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Did you know that of the 26 thousand packages we have in the AUR, over 44 hundred don't even have someone to take care of them?
Many are out of date or don't even compile. The rest will soon also succumb to bit rot.
Chances are, you depend on a few of these programs in your day to day life. Show your apps that you do care.
Download Aurphan here:
In a few short seconds, a bash script will compare your installed packages to a list of packages in need, with links where you can learn more about them.
Together, we can give all orphaned software a home.
I run it, but it does nothing. What should that do?
It prints the intersection between your installed apps and the orphaned apps. So if you don't have any AUR packages installed or if all your installed packages have maintainers, it won't display anything.
I'll add a "No orphans found" check to it.
Great idea keenerd! Installing (and hoping I get a hit)...
It comes in handy for things like that got moved to AUR from extra.
quite thoughtful tool.
a small suggestion here. if the user has less aur packages installed than the number of pages listing orphaned packages, isn't it wiser and more economic to test each package's maintaining status than comparing them to the whole orphaned package pool? for this, the api described here is very handy.
AugustePop: Falconindy and I were thinking the same thing. He wrote some code for just that. It will now use the RPC interface if you've got less than 50 foreign packages.
Update! New version with multithreaded goodness. Set to eight threads by default.
Thanks: that is considerably quicker...
(Alas, my return is "No orphans found")
So far I've adopted discus, lout, slurm, synaesthesia and weather. Maybe I'll pick up one or two more later today.
great idea keenerd! luckily i have only 1 hit, for a program i'm not qualified enough for
so there, i did my adopting duty
< Daenyth> and he works prolifically
4 8 15 16 23 42
Wouldn't it be good to somehow gather the list of all orphaned packages in AUR so someone can take a maintenance for that package if they want? Or is there such a feature already out there?
You can sort by Orphans (under Advanced Search the button next to 'Go' ) … SO=a&PP=25
# edit too slow karol
Wouldn't it be good to somehow gather the list of all orphaned packages in AUR so someone can take a maintenance for that package if they want? Or is there such a feature already out there?
You mean like this … SO=d&PP=25 ?
Edit: I refreshed the page before posting and you weren't here, jasonwryan ;P Sorry anyway. Remove this post if you want.
Last edited by karol (2010-11-25 17:30:42)
Nice, thanks, guys!
This is an awesome idea and really inline with the spirit of Arch. Would be col to have this for regular packages, too. But I fear we are missing a sane interface here.
We normal folk can't adopt regular packages, but I could probably add checking them. Sadly the maintainer info is not in the local sync, so it'll be a lot of http calls. ("Unknown Packager" does not mean anything.) This will be pretty slow. My "lightweight" 2.6GB install has 206 AUR packages, which takes 38 seconds to check. I've got an additional 730 official packages, which will add an estimated 135 seconds. Maybe as an optional flag.
Last edited by keenerd (2010-11-26 19:22:44)
Ugly, but it seems to work.
comm -12 <(pacman -Qq) <(curl -s "$orphanURL" | xmllint --html --xpath '//*[@id="pkglist-results-form"]//tbody/tr/td[3]/a' - 2>/dev/null | sed 's/<a[^>]\+>//g;s/<\/a>/\n/g' | sort -u)
Shows 19 orphaned packages on my system, out of 430 (discludes manually installed packages). I can has adoption papers?
edit: if you're feeling dangerous and/or don't want to install libxml2 for xmllint, here's a pure sed version you can drop in, in place:
comm -12 <(pacman -Qq) <(curl -s "$orphanURL" | sed -n '/tbody/,/tbody/{s/.*title=[^>]\+>\([^<]\+\)<.*/\1/p}' | sort -u)
Last edited by falconindy (2010-11-26 20:25:20)
Feature added. Use with "aurphan -p". The p can be for pacman/package/Pierre, your choice.
Update. Prettier -p output. URLs and colors.
I was hoping something like this existed just a few days ago
Something about official repos, '-p', is not quite there yet... e.g sdparm shows as red when [core] is out-of-date but [testing] is not. I have [testing] version installed.
Something about official repos, '-p', is not quite there yet... e.g sdparm shows as red when [core] is out-of-date but [testing] is not. I have [testing] version installed.
This isn't the goal of the tool. Notice on sdparm's package page, it's listed as having no maintainer.
Finding out of date packages is unrelated and can be solved by a myriad of other programs.
Ugly, but it seems to work.
#!/bin/bash orphanURL='' comm -12 <(pacman -Qq) <(curl -s "$orphanURL" | xmllint --html --xpath '//*[@id="pkglist-results-form"]//tbody/tr/td[3]/a' - 2>/dev/null | sed 's/<a[^>]\+>//g;s/<\/a>/\n/g' | sort -u)
Shows 19 orphaned packages on my system, out of 430 (discludes manually installed packages). I can has adoption papers?
edit: if you're feeling dangerous and/or don't want to install libxml2 for xmllint, here's a pure sed version you can drop in, in place:
comm -12 <(pacman -Qq) <(curl -s "$orphanURL" | sed -n '/tbody/,/tbody/{s/.*title=[^>]\+>\([^<]\+\)<.*/\1/p}' | sort -u)
You should pipe the pacman -Qq output to sort -u as it is not guaranteed to be sorted (and in my case it was not).
You should pipe the pacman -Qq output to sort -u as it is not guaranteed to be sorted (and in my case it was not).
It is sorted... just not according to your LC_COLLATE settings (always the C locale). That is fixed in git.