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#1 2010-10-11 22:08:26

From: Mountain View
Registered: 2007-09-28
Posts: 50

[SOLVED] StumpWM - Fonts Randomly Bolded

Hey all -

Okay, so I'm trying to migrate from GNOME to StumpWM, and running into a problem where some of my fonts are randomly bolded while in Stump, although they aren't in GNOME.  Both WMs are using the same configuration / resource files (except for WM-specific configs, obviously).

Even stranger is that the fonts go back/forth as I move between WMs.  So, for example, if I start a screen session in GNOME and run some commands, everything looks great.  If I then log out and restart X into Stump and re-attach the same screen session, the fonts are bolded.  If I then go back into GNOME and reattach the same screen session, everything looks great again.

Here are some examples of what I'm talking about:

My home directory file listing, in GNOME:

My home directory file listing, in Stump:

A ViM session, in GNOME:

A ViM session, in Stump (note the random bolding of the word 'session'):

I can't seem to figure out what the problem is.

Here are some relevant config files:

My .xinitrc:


# Set the default session to openbox

# Allow specifying a session with startx
test -z "$session" && session=$session_default

# Start the URxvt daemon
urxvtd -q -o -f &

# Turn numlock on
#[[ -x "/usr/bin/numlockx" ]] && numlockx &

# Restore the previous background
#eval `cat ~/.fehbg` &

# Make sure we are in Dvorak
setxkbmap dvorak &

case $session in
        alunn &
        fusion-icon &
        exec gnome-session;;

#        xsetroot -bg "#121212" -mod 3 3 &
        xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmap &
        exec /usr/bin/stumpwm;;

        xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr &
#        zsh $HOME/bin/xmodshit &

        zsh $HOME/bin/dzconky &
        exec wmii;;



My .Xdefaults file:

#include ".Xdefaults.teh"
##include ".Xdefaults.daedalus"
##include ".Xdefaults.shiva"

 *          XTERM
XTerm*background:                 #000000
XTerm*foreground:                 #FFFFFF
XTerm*colorMode:                  On
XTerm*colorBD:                    #FFFFFF
!XTerm*colorBDMode:                On
XTerm*colorUL:                    #FFFFFF
XTerm*colorULMode:                On
Xterm*dynamicColors:              On
XTerm*metaSendsEscape:            True
XTerm*vt100.scrollBar:            False
XTerm*multiScroll:                on
XTerm*jumpScroll:                 on
xterm*SaveLines:                  2500
XTerm*scrollBar:                  false

 *          URXVT

/* colors */
URxvt*background:           #121212
URxvt*foreground:           #FFFFFF
URxvt*cursorColor:          #EB122E
URxvt*cursorColor2:         #252525
URxvt*colorIT:              #FFFFFF
URxvt*colorBD:              #FFFFFF
URxvt*colorUL:              #FF8F00
URxvt*colorRV:              #333333
URxvt*underlineColor:       #0E0E0E
URxvt*borderColor:          #0E0E0E
URxvt*pointerColor:         #252525
URxvt*pointerColor2:        #0092FF

/* fonts */
URxvt*font: xft:terminus:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:hinting=true
URxvt*boldFont: xft:terminus:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:hinting=true
urxvt*italicFont: xft:terminus:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:italic:autohint=true:hinting=true
urxvt*bolditalicFont: xft:terminus:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:bold:italic:autohint=true:hinting=true
Xft.dpi: 96

/* libs */
URxvt*perl-lib:             /usr/lib/urxvt/perl
URxvt*perl-ext-common:      default,matcher
URxvt*perl-eval:            $^O

/* matches */
URxvt*urlLauncher:          chromium
URxvt*matcher.button:       1
URxvt*cutchars:             "()*,<>[]{}|'"
URxvt*matcher.pattern.1:    \\bwww\\.[\\w-]+\\.[\\w./?&@#-]*[\\w/-]
URxvt*matcher.launcher.1:   chromium
URxvt*matcher.pattern.2:    \\B(/\\S+?):(\\d+)(?=:|$)
URxvt*matcher.launcher.2:   gvim +$2 $1

/* perl magic */
URxvt.selection.pattern-0:        ( at .*? line \\d+[,.])
URxvt.selection-autotransform.0:  s/^ at (.*?) line (\\d+)[,.]$/:e \\Q$1\E\\x0d:$2\\x0d/

/* terminal stuff */
URxvt*scrollKey:            true
URxvt*scrollWithBuffer:     true
URxvt*scrollBack:           true
URxvt*scrollTtyOutput:      false
URxvt*scrollTtyKeypress:    true
URxvt*secondaryScroll:      true
!URxvt*jumpScroll:           true
!URxvt*skipScroll:           true
URxvt*loginShell:           true
URxvt*urgentOnBell:         true
URxvt*saveLines:            1024
!URxvt*termName:            rxvt-unicode
URxvt*trippleclickwords:    true
!URxvt*modifier:            (alt,meta,hyper,super,mod1,mod2,mod3,mod4,mod5)
!URxvt*secondaryScreen:     true
!URxvt*secondaryScroll:     true
!URxvt*scrollstyle:          next
URxvt*pasteableTabs:        true
URxvt*pointerBlank:         true
URxvt*pointerBlankDelay:    2
!URxvt*hold:                 0
!URxvt*chdir:                /home/scp1/devel

/* eyecandy */
!URxvt*transparent:          true
!URxvt*shading:              9
!URxvt*fading:              30%
!URxvt*fadeColor:           #000000
!URxvt*inheritPixmap:       true
URxvt*scrollBar:            false
URxvt*cursorBlink:         true
!URxvt*reverseVideo:        true
URxvt*depth:                32
!URxvt.internalBorder:            0
!URxvt.externalBorder:            0
!URxvt*borderLess:           true
!URxvt.lineSpace:                 3
!URxvt*title:                laleh
/*URxvt*blendType:           (add,alphablend,allanon), (averaging,
                                  colorize, darken, diff, dissipate, hue,
                                  lighten, overlay, saturate, screen, sub,
                                  tint, value) */
!URxvt*blurRadius:          (0-128)
!URxvt*iconFile:            (file)

 *          XFONTSEL

/* XFontSel settings */
XFontSel*sampleText.background:       TEXTBG
XFontSel*menu*showUnselectable:       false
XFontSel*MenuButton.shadowWidth:      0
XFontSel*Toggle*ToggleStyle:          check
XFontSel*MenuButton*Justify:          left
XFontSel*MenuButton*MenuButtonStyle:  select    
.xfontsel.pane.commandBox.quitButton.background:  #252525
.xfontsel.pane.commandBox.quitButton.foreground:  snow
.xfontsel.pane.commandBox.ownButton.background:   orange3
.xfontsel.pane.commandBox.ownButton.foreground:   snow
.xfontsel.pane.commandBox.countLabel.background:  snow
.xfontsel.pane.viewPort.sampleText.background:    #252525
.xfontsel.pane.viewPort.sampleText.foreground:    snow
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field0.background:        #252525
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field0.foreground:        snow
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field1.background:        #252525
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field1.foreground:        snow
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field2.background:        #252525
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field2.foreground:        snow
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field3.background:        #252525
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field3.foreground:        snow
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field4.background:        #252525
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field4.foreground:        snow
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field5.background:        #252525
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field5.foreground:        snow
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field6.background:        #252525
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field6.foreground:        snow
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field7.background:        #252525
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field7.foreground:        snow
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field8.background:        #252525
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field8.foreground:        snow
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field9.background:        #252525
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field9.foreground:        snow
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field10.background:       #252525
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field10.foreground:       snow
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field11.background:       #252525
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field11.foreground:       snow
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field12.background:       #252525
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field12.foreground:       snow
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field13.background:       #252525
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field13.foreground:       snow
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox*foreground:               #000000
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.MenuButton.borderWidth:   1
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.MenuButton.internalWidth: 2
.xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.MenuButton.shapeStyle:    rectangle

My colors file:

!fg / bg
*foreground: #c8c8c8
*background: #0f0f0f

*color0:  #251f1f
*color8:  #5e5e5e

*color1:  #eb4509
*color9:  #eb4509

*color2:  #94e76b
*color10: #95e76b

*color3:  #ffac18
*color11: #ffac18

*color4:  #46aede
*color12: #46aede

*color5:  #e32c57
*color13: #e32c57

*color6:  #d6dbac
*color14: #d6dbac

*color7:  #efefef
*color15: #efefef

And finally, my stumpwmrc file, taken from trapd00r (still hacking on this to work for me):

;; vim: set ts=2 filetype=lisp:
;;                                                                                                    ;;                                                                
;; .stumpwmrc                                                                                ;;
;; Sane windows management (vim-bindings)                        ;;
;; Basic mode-line, quick hack for dual head setups    ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;; Feel free to send me the diff                                        ;;
;; Updated: 2009.08.26                                                            ;;

; COLORS(SteelBlue, ForestGreen, SlateGrey

; dump-group-to-file
; restore-from-file


(in-package :stumpwm)

(setf *default-package* :stumpwm)

;(load-module "mpd")
;(load-module "disk")
;(load "/home/scp1/bin/mpd.lisp")
(set-prefix-key (kbd "C-c"))

;; Variables

;;(defparameter terminal "exec urxvtc -e screen -dr -X screen zsh && screen -x")
;;(defparameter terminal "$HOME/bin/fuckingscreenbugshit")

(setf *shell-program* (stumpwm::getenv "SHELL")) ;getenv is not exported

;;(setf *debug-level*   10

;;      *mouse-focus-policy* :click)

; ditch the x
(stumpwm:run-shell-command "xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr -fg white -bg black")

(set-contrib-dir "/usr/share/stumpwm")

;(head-resize 1 0 0 1680 1040)
;(head-resize 2 0 0 1680 1040)
;(head-resize nr x y width height)

;(set-font "-*-terminus-medium-r-normal--0-0-72-72-c-0-iso8859-1")
;(set-font "-*-fixed-*-*-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
;(set-font "-xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--0-0-72-72-c-0-iso8859-1")
;(set-font "-xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--0-0-72-72-c-0-iso8859-7")
;(set-font "-*-dina-medium-r-normal-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
;(set-font "-lispm-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")

(setf *mode-line-background-color* "black"
      *mode-line-foreground-color* "White"
      *mode-line-border-color* "darkgrey"
      *mode-line-timeout* 1
      *mode-line-screen-position* :bottom
      *window-format* "^B^8*%n%s%m%30t :: ^7*"
      *group-format* "%t")

;(setf *disk-usage-paths* '("/mnt/Books" "/mnt/Docs" "/mnt/Games" "/mnt/Movies_1" "/mnt/Movies_2" "/mnt/Movies_3" "/mnt/Music_1" "/mnt/Music_2/" "/mnt/Music_3" "/mnt/Music_4" "/mnt/Music_5" "/mnt/Mvids" "/mnt/Porn" "/mnt/TV" "/mnt/TV_2""))
;(setf stumpwm:*screen-mode-line-format*
;      "%D")

; FIXME dont wanna have to use mode-line just so I can use dzen2
;(dolist (head (screen-heads (current-screen))) (enable-mode-line (current-screen) head 
;                t *screen-mode-line-format*
;                ))

;; Mode line setup - separate setup per head
;(setf stumpwm:*mode-line-timeout* 1)

;(defun set-mode-line-formats ()
;  (let ((heads (screen-heads (current-screen))))
;    (defun set-ml (h-idx format)
;      (enable-mode-line (current-screen) (nth h-idx heads) t format))

;    (set-ml 0 "%D ")
;    (set-ml 1 "%m ")
;    ))

;;;; The Message Window
(set-fg-color "sienna1")
(set-bg-color "grey10")
(set-border-color "sienna4")
(set-msg-border-width 1)

(setf *maxsize-border-width* 1
 *normal-border-width* 0 
 *window-border-style* :thin
 *transient-border-width* 4) ; popups \o/

(setf *message-window-gravity* :bottom-right
      *timeout-wait*           10
      *input-window-gravity*   :top-left)

;; Turn of welcome message
(setf *startup-message* nil)

;;;; Windows

(set-focus-color   "grey20") 
(set-unfocus-color "grey10")
(set-normal-gravity :center)
(setf *normal-border-width* 1)

;;(defvar *maximized-frame-size* (make-frame :number -1 :x 1680 :y 1020 :width 1680 :height 1020))
;;(defvar *maximized-frame-size* (make-frame :number -1 :x 1680 :y 1020 :width 1680 :height 1020))
;;(defvar *current-frame-size* (make-frame :number -1 :x 1680 :y 1020 :width 1680 :height 1020))
;;(defvar *current-maximized-frame* nil)

;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "odiaeresis") "exec mppc -s")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "aring") "exec sh /home/scp1/bin/mpdfav")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd ",") "exec xdotool click 1")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "DEL") "exec pimpd --rand 20")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "b") "exec sh /home/scp1/bin/")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "d") "exec perl /home/scp1/devel/clipbored/scripts/fmenuclip")
;define-key *root-map* (kbd "m") "exec perl /home/scp1/bin/dmenurl")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "e") "exec sh /home/scp1/bin/")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "c") "exec urxvtc")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "x") "exec urxvtc")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "v") "exec urxvtc -e screen -x; screen -X screen zsh")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "x") "exec urxvtc -name URxvt.shiva")
;; deprecated - using self made daemon instead
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "p") "exec mpc next; stumpish echo `mpc --format '%artist% - %album% - %title%             |   [%file%] '|head -1`")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "p") "exec mpc next")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "o") "exec mpc toggle")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "n") "exec /home/scp1/bin/np")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "g") "exec perl /home/scp1/bin/")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "u") "exec sh $HOME/.config/uzbl/urlload")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "SunPrint_Screen") "exec sh $HOME/bin/shot")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "SPC") "exec stumpish echo `mpc --format '%artist% - %title% (%album%)'|head -1`")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "SPC") "exec stumpish echo `mpc --format '%artist% - (%album%) -  %title% [ %file% ]'|head -1`")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "SPC") "exec stumpish echo `pimpd -i`")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "dead_acute") "exec stumpish echo `weather norrköping --irc`")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "RET") "exec sh $HOME/bin/firefox-eval")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "KP_Add") "exec ossmix vmix.0.pcm8 -- +2")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "KP_Subtract") "exec ossmix vmix.0.pcm8 -- -2")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "KP_Subtract") "exec ossmix mplayer -- -2")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "Pause") "exec killall X")

;; sane bindings for window management
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "h") "move-focus left")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "j") "move-focus down")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "k") "move-focus up")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "l") "move-focus right")

(define-key *root-map* (kbd "C-h") "move-window left")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "C-j") "move-window down")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "C-k") "move-window up")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "C-l") "move-window right")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "y") "exec radioc pause")
;(define-key *root-map* (kbd "u") "exec echo 'pt_step 1' > $HOME/.mplayer/fifo")
; control firefox, remotely
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "L") "exec fxr forward")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "H") "exec fxr back")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "J") "exec fxr refresh")

(define-key *top-map* (kbd "F1") "exec radioc change dingata")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "F2") "exec radioc change gabber")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "F3") "exec radioc change hardstyle")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "F5") "exec radioc change hardcore")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "F6") "exec radioc change psy2")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "F7") "exec radioc change psy6")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "F8") "exec radioc change psy4")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "F9") "exec radioc change p1")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "F10") "exec radioc change p2")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "F11") "exec radioc change p3")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "F12") "exec radioc change p4")

(define-key *top-map* (kbd "KP_Begin") "exec echo vo_fullscreen > $HOME/.mplayer/fifo")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "KP_Right") "exec echo 'pt_step 1' > $HOME/.mplayer/fifo")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "KP_Insert") "exec echo pause > $HOME/.mplayer/fifo")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "KP_Up") "exec mplayer -slave -input file=$HOME/.mplayer/fifo /mnt/Porn/*/* /mnt/Porn/* -shuffle")

;;; The End

Okay, so, does anyone have any ideas? :-/

Last edited by daedalus (2010-10-12 22:06:29)


#2 2010-10-11 22:12:39

From: Mountain View
Registered: 2007-09-28
Posts: 50

Re: [SOLVED] StumpWM - Fonts Randomly Bolded

Some additional info, as outputted by some X commands recommended by some kind folks in the IRC channel:

GNOME font / Xft info:

Stump font / Xft info:

Maybe a Xft problem?


#3 2010-10-11 22:19:44

From: Mountain View
Registered: 2007-09-28
Posts: 50

Re: [SOLVED] StumpWM - Fonts Randomly Bolded

Okay, finally, I tried completely removing any mention of Xft (or anything else fancy regarding fonts) in my Xdefaults file... but it had no impact.

/* fonts */
URxvt*font: terminus:pixelsize=12
URxvt*boldFont: terminus:pixelsize=12
urxvt*italicFont: terminus:pixelsize=12:italic
urxvt*bolditalicFont: terminus:pixelsize=12::bold:italic

Does anyone have ideas?


#4 2010-10-11 22:23:39

From: România
Registered: 2009-09-24
Posts: 641

Re: [SOLVED] StumpWM - Fonts Randomly Bolded

try with this:

URxvt*font: -*-terminus-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
URxvt*boldFont: -*-terminus-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*


#5 2010-10-12 14:32:33

From: Mountain View
Registered: 2007-09-28
Posts: 50

Re: [SOLVED] StumpWM - Fonts Randomly Bolded

Okay, I played with a bunch of different font options, and none of them worked.  They all ended up bolded.  I tried

-*-dejavu sans mono-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

And then I chose some specific versions of the above with xfontsel and tried those... nothing.

Any ideas? :-/

I really want to use stumpwm, but the randomly bolded thing is really obnoxious.


#6 2010-10-12 19:43:58

Registered: 2009-11-13
Posts: 97

Re: [SOLVED] StumpWM - Fonts Randomly Bolded

I have in my .xinitrc this:

xset fp+ /usr/share/fonts/local/
xset fp rehash

If I remove it, everithing looks rather ugly tongue


#7 2010-10-12 19:50:50

From: Mountain View
Registered: 2007-09-28
Posts: 50

Re: [SOLVED] StumpWM - Fonts Randomly Bolded

olvar wrote:

I have in my .xinitrc this:

xset fp+ /usr/share/fonts/local/
xset fp rehash

If I remove it, everithing looks rather ugly tongue

Thanks for responding, olvar!

I gave it a shot, but no luck.  I also tried:

xset fp+ /usr/share/fonts/*
xset fp rehash

... just in case, but still nothing.

It has to be something weird :-/


#8 2010-10-12 20:04:16

Registered: 2009-11-13
Posts: 97

Re: [SOLVED] StumpWM - Fonts Randomly Bolded

Ok, glancing through your .Xdefaults I realized you are using xft, whereas what I posted works with the "core X font subsystem". My guess you just have to initialize correctly the xft (fontconfig) fonts. Something that gnome probably does automagically.
I don't really know how to do that but probably the wiki has an entry for that. I'll search and comeback if I find something.

In the wiki there is a note that reads:

Note: For some desktop environments (such as Gnome and KDE) using the Font Control Panel  will automatically create or overwrite the user font configuration file. For these desktop environments, it is best to match your already defined font configurations to get the expected behavior.

Maybe you can start gnome, grab the configuration file, and put it somewhere globally available.
see … 01s02.html

Last edited by olvar (2010-10-12 20:18:24)


#9 2010-10-12 21:45:08

From: Mountain View
Registered: 2007-09-28
Posts: 50

Re: [SOLVED] StumpWM - Fonts Randomly Bolded

olvar wrote:

Ok, glancing through your .Xdefaults I realized you are using xft, whereas what I posted works with the "core X font subsystem". My guess you just have to initialize correctly the xft (fontconfig) fonts. Something that gnome probably does automagically.
I don't really know how to do that but probably the wiki has an entry for that. I'll search and comeback if I find something.

In the wiki there is a note that reads:

Note: For some desktop environments (such as Gnome and KDE) using the Font Control Panel  will automatically create or overwrite the user font configuration file. For these desktop environments, it is best to match your already defined font configurations to get the expected behavior.

Maybe you can start gnome, grab the configuration file, and put it somewhere globally available.
see … 01s02.html

Oh wow, thanks so much for the help!

Okay, while going down that path and hacking around, I discovered something interesting:

If I launch 'urxvt', on its own, everything is perfect.  It is clearly sourcing my .Xdefaults file.  But, if I launch 'urxvtc', a client to the running daemon, everything is messed up in Stump, but fine in GNOME.

So why would urxvtc resource .Xdefaults in GNOME but not Stump?  Ideas?


#10 2010-10-12 22:07:36

From: Mountain View
Registered: 2007-09-28
Posts: 50

Re: [SOLVED] StumpWM - Fonts Randomly Bolded

Okay, problem solved.

It turns out that stump was actually failing to execute 'urxvtc', and instead just launching an xterm in its place without really telling me.  The issue was on my end, regarding some command aliasing.

Thanks so much for your help, everyone that posted!


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