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#1 2010-10-06 20:01:02

Registered: 2009-09-02
Posts: 27

[SOLVED] Annoying usability issue in gnome-panel menus

Just upgraded to Gnome 2.32 and the menus in the panel started acting weird. If I, for example:

1. Open the "Applications"-menu
2. Hover on top of "Accessories" (Accessories-item gets focus and its sub-menu is opened)
3. Quickly move the cursor diagonally (from top-left to bottom-right) on top of some other menu e.g. Internet
4. There's a 1-2 sec delay before the new menu item gets focus

That particular delay is really annoying. If I move the cursor in a straight line vertically, there is no such effect.

Anybody else have this problem?

Last edited by verbbis (2010-10-08 04:44:16)


#2 2010-10-06 21:21:01

From: Tenochtitlan
Registered: 2009-01-22
Posts: 133

Re: [SOLVED] Annoying usability issue in gnome-panel menus

Yep, i have this "issue", in a complete update Archlinux + Gnome 2.32. I didn't check before the upgrade if this "issue" exist.

"Yo creo que los muertos son tiernos. ¿Nos besamos?"


#3 2010-10-07 20:49:47

Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 664

Re: [SOLVED] Annoying usability issue in gnome-panel menus

I don't use gnome, but just out of curiosity:  what happens if you change the gtk menu-delay settings and restart x?

in ~/.gtkrc-2.0:

    gtk-menu-popup-delay = 30
    gtk-menu-popdown-delay = 20

Last edited by rwd (2010-10-07 20:57:10)


#4 2010-10-08 04:44:00

Registered: 2009-09-02
Posts: 27

Re: [SOLVED] Annoying usability issue in gnome-panel menus

I have to say I was skeptical whether that would work. But it actually does. I think it's more of a workaround, but good enough for me. Thanks!


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