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I'm having troubles deciding what command to assign to "start" or "win" key...I think I'll leave terminal emulator for now.
What about you guys?
I use the fluxbox window manager and use Win + <letter key> to open apps. For example: Win + b open Chromium, Win + t opens a terminal, etc.
Yeah, I use compiz-fusion and the Win key + letter to trigger some events like the screen magnifier for example:
(unnecessary video clip)
Last edited by graysky (2010-10-04 21:58:13)
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I use it in combination with F1-F4 to switch to virtual desktops, and I use it in combination with the space bar to launch my Openbox menu, so I don't have to pull up an empty desktop to be able to right-click and get the Openbox menu.
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I use it as my meta key in XMonad.
#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.
I use openbox for my keybindings. Most special are:
WIN+SPACE: run bashrun
WIN+W: (un)decorate current window
WIN+H: maximize current window horizontally
WIN+V: maximize current window vertically
And I replaced all occurence of ALT in my pytyle-config with SUPER so there are no conflicts with finch, which has some ALT+ANYKEY-bindings, too.
Like others here, I use W/super (i.e., "windows key") for almost all my openbox bindings."
Here's a small sampling:
<keybind key="W-k">
<action name="GrowToEdgeNorth"/>
<keybind key="W-j">
<action name="GrowToEdgeSouth"/>
<keybind key="W-h">
<action name="GrowToEdgeWest"/>
<keybind key="W-l">
<action name="GrowToEdgeEast"/>
The button is too useless to use. Only if I had a home key replacement, then its reputation would change. Even on Windows, I still don't use it.
Last edited by digitalphoenix (2010-10-04 23:30:27)
I use the fluxbox window manager and use Win + <letter key> to open apps.
Same here except with Openbox.
WIN + L = lock screen... just like on that other OS
meta key in xmonad and for custom key bindings in fluxbox, mostly so as not to interfere with programs' keybindings. and I use it in windows to do everything it was designed for.
it's probably my second most used key behind the space bar.
Hofstadter's Law:
It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.
I use it to access commands in rp which are mapped to anything. Use a command enough, loose definition, it gets mapped to a hot key. So it's still very rarely used.
For global shortcuts: to control Deadbeef (audio player), or change keymap. It's the perfect key for custom shortcuts since nothing uses it.
I use it as my meta key in XMonad.
Same here. Mildly interestingly, this means I use it much more under Linux than under Windows.
Running Arch on a Dell Studio 1735. xmonad FTW! Dotfiles here.
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Win + Up = Volume Up
Win + Down = Volume Down
Win + Right = Banshee Next Track
Win + Left = Banshee Prev Track
Win + Space = Banshee Play/Pause
That's all I use it for right now (I think)
lifeafter2am wrote:I use it as my meta key in XMonad.
Same here. Mildly interestingly, this means I use it much more under Linux than under Windows.
The perfect key for that purpose, it has absolutely no use otherwise.
I need to get one of those Tux keys to replace it.
~/.xbindkeysrc reads the following:
#File Manager
Mod4 + f
Mod4 + t
#Instant Messenger
Mod4 + c
Mod4 + e
I'm going to probably make a custom label for my windows keys, although I'm not sure if I want to do that on my desktop's G15, as its a light up keyboard.
Last edited by kmason (2010-10-05 03:31:39)
I use it with keybindings,here is my .xbindkeysrc
m:0x40 + c:41
m:0x40 + c:30
m:0x40 + c:28
m:0x40 + c:39
m:0x40 + c:42
m:0x40 + c:33
m:0x40 + c:54
m:0x40 + c:53
m:0x40 + c:58
"nitrogen /home/dany/Pictures"
m:0x40 + c:25
"amixer set Master 5+ unmute"
m:0x40 + c:111
"amixer set Master 5- unmute"
m:0x40 + c:116
I've currently mapped it to shift-lock and made the original shift-lock button another ctrl button.
Metakey in dwm.
Tamil is my mother tongue.
I use it in several terminal-opening shortcuts:
barrucadu on azathoth in ~ [branch: master]
>>> grep Super config/stumpwmrc
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "M-Super_L") "exec urxvtc -e python")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-Super_L") "exec urxvtc -e newtmux")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-M-Super_L") "exec urxvtc -e ypsilon")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-S-Super_L") "exec urxvtc -e clisp")
It's the standard metakey in Awesome so that's what I primarily use it for. My own keybindings as well usually has the super-key as base, for dmenu and some other frequently used applications.
I use it mostly for window management with compiz.
I've mapped win+arrow to changing desktops, win+pgup and such to Scale, win-tab to ring switcher, and various win+letters to start my most often used programs.
Keybindings for kwin.
Change desktop, desktop grid and present windows.
Thats what it does at the moment.