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Hi fellow Archers,
today I was doing some research on the internet on one desktop in dwm, and then I needed to copy information from a part of the screen (not easily CTRL-C'd) of my browser into an editor on another desktop. Of course, I wouldn't want to mess up the two desktops entirely, so the ideal thing would be to "cut" a part of the browser screen effortlessly, and move that part to the other screen.
So I made scut -- run it (set up a keycombo for it..), select an area with your mouse and there you go, it shows you the screenshot in a gtk window with resizability set to FALSE - this means that for dwm users (and others), the window will always be in tiling mode -- therefore it won't mess up your screen estate.
Move that window where you want, and then ALT-F4 / (whatever else you have) it after you're done.
Extremely simple, but I find it useful, maybe somebody else will too. The main advantage over classic screen shots is that it does everything from you - you don't have to open the screenshot in an image editor with a trillion random buttons taking up space, then remove it, etc.
It's here : (git repo) or here : (AUR, or install scut).
Suggestions for something better for the PKGBUILD would be welcome (I don't want to clone everything since the repo contains other unrelated small programs).
Last edited by y27 (2010-05-10 02:13:45)
This is like, the coolest thing since sliced bread! Just two things to note. First, change line 10 of the PKGBUILD to:
the difference from the original being https, versus http (for otherwise, makepkg stops because of security issues).
Secondly, because of the python upgrade, the shebang line needs to use python2 rather than python.
Other than those two things, this program works exactly as advertised. I can forsee myself using it quite often . Thanks a lot.
Last edited by Sara (2010-11-13 22:35:57)
Registed Linux User 483618
That's very cool. Nice work y27.
alt+f4 doesn't work for me. Shouldn't 'q' be a bit more.. 'usual'?
alt+f4 doesn't work for me. Shouldn't 'q' be a bit more.. 'usual'?
That's just the default of whatever wm that the user is running. My xmonad setup is mod4-ctrl-c.
Ah, ok, sorry.
I'm glad you find it useful.
Sara, fixed both the PKGBUILD and the shebang line, thanks for reporting this!
Really cool. I did not even know that i need a thing like that. Now i did not know how i could ever lived without
Ceterum autem censeo Systemdinem esse delendam
Wow, this is straight amazing! Time to cook up some scripts with this.
One thing at a time