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#1 2010-04-23 18:22:41

Registered: 2010-03-20
Posts: 10

Qt for Maemo Development


Not sure if this is the right section, so please feel free to move.

I have a N900 and would like to develop for it. So I have installed Qt. but it runs really slowly. For example, I click file and it takes 2-3 seconds to actually load that screen up. I have tried the Maemo SDK image and that takes ages to load and is again unusable.

I have tried using it after a reboot with nothing else loaded but its still slow. It weird, as OpenOffice takes like 2 seconds to load and is zippy?

I know I have a slow box, but do you have any ideas on what I can do to speed it up? If all else fails, il backup Arch and just test on other distros to see if its maybe Arch. Would rather not as I don't want to break Arch!

The following are notes in advance:
>My box is a P4 3ghz CPU and 4GB ram that runs at 400.
>I have used the Beginners' Guide (Wiki) for install instructions
>I have installed VirtualBox and QEMU (to try the Maemo SDK which was very slow). These might have changed the kernel?
>I have just "pacman -Syu" - No difference

Any more info, let me know.

Thank you!


#2 2010-05-02 18:31:55

Registered: 2010-03-20
Posts: 10

Re: Qt for Maemo Development


I have been very busy distro hopping to find a distro that will run Qt quickly natively.  I have yet to find any.

Qt via wine is quick. Basically usable, but I am having trouble pointing it to Madde as madde is natively installed on Arch. I tried to install the wine version but its just failed to install.

I am tempted to install a Windows partition but I have soo much stuff on my Arch partition it would be stupid to have one partition with my data and another "just" to develop.

I may just have to ditch Linux and go back to windows if I cant solve this. :-(


#3 2010-10-04 14:28:37

Registered: 2006-07-29
Posts: 43

Re: Qt for Maemo Development

Well, in my expirience - after fresh Qt installation and on first launches - it starts indexing help documantation.
My suggestion is tu launch QtHelp and wait for it to finish indexing - after that all willl run fast and smooth.


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