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Hi! (I'm a begginer with Linux)
My aim is to write a script (probably in bash - easiest?), which would open up my own "Application Design Enviroment" meaning opening up a terminal in top right corner of a given width with given commands at the beggining, Eclipse on the left side, Web Browser on right bottom etc...
I'd be happy if you help me a bit... What should I start with? Are there any concrete libraries that are responsible for starting apps in precise places on the screen? With given size? Commands?
I believe this problem is a little application specific. For example, terminals can be set to a specific size and position via a geometry option, such as xterms -geometry option, however I am not so sure you can do the same for a browser such as firefox or eclipse. I would think layout management would be the responsibility of your window manager or desktop environment.
Something like this is going to be specific to your window manager or desktop environment. Luckily, several of them have this feature available if you know how to configure it. What WM/DE are you using?
for example, if you are using Fluxbox, you would simply add an entry to your ~.fluxbox/apps file.
Last edited by Cyrusm (2010-11-25 13:57:28)
Hofstadter's Law:
It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.
As of DE I got KDE...
IIRC you can set window specific settings in KDE System Settings. I believe it's under the heading "Window Behaviour". You can set per application settings here.
flack 2.0.6: menu-driven BASH script to easily tag FLAC files (AUR)
knock-once 1.2: BASH script to easily create/send one-time sequences for knockd (forum/AUR)
I don't have a lot of experience with KDE in particular, but look at xdotool and wmctrl as two tools that can be used in scripts for moving and resizing windows and are compatible with most WMs.