)' -exec mplayer -playlist {} \+
Last edited by brisbin33 (2010-09-10 16:35:54)
if you didn't mind the unsorted-ness you could actually do it without the subshell entirely:
find "$1" -regex '.*(wh|at|ev|er)' -exec mplayer -playlist {} \+
This won't work, because the result would look like:
mplayer -playlist file.avi file2.avi file3.avi ...etc
And mplayer would actually open "file.avi" and read it as a playlist instead of appending it to the list. So you'll see stuff like:
Playing /dir1/dir2/¶[Ï01wbÀ.
File not found: '/dir1/dir2/¶[Ï01wbÀ'
Failed to open /dir1/dir2/¶[Ï01wbÀ.
where it tried to load file paths from the binary information of "file.avi".
Last edited by GraveyardPC (2010-09-10 16:59:33)
Drop the '-playlist' part.
karol wrote:Drop the '-playlist' part.
Yes. I was unfamiliar with that option, sorry.
Heh, no need to apologize. In fact right now I'm writing an mplayer frontend just to circumvent these problems. It's gtk based but has the feel of curses, with navigation like mc + ncmpcpp for playlist operation.
Last edited by GraveyardPC (2010-09-10 18:01:22)
Utilizes LS to give it headings, detailing what each column represents. File sizes are in human readable format, meaning KB, MB, GB, etc. A total directory size is given at the bottom if not pointed to a file.
function listit()
local dVar=''
if [ ! "$1" ]; then
if [ ! -f $dVar ]; then
(printf "PERM LINKS OWNER GROUP SIZE DATE TIME FILENAME\n---- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- --------\n"; ls -lh $dVar | sed 1d) | column -t
echo "Total: $(du -hc | tail -n1 | cut --fields=01)"
(printf "PERM LINKS OWNER GROUP SIZE DATE TIME FILENAME\n---- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- --------\n"; ls -lh $dVar) | column -t
To use, simply place in your .bashrc file then source it. Afterwards, just type listit or listit <dir/file>
The following is what I wrote to display Pacman updates in Conky. How to use it is commented in to the script. Language = Python
# Script Name:
# Author: Lucian Adamson <>
# What This Script Does: Formats how the output of pacman updates in conky looks
# Examples:
# Say you want to output your pacman updates to conky but only want the top 5 to show
# using the colors red, blue, and green for each line and you wish to have the number of updates
# in a header, you would do this:
# ${execpi 900 /path/to/ -e 'Updates ($n):' -c 'red,blue,green' -n 5}
# OR using long options
# ${execpi 900 /path/to/ --header='Updates ($n):' --colors='red,blue,green' --number-of-updates=10}
# This function can be run from the command line and there is a -h, --help option
# /path/to/ --help
# You can use this script to just output the number of updates like this:
# /path/to/ -g
# Sample output of --colors='red,white,blue' -e '$n updates'
#6 updates
#${color red}chromium 5.0.375.125-1$color
#${color white}libpciaccess 0.11.0-1$color
#${color blue}mutagen 1.19-1$color
#${color red}orc 0.4.6-1$color
#${color white}q4wine 0.119-1$color
#${color blue}wine 1.3.0-1$color
from sys import argv as gv
from optparse import OptionParser as op
import re
onecolor=False # Variable that will change if more than one color is given
#--------------------------- Run a shell command and retrieve output --------------------------
class Command(object):
def __init__(self, command):
self.command = command
def run(self, shell=True):
import subprocess as sp
process = sp.Popen(self.command, shell = shell, stdout = sp.PIPE, stderr = sp.PIPE) =
self.output,self.error = process.communicate()
self.failed = process.returncode
return self
def returncode(self):
return self.failed
# ------------------------ Parse command line options and arguments ------------------------
parser = op()
parser.add_option('-c', '--colors', action='store', default='orange,red', help='Supply either one or more colors in comma separated values. Example: orange,red,blue')
parser.add_option('-n', '--number-of-updates', action='store', default=10, type='int', help='The number of maximum updates to display in Conky.')
parser.add_option('-g', '--get-number', action='store_true', default=False, help='Returns the number of updates available through pacman.')
parser.add_option('-e', '--header', action='store', default='', help='Sets a header for your conky output. Replacable variables are $n for number of updates.')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# --------------------------------------------- The -g flag ------------------------------------------------
theupdates = Command("pacman -Qu").run()
theupdates_ord = theupdates.output
theupdates = theupdates_ord.split("\n") # Split output of -Qu by line
numdates = len(theupdates) # Count the lines
if numdates > 0: # if there are actually updates
theupdates.remove('') #remove the blank line at end
numdates=len(theupdates) # recount
except ValueError:
pass # If error because there is no blank line, keep going
if options.get_number:
print numdates
# ------------------------------------------ Set Variables -------------------------------------------
numupdates = options.number_of_updates #Variables set by optparse
colors = options.colors
header = options.header
# ----------------------------------------- Parse the Colors -----------------------------------------
colors = colors.lower() # convert text to lowercase
if',', colors): # if more than one color
colors = colors.split(',') # split them
for x in range(0, len(colors), 1): # loop through and remove unnec spaces
colors[x] = colors[x].strip(' ')
colorlist_len = len(colors) # This counts the colors
# --------------------------------------------- The Code -----------------------------------------------
pacup_split = theupdates
i = 1
pHolder = ''
totalnow = 1
if not header=='': # If there is a header...
header = header.replace("$n", str(numdates)) #...replace $n with num of updates
pHolder = header + '\n' # and append if to pHolder variable for output with actual updates
if onecolor== True: # if there is only one color
for each in pacup_split: # loop through
if not totalnow > numupdates: # makes sure we only display the alloted number of updates
pHolder = pHolder + "${color " + colors + "}" + each + "$color\n"
pHolder = pHolder.rstrip('\n') + '...\n' #if there are more, we recognize that by adding 3 periods
totalnow += 1
print pHolder.rstrip('\n') # strip off the remaining new line to conserve our conky space
quit() #we're done so quit the script
for newout in pacup_split: # this is the code for more than one color
if i > colorlist_len: i = 1 # if i is greater than number of colors, then reset i
if not totalnow > numupdates:
pHolder = pHolder + '${color ' + colors[i - 1] + '}' + newout + '$color\n'
pHolder = pHolder.rstrip('\n') + '...\n' # we put a \n to conform to line of code above
i += 1 # increase i by one until it is reset
totalnow += 1 # helps make sure we only display the correct number of updates
print pHolder.rstrip('\n') #print the updates without the trailing \n
-- mod edit: added another post from the wrong thread --
The following script was originally written by a now banned user, Evil. It is still posted in this thread somewhere but he has given me explicit permission to make the necessary re-writes. The bug/issue was that if you renamed using a prefix that was already in use then you would lose some of your files. This is because if filename "SeniorPictures-01.jpg" was already in use, and you renamed another file to that, then you would lose the original picture. What I have done here is during a rename, it renames all the files to temporary names using a random number scheme, then names each file according to your set prefix. I felt the need to make this re-write because I love the script as I have used it many, many times and found out of this bug. Fortunately, I always keep backups of everything so there was no harm.
# Script Name: pyrename
# Original Author: Evil
# New Author: Lucian Adamson <>
# Version: 2.0
# Date: 09/17/2010
import os, sys, random
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-f", "--filetype", metavar="filetype",default=".jpg", help="Choose file type to rename", type="string", dest="ren_filetype")
parser.add_option("-p", "--prefix", metavar="prefix", default="Pictures", help="Choose a filename prefix", type="string", dest="ren_prefix")
parser.add_option("-s", "--startcount", metavar="startcount", default=1, help="Choose what number to start counting from", type="int", dest="ren_startcount")
parser.add_option("-d", "--directory", metavar="directory", default=".", help="Define a different directory besides the working directory", type="string", dest="ren_directory")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
ren_filetype = options.ren_filetype
ren_prefix = options.ren_prefix
ren_startcount = options.ren_startcount
ren_directory = options.ren_directory
randint = random.randint(10000, 100000)
listingCount = len(directoryListing)
zeroCount = len(str(listingCount))
# Explanation: If you start to rename a directory of jpgs that are in this
# format: IllinoisTrip-##.jpg and are using the same prefix
# then if this step is skipped, you will lose some files due to
# the renaming convention using already existing file names.
# To prevent that, we create temp files then rename using the
# prefix desired. Therefore, solving the dilemma.
for tmp in directoryListing[:]:
if tmp.endswith(ren_filetype):
zeroMaker = ('%(#)0' + str(zeroCount) + 'd') % {"#":ren_startcount}
os.rename(tmp, 'd' + zeroMaker + ren_filetype)
ren_startcount += 1
# Reset our variables, getting a new listing, list count and digit count
# as well as resetting the starting count
listingCount = len(directoryListing)
zeroCount = len(str(listingCount))
ren_startcount = options.ren_startcount
# Go ahead and rename files accordingly
for renLoop in directoryListing[:]:
if renLoop.endswith(ren_filetype):
zeroMaker = ('%(#)0' + str(zeroCount) + 'd') % {"#":ren_startcount}
os.rename(renLoop, ren_prefix + '-' + zeroMaker + ren_filetype)
ren_startcount += 1
Last edited by jasonwryan (2010-09-20 23:49:27)
This script does what the help says it does. A quick summary though is that it enables you to sort through images using feh.
***WARNING*** you can delete images, using this script.
I used a more simplified version for many months, but thought I should sort the TODOs and add some help before posting it here. Therefore some parts (mainly the options) are not as heavily tested (and as they impacted on the main body, that is the same) though it has been in use for a while.
The help was added just now, so there may be typos and errors in it.
# imgreview
# Enable to go through a folder of images and move them to
# a specified folder, or delete them.
# $1 - $9 dirs to move images to 1 - 9 to select
# <Enter> to delete
# Depends on feh
# -a option needs to be wrapped in "'....'" to work
THIS=$(basename $0)
let INDEX=0
ACTION="--action 'rm %f'"
usage () { echo "Usage: $THIS [-a action] [-c] [-h] [-s source dir] [[[dir1] [dir2]...[dir9]]" ; }
help () {
cat << ENDHELP
$THIS: Uses feh(1) to sort through a list of images in the current directory.
Using feh's ACTIONS the user can rm(1) or mv(1) the displayed image to
one of a specified set of directories. These are default actions that
can be overridden using the options.
When an image is displayed, pressing <ENTER> will delete the file.
When an image is displayed, pressing the appropriate number key (1-9)
will move the file to that respective directory, as long as that number
of directories were passed to the script. That is, pressing 1 will
move the file to the first directory passed, etc.
Normal feh commands are all usable.
<ESCAPE> is used to exit feh, and the script, even if all the files
have been deleted or moved.
-a "'...'" changes the <ENTER> action to what is passed in.
The action is any shell command, and must be
wrapped in "' '".
-c changes the behaviour of the numeric keys from
mv to cp(1)
-s directory changes the source directory for the images.
-h display this help and exit
# getopts
while getopts "a:cs:h" opt; do
case $opt in
a ) ACTION="--action $OPTARG" ;;
c ) MOVE=0 ;;
s ) SRC="$OPTARG" ;;
h ) help
exit 0 ;;
\? ) usage
exit 1
shift $(($OPTIND -1))
ACTIONSTRING="--draw-actions $ACTION"
# loop through inputs building action string
for DIR in "$@"
INDEX=$(($INDEX + 1))
if [ $INDEX -gt 9 ]; then
if [ $MOVE = 1 ]; then
# feh command
eval feh -dF $ACTIONSTRING ${SRC}/*
This script (has been posted elsewhere) is used to rename images to their date, time and original name. The format can be altered. It depends on exiftool.
The regular expression at the start stops it acting on already renamed files.
The commented out lines show an alternative method that could use a different exif info. tool (and indeed, used to).
# renimg
# Renames image file based on Exif creation date & time
# Ignore already formatted imgs
for f in *
if [[ ! $f =~ [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-.*\.[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]] ]]
exiftool '-filename<CreateDate' -d "%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S-$f" $f > /dev/null 2>renimg.log
#dt="$(exiftool -CreateDate $f)"
#d="$(echo $dt | awk '{print $4 }' | sed 's/:/-/g')"
#t="$(echo $dt | awk '{print $5 }' | sed 's/://g')"
#echo $f -- $name
#mv $f $name
" cannot be angry when one looks at a penguin." - John Ruskin
"Life in general is a bit shit, and so too is the internet. And that's all there is." - scepticisle
i used to use ossvol but never liked the idea of temp files for storing volume, etc. perhaps it was written when oss didn't support mute? anyway, it's been a long time since i looked at the original code but i decided to take another look and ended up revamping everything completely. written in zsh (i dont think it will work in bash unless edited).. and a few variables to define:
so here it is; a fork(?) of ossvol:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# author: milomouse <vincent[at]>
# credit: original by Daniel J Griffiths <ghost1227[at]>
# -INFO:-------------------------------------------------------------
# a fork of `ossvol' with major changes, no more tmp file, etc.
# bears no real resemblance to original script. concept only.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# define channels for master outvol and mute toggling:
# toggle between headphones and pc speaker,
# define each mixer for strict compatibility:
# do not change these:
current_vol=${${$(ossmix|grep ${master_channel})[-2]}[1,2]}
argument=${${${${@:/$1}//-}//[a-z]}// }
# do not chese these [unless you know what you're doing]:
# first check to see if argument is valid:
function __intcheck() {
if [[ -z ${argument} ]]; then :
elif [[ ${argument} != <-> ]]; then
print argument not accepted. must be a valid integer. ; exit 1
else : ; fi
# set a static volume level for ${master_channel}:
function setvol() {
if [[ ${argument} != <-> ]]; then print argument is not an integer
elif [[ ${argument} = <-> \
&& ${argument} -le 25 \
&& ${argument} -ge 1 ]]; then
ossmix ${_v} ${master_channel} ${argument}
# toggle outvol of ${mute_channel}:
function mute() {
if [[ ${$(ossmix|grep ${mute_channel})[-1]} =~ OFF ]]; then
ossmix ${_v} ${mute_channel} ON
else ossmix ${_v} ${mute_channel} OFF ; fi
# increase volume by 1, or by valid Integer,
# do not allow increase to over-extend proper values:
function increase() {
if [[ -z ${argument} ]]; then
ossmix ${_v} ${master_channel} +1 ; else
if [[ ${argument} -gt $((25 - ${current_vol})) ]]; then exit 1
elif [[ ${argument} -le 0 ]]; then exit 1
else ossmix ${_v} ${master_channel} $((${current_vol} + ${argument}))
fi ; fi
# decrease volume by 1, or by valid Integer,
# do not allow decrease to over-extend proper values:
function decrease() {
if [[ -z ${argument} ]]; then
if [[ ${current_vol} == 0. ]]; then exit 0 ; else
ossmix ${_v} ${master_channel} -- -1 ; fi ; else
if [[ ${argument} -gt ${current_vol} ]]; then exit 1
elif [[ ${argument} -le 0 ]]; then exit 1
else ossmix ${_v} ${master_channel} -- $((${current_vol} - ${argument}))
fi ; fi
# toggle ${headphone_channel} to/from headphones <-> speakers:
function toggle() {
if [[ $(print ${$(ossmix|grep ${headphonetoggle})[-1]}) =~ \
${headphone_mix} ]]; then
ossmix ${_v} ${headphonetoggle} ${pcspeaker_mix}
else ossmix ${_v} ${headphonetoggle} ${headphone_mix} ; fi
# output current volume of ${master_channel}:
function announce() { print ${$(ossmix|grep ${master_channel})[-2]} dB }
# print proper script usage and exit:
usage() {
<< EOF
usage: ossvol [option(s)] [argument]
-i, --increase - increase volume by 1 or [argument]
-d, --decrease - decrease volume by 1 or [argument]
-s, --set - set master volume level to [argument]
-m, --mute - toggle mute/unmute
-t, --toggle - toggle speaker/headphones
-a, --announce - display current volume level
-h, --help - display this
-,--quiet - do not display output of command
exit 0
# simple cli parsing to get valid options:
if [[ ${${@//[0-9]}//-} =~ quiet ]]; then
_v="-q" ; else _v=() ; fi
case ${${${${@//[0-9]}//-}//quiet}// } {
'i'|'incresae') increase ;;
'd'|'decrease') decrease ;;
's'|'set') setvol ;;
'm'|'mute') mute ;;
't'|'toggle') toggle ;;
'a'|'announce') announce ;;
'h'|'help'|*) usage ;;
not really a big deal but i find it useful.
edit: added set option
Last edited by milomouse (2010-10-14 21:32:51)
I just wanted to improve my C skills (I'm still beginner). I found the GeoIP library and played a bit with it.
So here is the result. The "geoip" package must be installed and you need the GeoLiteCity.dat database file from
Get informations about IP addresses using the GeoIP lib
and the GeoLiteCity database file from
The GeoLiteCity database is updated every 1th of a month.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <GeoIP.h>
#include <GeoIPCity.h>
void usage(void)
printf("\nusage: geoip <ip-address> or geoip <domain>\n");
printf("\nExample: geoip or geoip\n\n");
static const char * mk_NA( const char * p )
return p ? p : "Not Available";
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
GeoIP * gi;
GeoIPRecord * gir;
char *city_db;
if (argc != 2)
city_db = "/home/michael/downloads/GeoLiteCity.dat";
gi = GeoIP_open(city_db, GEOIP_STANDARD);
gir = GeoIP_record_by_name(gi, argv[1]);
if (gir == NULL)
printf("IP Address not found.\n");
printf("\nCountry Code: %s\n",gir->country_code);
printf("Country Name: %s\n",mk_NA(gir->country_name));
if (mk_NA(gir->region) == gir->region)
printf("Region Code: %s\n",gir->region);
printf("Region Name: %s\n",
GeoIP_region_name_by_code(gir->country_code, gir->region));
printf("Region: Not Available\n");
printf("City: %s\n",mk_NA(gir->city));
printf("Postal Code: %s\n",mk_NA(gir->postal_code));
printf("Latitude: %f\n",gir->latitude);
printf("Longitude: %f\n\n",gir->longitude);
Last edited by SiD (2010-09-24 23:50:54)
Nice! You may want to poke around stackoverflow or superuser, I remember someone asking about a local geoip library to use in something.
[git] | [AURpkgs] | [arch-games]
I'm currently learning Bash scripting, so I wrote this little favorites style script, I think it's pretty handy.
# Xplorer - A launcher to various programs, similar to favorites
# Author - Mega-G33k
while [ $RUNNING -eq 1 ]; do
echo "Date: $(date)"
echo "Welcome to \"Xplorer\""
echo ""
echo "1 - Midnight Commander"
echo "2 - Links"
echo "3 - Mutt"
echo "4 - Newsbeuter"
echo "5 - Podbeuter"
echo "6 - NCMPC"
echo "7 - Irssi"
echo "8 - CenterIM"
echo "9 - Start X"
echo "0 - Exit"
echo ""
echo -n "Please enter an option[0-9] "
read boole
if [ $boole -eq 1 ]; then
elif [ $boole -eq 2 ]; then
elif [ $boole -eq 3 ]; then
elif [ $boole -eq 4 ]; then
elif [ $boole -eq 5 ]; then
elif [ $boole -eq 6 ]; then
elif [ $boole -eq 7 ]; then
elif [ $boole -eq 8 ]; then
elif [ $boole -eq 9 ]; then
if ps -A | grep X &> /dev/null; then
echo "X has already been started"
read -n 1 -s
elif [ $boole -eq 0 ]; then
exit 0
echo "Invalid option entered"
read -n 1 -s
BTW, if anybody knows how to keep the date at the top refreshed it would be helpful, thanks.
I'm currently learning Bash scripting, so I wrote this little favorites style script, I think it's pretty handy.
#!/bin/bash ##### # Xplorer - A launcher to various programs, similar to favorites # Author - Mega-G33k ##### RUNNING=1 while [ $RUNNING -eq 1 ]; do clear echo "Date: $(date)" echo "Welcome to \"Xplorer\"" echo "" echo "1 - Midnight Commander" echo "2 - Links" echo "3 - Mutt" echo "4 - Newsbeuter" echo "5 - Podbeuter" echo "6 - NCMPC" echo "7 - Irssi" echo "8 - CenterIM" echo "9 - Start X" echo "0 - Exit" echo "" echo -n "Please enter an option[0-9] " read boole if [ $boole -eq 1 ]; then mc elif [ $boole -eq 2 ]; then links elif [ $boole -eq 3 ]; then mutt elif [ $boole -eq 4 ]; then newsbeuter elif [ $boole -eq 5 ]; then podbeuter elif [ $boole -eq 6 ]; then ncmpc elif [ $boole -eq 7 ]; then irssi elif [ $boole -eq 8 ]; then centerim elif [ $boole -eq 9 ]; then if ps -A | grep X &> /dev/null; then echo "X has already been started" read -n 1 -s else startx fi elif [ $boole -eq 0 ]; then exit 0 else echo "Invalid option entered" read -n 1 -s fi done
BTW, if anybody knows how to keep the date at the top refreshed it would be helpful, thanks.
I suggest case instead of elifs, like so:
archive () {
case $FILE in
*.tar.bz2) tar -cjf $FILE $* ;;
*.tar.gz) tar -czf $FILE $* ;;
*.tar.lzma) tar --lzma -cf $FILE $* ;;
*.tar.xz) tar --xz -cf $FILE $* ;;
*.tgz) tar -czf $FILE $* ;;
*.zip) zip $FILE $* ;;
*.rar) rar $FILE $* ;;
Or better yet, use select:
progs=('mc' 'links' 'mutt' 'newsbeuter' 'ncmpc' 'irssi' 'centerm' 'startx')
select prog in ${progs[@]}; do
(( REPLY > ${#progs[@]} || REPLY < 0 )) && continue
# define quirks in an if else, or just start it up
if [[ $prog == startx ]]; then
pidof X && echo "X is already running" || $prog
Last edited by falconindy (2010-09-27 02:00:54)
Thanks for your suggestions falconindy and karol, I will take those into consideration and learn the syntax for those commands.
very simple and totally inefficace on big dir:
ff() { find $1 | xargs grep $2 ;}
Search in some path ($1) for file containing the string $2
@pyknite, why not 'grep -R "$2" "$1"'?
@pyknite, why not 'grep -R "$2" "$1"'?
Run it on / or something equally big - it may crash if it runs out of memory and it does even if you have 2 GB RAM if the folder is big enough.
I use
find "$1" \! -name "*~" -type f -exec grep --color=always -iwsI "$2" {} \; -print
for searching something in my text documents - the folder is only a couple MB big, so results are almost instant.
find "$1" \! -name "*~" -type f -exec grep --color=always -iwsI "$2" {} \; -print
I think this way is much better for big directories, -exec \; will run the grep once per match, whereas the xargs approach will build the list of files to search first then pass them all to one grep instance (similar to -exec +). This way, you can see results as they match and you don't have to first wait for the arguments to be built to completion. Also, grep has an internal limit on the number of files it can accept for one search anyway.
I typically just use this if I know there are few enough files in the directory I'm searching:
grep pattern ./**
it requires bash >= 4 and `shopt -s globstar` in bashrc to enable the ** globbing.
Quite often I need to open one particular file in a directory (or tree) containing a lot of files, such that I usually use find -iname to get the filename. After copy pasting the filenames a few times I got annoyed enough to write this using select, as it isn't possible to use -exec or xargs if you have more than one match to your search term(s).
findopen() {
if [[ $1 == '-exec' ]]; then
local PS3="select file: "
files=( $(find "$@" | sort | tr ' ' '|') )
select file in "${files[@]//|/ }"; do
(( REPLY > ${#files[@]} || REPLY <= 0 )) && continue
$cmd "$file"
By default it just uses xdg-open (replace with mime-open or whatever if you want), but you can pass it a -exec option to define the command to use. I couldn't be bothered parsing -exec properly, so it needs to be passed as the first argument and only contain one term, but things like -exec 'ls -l' work at least. Also it is just the command, not including {} like find's -exec. I replace spaces with a random character (here I use a pipe character) so that the array loads properly for filenames with spaces in them.
@falconindy: thanks for the (( ... )) && continue bit, tis a good idea.