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Very nice ISO. Unfortunately I am still trying to memorize the parted commands (apparently unsuccesfully), but luckily enough cfdisk is still there, and I can switch tty and work with it.
Still, if it was a choice between parted (default) and cfdisk, it would be much more convenient for dumbasses like me.
Microshaft delenda est
cfdisk is just limited in dealing and aligning partitions correct, if you use ssds or guid as partition type.
Any chance that for this or future releases, the kernels and initrd files be posted alongside the iso file? It would be great to be able to pull down those files for use with pxe booting without having to tear apart the iso for them. I'm interested in making a collection of scripts to pull down kernels and initrd's from a server and managing the pxe config files and of course I want to start with my favorite distro. :-)
Yes i could separate the files from the iso files too on the mirrors.
That would be great, thanks! :-D
So it is okay to continue to use cfdisk? Good, because parted sucks. I even prefer OpenBSD's fdisk to parted.
Sure it is ok to use cfdisk, but to get perfect allignment for windows 7, gpt, grub2 and such things the only program that does all perfect is parted.
I used my favorite LiveCD on my laptop (Dell D610 with ipw2200 wireless chip)
During live session, I cannot connect to my Wireless Network in personal WPA2 mode (in WEP mode, it's ok).
Is ipw2200-fw correctly configured in live session?
When I launch wpa_supplicant -Dwext -ieth1 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf, connection is started but quckly dropped (cannot be associated)
I ask this because after installation of ARCH (including ipw2200-fw) all is ok (with same wpa_supplicant.conf of course)
Best regards
I like this cd. I have not used archboot in some time. The last time I screwed up the system but I think it was a bad update. I for one wish that you offered both cfdisk as well as parted. I had to exit the install and use cfdisk instead which worked for me. I love that I can select things that in arch I would have to do the base install and then go and install all these other items later on. I used brtfs for my drive and used the full drive for root so I was not able to use grub or even grub2 for my boot loader. I selected extlinux and it gave me no complaints and it is a very fast boot. I really appreciate how easy you make it. I probably installed items I did not need but that is ok.
Any chance of releasing updated ISO? I'm hungry for new packages and clean install .
Hrm, i'm a bit busy at the moment i cannot promise anything. Let's see if i have some time till the end of the week.
When core rebuilt is complete i release definitly a new ISO.
Any chance of releasing updated ISO? I'm hungry for new packages and clean install
You can always install using this and then do install of the net. I did this so that I got the latest software and did not have to do the update after doing the install.
hi all, tried it on my 2007er macbook pro, 64bit doesn't boot at all, because of efi vs uefi incompatiblity. ubuntu had the same problem, so you now can download a special mac 64bit port from their dl servers.
bugtracker url … bug/633983
have a nice day
New archboot files are syncing to the servers now, announcement will be posted tomorrow.
It's just a bugfix release with latest packages and latest kernels.
Have fun.
Last edited by tpowa (2010-12-12 21:34:50)
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