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#101 2005-03-28 01:39:28

From: here, there, everywhere
Registered: 2005-01-25
Posts: 617

Re: Arch x86_64

kde works! i didn't take a screenshot but i'll take one later. there are still a ton of packages left so if people wanna start contributing more stuff that would be great!


#102 2005-03-28 08:56:45

Registered: 2003-09-04
Posts: 112

Re: Arch x86_64

I got it installed but it won't fully boot my kernel. It stops at freeing up memory for the kernel. This is right before the init process. I did notice that udev gave errors when I tried to install it - missing packages data afair. Has this come up before? I looked thru some of this thread, but its 8 pages long so I might have missed something.
Any ideas on how to fix this would be appreciated.

Also, the installation guide needs to be updated - the path to the packages is wrong.

I'll be glad to help out more once I get it to boot fully smile


#103 2005-03-28 09:00:47

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-09-20
Posts: 48

Re: Arch x86_64

Nice!! Everything is moving along quickly smile

Anyway, I'm back! I'm going to do a clean install with all the new packages and start working on a new glibc/gcc combo with multilib support.

I had a private msg from mmccaskill asking me what I changed in the glibc PKGBUILD to get it to compile and I thought it would be better to answer it right here: I changed only the 4rd line on the build() part.

that is:

cp -r linux-libc-headers- $startdir/pkg/usr/include/asm

which should be:

cp -r linux-libc-headers- $startdir/pkg/usr/include/asm

I'm going to do a new install anyway and start compilng glibc/gcc again. This time I'll release the PKGBUILD anyway even if multilib isn't working yet.

To make things more easy for us and others in the future I'm not going to hardcode the architecture in the build scripts but check the $CARCH variable when possible so the PKGBUILDS can be the same for i686 and x86_64.

BTW: if you are running archlinux i686 you can bootstrap a archlinux amd64 pretty easily without using another distribution: get the amd64 kernel package, extract it someplace and install the kernel by hand. The kernel should have the options enabled to run 32bit binaries. Now boot into this kernel on your 32bit archlinux, alter the CFLAGS etc. in /etc/pkgbuild and start installing archlinux amd64 packages on a new partition smile


#104 2005-03-28 14:04:55

From: NC
Registered: 2005-02-21
Posts: 165

Re: Arch x86_64

How does one compile glibc/gcc with multilib support? Or at least how does one find information on accomplishing this? I realize you are proceeding with this endeavor but I am just curious.


#105 2005-03-29 15:49:14

From: Wuerburg/germany
Registered: 2004-01-19
Posts: 292

Re: Arch x86_64

I´ve installed the base of my Arch x86_64. Now. Is there an easy way to install additional packages now??

Or should i download all needed packages for and install them with pacman -A PACKAGE??

I tried to use abs for some apps. But i got this error:

root@LegBox # abs
Name look failure for "": Host name lookup failed
Name look failure for "": Host name lookup failed


#106 2005-03-29 18:52:22

From: here, there, everywhere
Registered: 2005-01-25
Posts: 617

Re: Arch x86_64

Just use pacman -A for now. I'll create real repos as soon as i figure out how! then you can just do pacman -Syu. As for the abs problem I'm not sure whats wrong with it, because I've been having the same problem. What i have been doing is mounting /var/abs using nfs on a x86 system and running abs.


#107 2005-03-29 18:55:53

Registered: 2004-04-29
Posts: 657

Re: Arch x86_64

syamajala wrote:

Just use pacman -A for now. I'll create real repos as soon as i figure out how! then you can just do pacman -Syu. As for the abs problem I'm not sure whats wrong with it, because I've been having the same problem. What i have been doing is mounting /var/abs using nfs on a x86 system and running abs.

see man pacman, FSCK! :evil:

gensync <abstree> <db.tar.gz>

I recognize that while theory and practice are, in theory, the same, they are, in practice, different. -Mark Mitchell


#108 2005-03-30 00:33:48

From: NC
Registered: 2005-02-21
Posts: 165

Re: Arch x86_64

Did a re-install. Copied /usr/X11R6/lib64 to /lib64. Slight problem with /lib64. ldconfig complains of files that should be symlinked. XOrg still works but this is annoying. I cannot seem to pacman -A nvidia <pkg>. Just fails. Should I reinstall again?


#109 2005-03-30 01:53:04

From: here, there, everywhere
Registered: 2005-01-25
Posts: 617

Re: Arch x86_64

You might wanna grab the latest packages. I recompiled the nvidia driver after updating udev. Also i'm working on creating repos so you can just pacman -Syu next time.


#110 2005-03-30 23:24:21

From: here, there, everywhere
Registered: 2005-01-25
Posts: 617

Re: Arch x86_64

The base repo is up! There are ton of new/updated packages. to use it add Server = to your pacman.conf, that is for current. extra is on the way!


#111 2005-03-31 15:04:24

From: NC
Registered: 2005-02-21
Posts: 165

Re: Arch x86_64

Awesome! Can't wait to try it out when I get home. Any speculation when an ISO is going to be released?


#112 2005-03-31 18:44:35

From: Poland
Registered: 2005-02-15
Posts: 41

Re: Arch x86_64

i hope it'll by as fast as posible wink


#113 2005-03-31 22:34:38

From: NC
Registered: 2005-02-21
Posts: 165

Re: Arch x86_64

Lots of errors when verifying package integrity. All packages are corrupt according to pacman


#114 2005-04-01 08:31:29

From: Wuerburg/germany
Registered: 2004-01-19
Posts: 292

Re: Arch x86_64

I´ve got the same error like mmccasklill.
Another thing is, that me screen becomes black nearly all 5 mins. In X i´ve got two big black bar on the left and right. X uses only the half of my screen than.

It will be a long way to Arch64.  wink But i´ll help that it will do it´s way.


#115 2005-04-01 12:27:02

From: here, there, everywhere
Registered: 2005-01-25
Posts: 617

Re: Arch x86_64

I've been trying to figure out why it keeps happening, because the md5sums in the current.db.tar.gz are exactly the same as when i run md5sum on the packages. Some people said they have been having weird problems like this on x86, but no one seems to know how to fix it.


#116 2005-04-01 13:09:34

Registered: 2004-04-29
Posts: 657

Re: Arch x86_64

syamajala wrote:

I've been trying to figure out why it keeps happening, because the md5sums in the current.db.tar.gz are exactly the same as when i run md5sum on the packages. Some people said they have been having weird problems like this on x86, but no one seems to know how to fix it.

recompile pacman against the glibc arch package. i've had similar problems on PPC and it seemed to be a result of it being compiled against debian's back then. after i rebuild it in my newly chrooted arch it just magically worked.

I recognize that while theory and practice are, in theory, the same, they are, in practice, different. -Mark Mitchell


#117 2005-04-02 02:50:13

From: here, there, everywhere
Registered: 2005-01-25
Posts: 617

Re: Arch x86_64

I tried rebuilding pacman, and the current.db.tar.gz but i still seem to get the error, also I even get the error with pacman.static if that means anything.


#118 2005-04-02 16:14:23

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-09-20
Posts: 48

Re: Arch x86_64

mmccaskill wrote:

How does one compile glibc/gcc with multilib support? Or at least how does one find information on accomplishing this? I realize you are proceeding with this endeavor but I am just curious.

You first build a crosscompiler (gcc + glibc) for i686. With that crosscompiler you can build a native i686 compiler (again gcc+ glibc). With the i686 glibc and the x86_64 glibc it should be possible to build a multilib gcc.

And then for the fun part:
rebuild the 32bit glibc with the multilib gcc. This is (finally) a PKGBUILD which other can use. Then rebuild the multilib gcc, so that PKGBUILD can also be used. Then other users can just install and compile instead of having to crosscompile.

I've used this method the other way around to bootstrap x86_64 from i686. was a big help.

See for info on the 32bit / multilib part. And sadly, I haven't had the time to try this method with the latest packages. With the packages I have (which are about 2 months old now..) I get an error when building the multilib gcc.


#119 2005-04-13 22:47:27

From: Poland
Registered: 2005-02-15
Posts: 41

Re: Arch x86_64

how many people doing Arch64 ?
maybe You need a help or something? smile I like Arch but I like my 64-bit proc too smile
I think that many a64 users will help at this project!


#120 2005-04-19 21:45:11

From: here, there, everywhere
Registered: 2005-01-25
Posts: 617

Re: Arch x86_64

its been a while since i posted an update, the reason is i am on vacation in new zealand. i won't get a chance to do stuff until the end of the month or early may. more later...


#121 2005-04-21 21:16:25

From: Brooklyn, NY
Registered: 2004-05-04
Posts: 280

Re: Arch x86_64

I'm building a fileserver (and in the future possibly a something-else-server) based on AMD64.  I'm wondering, just from a technical standpoint, why it doesn't work to install Arch 32, and then install and boot from the AMD64 kernel, then advance from there?

What the heck?  Me no get.

I think I'm going to stick to the 32-bit Arch for now.  It's kind of a waste to build a 64-bit system, then do this to it, but I didn't want to build a Sempron system, and I'm not into P4s.



#122 2005-04-22 08:24:59

From: Hamilton, ON Canada
Registered: 2003-08-07
Posts: 221

Re: Arch x86_64

I think I'm going to stick to the 32-bit Arch for now. It's kind of a waste to build a 64-bit system, then do this to it, but I didn't want to build a Sempron system, and I'm not into P4s.

I recently built an Athlon 64 system and it's not a waste at all.  I tried out the 64bit version of Ubuntu and I didn't notice much performance difference between that and Arch.  While the 64bit port is in the works still, upgrading to Athlon 64 is still worth it.  My 64 3000 (Winchester) is quite a bit faster than my XP 2500 and they're both clocked at 1.8ghz.


#123 2005-04-27 06:22:31

From: here, there, everywhere
Registered: 2005-01-25
Posts: 617

Re: Arch x86_64

just came home like 10 minutes ago... i got on a plane monday night and didn't get off until like wednesday morning. its 2:30 here... i have a lot of catching up to do. more later


#124 2005-05-06 18:13:04

Registered: 2004-12-01
Posts: 25

Re: Arch x86_64

Any advances since your last update? Inquiring minds want to know.

And I had a similar question to thegnu's query: why can't we just start with a preexisting Arch32 base and install an Arch64 base on top?



#125 2005-05-06 21:48:05

From: Amersfoort, the Netherlands
Registered: 2002-08-12
Posts: 362

Re: Arch x86_64

this is great!! amd64 will be one of the major players (of not yet) in distro land.
If this works, a live cd booting amd64 arch would be lovely

from my own experiance, how about the chroot32 bit of arch (sorry haven't been here for a while); can "we" run 32 bit software in a 64 bit environment?

(pacman32 for flash, java, firefox, etc? vs. pacman(64) -Syu)

apt-get install arch


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