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#1 2010-10-02 20:50:31

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,329

2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

Hi Arch community,

Arch Linux (archboot creation tool) 2010.10-1, "2k10-R7" has been released.
To avoid confusion, this is not an official arch linux iso release!

Homepage and for more information on archboot:

- added u(efi) booting support
- bugfix release with latest kernels

Hybrid image file and torrent is provided, which include
i686 and x86_64 core repository. Please check md5sum before using it.

Hybrid image file is a standard CD-burnable image and also a raw disk image.
    - Can be burned to CD(RW) media using most CD-burning utilities.
    - Can be raw-written to a drive using 'dd' or similar utilities.
      This method is intended for use with USB thumb drives.

Please get it from your favorite arch linux mirror: … ot/2010.10


- kernel / LTS kernel
- pacman 3.4.1 usage
- RAM recommendations: 320 MB

Kernel changes:
- bump to latest .35 series and bump lts to latest .32 series

Removed features:
- None

Environment changes:
- added u(efi) booting support
  Big thank you to "Keshav P R " <skodabenz at rocketmail dot com>
- updated pacman mirrorlist file
- updated to vim 7.3
- updated clamav
- add more binaries from e2fsprogs
- added chntpw

hwdetect changes:
- none

setup changes:
- more 4k sector drives fixes
- removed fdisk calling, use parted all the way
- fix dmraid list devices
- some btfs code changes
- fix btrfs submount permissions
- added more extlinux checks
- don't allow ntfs as root fs
- add automatic bootflag fot ext/syslinux
- fix extlinux on gpt devices

quickinst changes:
- none

- FTP installation mode:
- CD installation mode:
Further documentation can be found on-disk and on the wiki.
Have fun!


Last edited by tpowa (2010-10-03 05:45:21)


#2 2010-10-03 12:55:01

From: Tamilnadu, India
Registered: 2010-04-11
Posts: 382

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

EDITED: Created a repo with the grub2-* packages. PKGBUILD at … src.tar.gz .

For the packages add the following lines to /etc/pacman.conf -

Server =

Then type

sudo pacman -S grub2-efi-x86_64  # For x86_64-(U)EFI


sudo pacman -S grub2-efi-i386       # For i386-(U)EFI


sudo pacman -S grub2-bios            # For BIOS

Then create the grub2.efi app using the instructions provided on screen while installing the package. For an all-in-one grub2.efi app add the following grub2 modules while generating grub2.efi -

part_gpt part_msdos fat ntfs ntfscomp ext2 iso9660 udf hfsplus fshelp memdisk tar normal chain linux ls search search_fs_file search_fs_uuid search_label help loopback boot configfile echo lvm efi_gop png jpeg

Launch the grub2.efi application using the EFI Boot Manager or the (U)EFI shell. I personally use only x86_64 UEFI 2.3 firmware booting Arch64 (non-mac UEFI system).

Grub2 1.99 Beta includes a utility that converts grub-legacy's grub.conf or menu.lst file to grub.cfg format - grub2-menulst2cfg file in grub2-common package. Once converted replace linux16 and initrd16 commands by linux and initrd respectively from the converted file before booting.

Alternative (U)EFI bootloaders :-

Fedora's GRUB Legacy with Intel's (U)EFI-GPT patches - grub-efi-fedora AUR package -
ELILO (not recommended) - (pre-compiled binaries and sources)

Last edited by skodabenz (2010-12-08 13:27:42)

My new forum user/nick name is "the.ridikulus.rat" .


#3 2010-10-05 16:29:26

Registered: 2009-04-03
Posts: 37

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

Thanks so much to both of you for the wonderful software and information!

Would it be possible to create my own efi application while I am installing my system with archboot, instead of using the one linked by skodabenz? (I mean making one with grub-mkimage.)

I am planning to install Arch Linux tomorrow hopefully (if the computer arrives).

  • single-boot Arch Linux

  • Intel X25-M SSD (only)

  • Intel DH57JG motherboard

  • want to use GPT (parted does automatic alignment?)

  • want to use UEFI

I've pieced together most information to do this successfully from the wiki and skodabenz's posts, but I would greatly appreciate any further help or advice.


#4 2010-10-05 16:58:56

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,329

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

The iso is only able to boot via efi, the installer and image itself doesn't contain any efi capable things.
For this you need the things skodabenz linked above.


#5 2010-10-05 19:22:28

From: Tamilnadu, India
Registered: 2010-04-11
Posts: 382

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

xrchz wrote:

Would it be possible to create my own efi application while I am installing my system with archboot, instead of using the one linked by skodabenz? (I mean making one with grub-mkimage.)

want to use GPT (parted does automatic alignment?)

Not from within archboot. Download grub2-common and grub2-efi-x86_64 packages from and follow the instructions in the package or the wiki. For partitioning use 'parted --align optimal' or gdisk.

Last edited by skodabenz (2010-10-05 19:24:56)

My new forum user/nick name is "the.ridikulus.rat" .


#6 2010-10-05 19:24:35

Registered: 2009-04-03
Posts: 37

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

Do I have to finish installing and boot into my new system before I can set up GTP and UEFI, or can I do it from the archboot usb disk (even if I can't do it in the archboot installer, maybe I can still just use a shell in the live usb? this would save me having to reboot into my new system twice...)


#7 2010-10-05 19:27:49

From: Tamilnadu, India
Registered: 2010-04-11
Posts: 382

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

You can use pacman from within archboot to manually install the packages into the newly installed system using --root option and then run grub2-mkimage. GPT is well supported by archboot, only efi boot needs manual setup. Copy the packages to usb and use pacman -U option.

Last edited by skodabenz (2010-10-05 19:39:09)

My new forum user/nick name is "the.ridikulus.rat" .


#8 2010-10-06 18:16:11

From: Tamilnadu, India
Registered: 2010-04-11
Posts: 382

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

tpowa: Please add to your future torrents. I have added 2k10-R7 torrent at … f81c849ad3 .

My new forum user/nick name is "the.ridikulus.rat" .


#9 2010-10-06 19:46:11

From: Qatar
Registered: 2008-11-08
Posts: 718

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

a fresh installation (simple, no lvm etc) with new archboot went fine.
> I thing only in official release changing the host name in rc.conf reflects in hosts file
> including resume option (or at-least getting input from the user) in the hooks will be fine this
    may save some time during configuration stage.


#10 2010-10-08 07:36:02

Registered: 2009-04-03
Posts: 37

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

I installed with Archboot last night, and now I'm writing this post on my new system, so obviously it went ok smile

One major issue:

  • The UEFI boot (of the installer) did not work.

I enabled UEFI booting in my Intel BIOS, then restarted with the Archboot CD in the drive. It eventually loaded the GRUB2 boot menu, and I selected Arch Linux x86_64. Then it spent a little while loading (CD was spinning), then the screen went black, then eventually the CD stopped spinning, and the machine went quiet (like idle). I presume nothing more was going to happen... I left it for a few minutes.

So I ended up doing a BIOS boot of the installer, and also, for simplicity, installed a BIOS booting system. I'll wait for your new release before switching to UEFI, since I'm not confident doing it myself manually.

Some minor issues/questions:

  • How do you generate the grub.cfg file? Because I want to add some kernel options now, and I added to /etc/default/grub and ran grub-mkconfig, but the generated file is completely different to the one Archboot originally gave.

  • Was Archboot responsible for making all possible snd- modules load on boot of new system, and also putting them in rc.conf (along with ! versions too)? I can't get my sound working yet, but playing with the modules was the first thing I tried and noticed there were lots already loaded.


#11 2010-10-08 13:30:42

From: Tamilnadu, India
Registered: 2010-04-11
Posts: 382

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

xrchz wrote:

I installed with Archboot last night, and now I'm writing this post on my new system, so obviously it went ok smile

One major issue:

  • The UEFI boot (of the installer) did not work.

I enabled UEFI booting in my Intel BIOS, then restarted with the Archboot CD in the drive. It eventually loaded the GRUB2 boot menu, and I selected Arch Linux x86_64. Then it spent a little while loading (CD was spinning), then the screen went black, then eventually the CD stopped spinning, and the machine went quiet (like idle). I presume nothing more was going to happen... I left it for a few minutes.

Since Grub2 menu came up, that means the iso uefi booting is working properly (the firmware can boot the cd/dvd). After grub2 boots up it is either a problem of grub2 or the kernel itself. Did you see a background image in grub2? If you didn't then there is some problem with video modes in the firmware. Grub2 expects a video mode to be present in a uefi firmware and usually passes the same video mode to the linux kernel. If you got simply a simple grub2 menu without the image, then no video mode was detected by grub2 and therefore while booting the kernel boot messages are not displayed in the screen. I think a bug report has already been files at upstream.

Or Checkout bzr branch of grub2 and apply the change mentioned in this mail … 00091.html .

So I ended up doing a BIOS boot of the installer, and also, for simplicity, installed a BIOS booting system. I'll wait for your new release before switching to UEFI, since I'm not confident doing it myself manually.

I can help you setup efi boot but not here, you have to come into irc #archlinux at freenode (my nickname is skodabenz). Alternatively try this script to compile and setup grub2 for efi in your system. Note: It does not compile alone or setup alone, it does both together.

Some minor issues/questions:

  • How do you generate the grub.cfg file? Because I want to add some kernel options now, and I added to /etc/default/grub and ran grub-mkconfig, but the generated file is completely different to the one Archboot originally gave.

  • Was Archboot responsible for making all possible snd- modules load on boot of new system, and also putting them in rc.conf (along with ! versions too)? I can't get my sound working yet, but playing with the modules was the first thing I tried and noticed there were lots already loaded.

The 2nd question is left to tpowa. In case of grub.cfg, I do not use grub-mkconfig or /etc/default/grub. I manually typed my grub.cfg. Simply edit your grub.cfg using nano or geany or any other text editor and add the kernel options. The use of grub-mkconfig etc. was a unnecessary method created by ubuntu devs (some of them are grub2 devs). There is no such thing as you should not manuallyedit grub.cfg and should always use grub-mkconfig.

My new forum user/nick name is "the.ridikulus.rat" .


#12 2010-10-08 14:21:58

From: Tamilnadu, India
Registered: 2010-04-11
Posts: 382

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

tpowa: Here is a small checklist for grub2 efi implementation in the setup script:

Note: I have used efi/uefi interchangebly below - referring to both efi 1.x and uefi 2.x in both macs and non-mac systems.

  • Check whether the system uses uefi or bios.

  • If bios, ask for which bootloader to install

  • If uefi, grub2 is the only option.

  • Check for the firmware arch. All non-mac uefi systems use x86_64 firmware without exception. Only Intel macs need firmware arch detection.

    I created a workaround for this in the grub.cfg script for the archboot iso. You can use dmesg in archboot booted using efi to find out the firmware arch

    dmesg | grep EFI_ARCH_x86_64 - if true then UEFI x86_64 firmware
    dmesg | grep EFI_ARCH_i386   - if true then UEFI i386 firmware

    or something like

    if [ -d /sys/firmware/efi/ ] || [ -d /proc/efi/ ]
        if [ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ]
            <install grub2-efi-x86_64>
        elif [ "$(uname -m)" == "i686" ]
            <install grub2-efi-i386>
        <install any bios bootloader>

    If sure of uefi but unsure of the architecture, go for grub2-efi-x86_64 (even in macs).

  • Request the user to convert the system to GPT if MBR is found. I recommend this even for bios installs as GPT is more robust with many features useful even for <2TB disks.

    Since GPT is a part of UEFI spec, I suggest making this compulsory for efi booting and optional for bios booting.. I have not come across uefi systems using MBR disks for booting although the uefi spec makes no such restriction.

    Because of this reason, I propose that archboot should ask the user whether he/she wants to convert the drive to GPT.
    If someone is dualbooting Windows and Linux and wants to use UEFI, then GPT is the only option (Windows restiction) - see … hp/t186440 for instructions on how to convert Windows boot to UEFI-GPT.

    This MBR to GPT can be done using sgdisk (scripting equivalent of gdisk) with out data loss. But systems using LVM and other such stuff (which I do not understand) need to be careful.

  • Check whether an efi system partition is present in the system otherwise create one. The order of the partition in the partition table is immaterial. Even in case of Windows dual boot - position of EFISYS part in the table is immaterial.

    EFI SYSTEM PARTITON Requirements:

    Size           - Min 100 MB, Ideal 200 MB
    Filesystem     - FAT32 (FAT16 may also work - not NTFS or HFS or HFS+ or ext2/3/4 or any other file system)
    Partition type - GNU Parted's "boot" flag in GPT disks or EF00 type code in GPT fdisk (aka gdisk) or 0xEF partition type in MBR disks

    Need not be the first partition in the drive/disk
    Should not be in a extended-logical partition in a MBR disk (I have not personally confirmed this - all my disks are GPT) - not to be bother if MBR to GPT conversion is applicable
    Should not be in lvm or any such fancy stuff - partition should be accessible by the (U)EFI firmware

    In UEFI booting, Bios Boot partition (bios_grub in Parted) is not involved - that is used only for BIOS-GPT booting using GRUB2.

    Grub2 or any bios based bootloader previously installed may need to be reinstalled. It is possible to boot linux using grub2-efi and grub2-bios in the same system. Just make sure Bios Boot partition is also installed.

    For a sample partition layout of my system booting both through bios and uefix86_64

    GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.6.11
    Partition table scan:
      MBR: protective
      BSD: not present
      APM: not present
      GPT: present
    Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT.
    Disk /dev/sda: 625142448 sectors, 298.1 GiB
    Logical sector size: 512 bytes
    Partition table holds up to 128 entries
    First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 625142414
    Partitions will be aligned on 1-sector boundaries
    Total free space is 18 sectors (9.0 KiB)
    Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name
       1              40          401623   196.1 MiB   EF00  EFI_SYSTEM_PART
       2          401624          483543   40.0 MiB    EF02  BIOS_BOOT_GRUB2
       3          483544         2488472   979.0 MiB   FFFF  
       4        17260760        17832149   279.0 MiB   FFFF  
       5        17832150       112197959   45.0 GiB    0700  MS_WINDOWS_7_x64_RTM
       6       112197960       206563769   45.0 GiB    0700  DATA_3
       7       206563770       258179514   24.6 GiB    FFFF  LINUX_x64
       8       258179515       258998714   400.0 MiB   FFFF  Linux_Boot_GRUB2_BIOS
       9       258998720       290455199   15.0 GiB    FFFF  
      10       290455200       457370549   79.6 GiB    0700  DATA_1
      11       457370550       625137344   80.0 GiB    0700  DATA_2
      12       625137352       625142414   2.5 MiB     FFFF  
      13         2488473        17260759   7.0 GiB     8200  Linux swap
  • Once the EFISYS partition is created, mount it at /boot/efi (standard efisys mountpoint used by Fedora/Redhat since Fedora 12) or at /efi or any other mountpoint.

  • Install the grub2-efi into the efisys partition at /boot/efi/EFI/grub2 or to any other dir of your choice.

    Run the grub2_efi_x86_64-install or grub2_efi_i386-install script from grub2-common package with instructions from the post_install scripts of the grub2-efi package(s).

  • Create the grub.cfg file similar to the one created for grub2-bios but with "nomodeset add_efi_memmap" kernel options added to each linux menu entry.

Still something missing will be added to this same post as edits.

tpowa: I tried to read through the archboot setup script but I didn't understand the many functions that you have used. I think there should be a common grub2 function for GPT conversion and generating grub.cfg, and 1 separate function each for grub2-bios and grub2-efi.

I also invite other uefi users to add any thing you guys want that is missing in this list. Grub2 upstream devs officially support only UEFI 2.x x86_64 firmware so that rules out many mac users (efi 1.1) and i386 uefi firmware (if theres any one at all).

Last edited by skodabenz (2010-10-08 14:26:56)

My new forum user/nick name is "the.ridikulus.rat" .


#13 2010-10-09 07:13:48

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,329

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

xrchz wrote:

[*]Was Archboot responsible for making all possible snd- modules load on boot of new system, and also putting them in rc.conf (along with ! versions too)? I can't get my sound working yet, but playing with the modules was the first thing I tried and noticed there were lots already loaded.[/*] … imitations


#14 2010-10-10 10:14:31

Registered: 2009-04-03
Posts: 37

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

skodabenz wrote:

Since Grub2 menu came up, that means the iso uefi booting is working properly (the firmware can boot the cd/dvd). After grub2 boots up it is either a problem of grub2 or the kernel itself. Did you see a background image in grub2? If you didn't then there is some problem with video modes in the firmware. Grub2 expects a video mode to be present in a uefi firmware and usually passes the same video mode to the linux kernel. If you got simply a simple grub2 menu without the image, then no video mode was detected by grub2 and therefore while booting the kernel boot messages are not displayed in the screen. I think a bug report has already been files at upstream.

Or Checkout bzr branch of grub2 and apply the change mentioned in this mail … 00091.html .

I finally got around to trying this again, to check what was happening.. Enabled UEFI boot and booted the CD. The Grub2 background image does indeed show up. But then when I select the kernel to boot, the screen eventually goes black and the computer stops responding or doing anything. So I don't think it's a video mode problem, but something else...

skodabenz wrote:

In case of grub.cfg, I do not use grub-mkconfig or /etc/default/grub. I manually typed my grub.cfg. Simply edit your grub.cfg using nano or geany or any other text editor and add the kernel options. The use of grub-mkconfig etc. was a unnecessary method created by ubuntu devs (some of them are grub2 devs). There is no such thing as you should not manuallyedit grub.cfg and should always use grub-mkconfig.

I ended up editing my grub.cfg manually - thank you for explaining how legitimate this is smile


#15 2010-10-10 12:51:51

From: Tamilnadu, India
Registered: 2010-04-11
Posts: 382

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

xrchz wrote:

I finally got around to trying this again, to check what was happening.. Enabled UEFI boot and booted the CD. The Grub2 background image does indeed show up. But then when I select the kernel to boot, the screen eventually goes black and the computer stops responding or doing anything. So I don't think it's a video mode problem, but something else...

I am not sure what is your problem but try acpi=off or acpi=force or noapic or some other options by pressing e in the grub2 menu and editing it. If non of them work, try "noefi" kernel parameter and report back any issues here. In my system, once I select the Archboot x86_64 non-LTS kernel to boot. the background image stays in the screen until the boot messages appear in white text with a black background. Until the boot msg come up, the background image does not go.

In your case I assume once you select menuentry, the background image immedialtely disappears and the screen goes black and the system stops responding. Is that right?

My new forum user/nick name is "the.ridikulus.rat" .


#16 2010-10-10 13:28:31

Registered: 2009-04-03
Posts: 37

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

skodabenz wrote:

In your case I assume once you select menuentry, the background image immedialtely disappears and the screen goes black and the system stops responding. Is that right?

Nope it was after a little while, maybe 20 seconds or so.


#17 2010-10-10 13:51:07

From: Tamilnadu, India
Registered: 2010-04-11
Posts: 382

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

Looks like a kernel issue then. I am not good at solving kernel problems. Please ask tpowa or any dev. I think irc is the best place to ask.

Last edited by skodabenz (2010-10-10 14:10:41)

My new forum user/nick name is "the.ridikulus.rat" .


#18 2010-10-20 06:33:30

Registered: 2005-04-07
Posts: 427

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

This release worked great.  I really liked the package selection section.  I would say this release is 11/10.


#19 2010-10-22 01:30:31

Registered: 2010-02-14
Posts: 23

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

I needed to use this particular ISO just to boot my late 13" macbook pro because the sata controller wasn't found with 2010.05-core-x86_64. But when I try and boot my newly installed system, it seems I have the same issue -- can't find the root /dev/disk/by-uuid/whatever.

I figured I'd get whatever kernel patch I needed in the installation from this build, but it seems I have not?


#20 2010-10-22 01:37:44

Registered: 2009-09-17
Posts: 51

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

Try and see if it boots using the fallback image.  I had a similar problem.

Registered Linux User #402088


#21 2010-10-22 01:48:29

Registered: 2010-02-14
Posts: 23

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

Good call, jimbok! I'm in!

Am I at any disadvantage just setting up grub to boot that one instead? I'm a bit embarrassed to say I don't know what the difference is.

Thanks muchly!


#22 2010-10-27 15:38:28

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2008-08-01
Posts: 5,026

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

djthread wrote:

Good call, jimbok! I'm in!

Am I at any disadvantage just setting up grub to boot that one instead? I'm a bit embarrassed to say I don't know what the difference is.

Thanks muchly!

Did you burn archboot on a cd or usb? I'm trying to boot my macbook from usb with archboot but it doesn't seem to work so far...

ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


#23 2010-10-27 16:33:32

Registered: 2008-02-24
Posts: 452

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

I know for my mac mini I had to use a CD.


#24 2010-10-27 16:55:21

Registered: 2009-09-17
Posts: 51

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

I think you have to use a cd unless you have refi loaded.

Registered Linux User #402088


#25 2010-10-27 18:56:11

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2008-08-01
Posts: 5,026

Re: 2010.10-1 archboot "2k10-R7" ISO hybrid image released

jimbok wrote:

I think you have to use a cd unless you have refi loaded.

Hmm, this guy seems to have booted from usb with just an efi and Ubuntu partition. I reckoned that archboot-efi would be a similar approach.

ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


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