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It seems like we finally are getting adblocking in Konqueror. Ivor Hewitt has posted a plugin at the bottom of this thread. Woho
I am using Privoxy, but I don`t know if you want install an web proxy.
Would this patch work?
I was going to look into Privoxy, but as I didn't find a working PKGBUILD, I put it on ice. Right-clicking a banner to block it would be nice, though.
It seems like we finally are getting adblocking in Konqueror. Ivor Hewitt has posted a plugin at the bottom of this thread. Woho
this shows, that new features take 5 years to get accepted ;-)
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
As a side note:
Click 'Refresh' in your browser after you open the link. There's a weird problem with the server (I think it checks the HTTP referer on request since it's a generated page).
:: / my web presence
If the only thing I want to block is ad then I just use host file ad blocking but the adblock plugin can block something more so maybe this is a good decision.
IceRAM: Link is "forbidden", also when I tried yesterday.
fetreney2000: hosts files can be ok, but needs to be entered manually for each banner provider you meet, and does not work if content and ads are on the same server.
Adblock for Firefox is really The Best Thing Ever, and I hope Ivor's patch develop into something similar.
Added a comment on my previous post.
The site works when you don't open the link from inside another page. HTTP referer should probably be null and this is checked within the script generation page. A pretty annoying thing. I've seen sites filtering by HTTP Referer because they didn't want their pictures linked from other sites (thus denying other sites the use of the pictures which consumes their bandwidth).
:: / my web presence
Pages: 1