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Like others here, I use W/super (i.e., "windows key") for almost all my openbox bindings."
Here's a small sampling:
<keybind key="W-k"> <action name="GrowToEdgeNorth"/> </keybind> <keybind key="W-j"> <action name="GrowToEdgeSouth"/> </keybind> <keybind key="W-h"> <action name="GrowToEdgeWest"/> </keybind> <keybind key="W-l"> <action name="GrowToEdgeEast"/> </keybind>
I forgot I use the Windows key as well for those tiling-like functions .
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I actually don't use it at all , but maybe i should since it's is useful with openbox
I'm going to probably make a custom label for my windows keys, although I'm not sure if I want to do that on my desktop's G15, as its a light up keyboard.
How are you planning to make such a label? Just use a printer and plain labels?
I would love an Arch label! I just bought a "Powered by Arch Linux" laptop sticker from Dusty... awesome!
Last edited by Texas (2010-10-05 18:33:22)
I'll probably take the KISS approach with distribution of the labels, and simply release the inkscape svg for public consumption, and provide instructions on how to print it and what materials to use. Probably, if it wasn't done professionally by a printer, it would use some Avery labels or something cut to size, but those would probably wear out after extensive use.
[Super] is my [Mod4], so I pretty much use it for everything. It is in a nice location on most keyboards where I can just flick a thumb and keep hands on homerow. It also does not conflict with the keys of any other application that I know of, making it a great choice to attach X-wide shortcuts to.
Last edited by Wintervenom (2010-10-05 23:20:46)
I actually don't use it at all , but maybe i should since it's is useful with openbox
Although it's a useful key to press when you get angry.
start + f = firefox
start + i = weechat
start + t = thunar
start + p = pidgin
start + r = rtorrent
start + m = ncmpcpp
Arch64/DWM || My Dropbox referral link
i have xmonad wm, and i use it as super key, so i can use fn key for other purposes
I use it mostly for window management with compiz.
Ditto. Win +: Arrow keys for virtual desktop, E for expo, S for scale, L for screen lock, and x to toggle back to Kwin (surprisingly, I've yet to accidentally trigger that). Also, Win + R opens up the Plasma "run" dialog in KDE.
I use it w/ kwin instead of the alt key:
Super+Left Mouse: move window
Super+Right Mouse: resize window
And for desktop switching:
Super+F[1,2,3,4]: switch to virtual desktop [1,2,3,4]
Personally, I'd rather be back in Hobbiton.
Win key = mod4 = launcher for apps
Menu key = Win key = mod4 = launcher for apps
It's very useful to have formerly useless keys around.
Menu key = Win key = mod4 = launcher for apps
Menu key... that one I totally forgot about.
On topic: I use Win key only for window management (dwm).
For app launching, I use the right Alt. Guess I should have used Menu instead of right Alt.
This silver ladybug at line 28...
As they are so inconviently placed I think it's easier to use ratpoisons ctrl-t than super (the correct name for the key)
I use it for decoration. Plus as a built in security device - if someone tries to attack me, I pull it off the keyboard and chuck it at them.
Nai haryuvalyë melwa rë
Ι haven't pressed the Start button on any PC since ... (oh my) 2004.
Menu key... that one I totally forgot about.
huh, I didn't even realize I have a menu key.... thought it was the same as the windows key.
now, what do I want to use it for....
Hofstadter's Law:
It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.
About the Menu key, I use that one to launch compiz-deskmenu.
I can't believe nobody else uses it for the same thing as me... keyboard compose key! THE thing I miss the most when I have to use windows (I'm Italian, I know a little German and I'm currently studying French as I live in France, so diacritic signs galore!)
^ This man is a genius among men.
Personally, I'd rather be back in Hobbiton.
Like others, it's my Meta key in kwin.
My most common use for it is Meta+F1, which toggles the Yakuake drop-down terminal.
Also, Meta+Click+Drag to move windows, changed from Alt+Click+Drag, because the latter is utilized by GIMP and Inkscape.
I've used it as the Compose key in the past, but I've rarely needed it.
Last edited by aaaantoine (2010-10-19 14:30:03)
I use the fluxbox window manager and use Win + <letter key> to open apps. For example: Win + b open Chromium, Win + t opens a terminal, etc.
Same here: Win+b = chromium, Win+n = kopete, Win+m = kontact, Win+i = konversation, Win+a = amarok, etc etc
I also use the right CTRL key as an ALT+TAB replacement, and the "MENU" ("MENU" != "Win") key to "Arrange windows in tiles"
Last edited by akurei (2010-10-19 19:31:01)
I use Win/Super key combinations for manipulating and opening windows.
<Super>Q = quit window
<Super>K = Send window to other monitor
<Super>F = Switch to firefox if it's running; otherwise open it
<Super>G = Switch to gvim if it's running; otherwise open it
<Super>Tab = Window Switcher
<Super>Left = Compiz grid left
<Super>Right = Compiz grid right
<Super>Up = Compiz grid top
<Super>Down = Compiz grid bottom
<Super>1 = Call bash/xdotool to put one Window of Firefox on each of two monitors
<Super>2 = Call bash/xdotool to put Gvim on left monitor and mupdf on right monitor (for LaTeX)
<Super>3 ... <Super>8 are similar kinds of arrangements for different tasks
<Super>F10 = Toggle maximized
<Super>F9 = Minimize
and so on.
I have the Menu key set up to deliver <F13> (or <F14> with shift) using xmodmap:
xmodmap -e "keycode 135 = F13 F14"
I use it for defining new keyboard mappings in vim/vimperator. E.g., <F13>e makes text emphasized, <F13>b makes text bold, defined differently depending on whether ft=html or ft=tex or ft=bbcode, or what have you.
Last edited by frabjous (2010-10-20 01:08:32)
I use it for pytyle bindings instead of Alt key in openbox. Also I have some bindings for favourite applications with F keys (like Super+F1 firefox, Super+Enter terminal, etc.)