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I'm trying to write a script that downloads the latest newscast for me. I download the html page with wget but I need help to extract the video stream url from there.
First I download the page with wget:
Then, in the html file that I just downloaded there's a link to a rtmp:// stream. Looks like this:
simon ~
> cat aktuellt | grep rtmp
<param name="flashvars" value="dynamicStreams=url:rtmp://,bitrate:850|url:rtmp://,bitrate:320&background=" />
<param name="flashvars" value="dynamicStreams=url:rtmp://,bitrate:850|url:rtmp://,bitrate:320&background=" />
<div class="external-player">Länk för extern spelare: <a class="external-player" href="rtmp://">Flash (rtmp)</a></div>
I'd like to extract the first rtmp:// link with sed (or awk, or whatever. I don't know), rtmp:// in this case. This url changes every day so I'd need something that prints everything from the first occurance of rtmp:// to .mp4. I'm guessing it's possible, I just don't have any idea how to accomplish this.
I'd appreciate som help with this.
sed's the wrong tool (initially) to use. You'll want something that understands HTML. I had success using xmllint:
xmllint --html --xpath '//param[@name="flashvars"]/@value' <(curl -s 2>/dev/null | sed -n 's/.*url:\(rtmp:.*\.mp4\).*/\1/p'
Using falconindy's line, the whole thing can look e.g. like this:
rtmpdump -e -r $(xmllint --html --xpath '//param[@name="flashvars"]/@value' <(curl -s 2>/dev/null | sed -n 's/.*url:\(rtmp:.*\.mp4\).*/\1/p') -o $(date "+%F").mp4
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