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While I know that contrasutra has some experience with it, is there some reason that Thunderbird has not been mentioned more prominently here as a requested package? I mean is it just too new to justify the attention of those typically submitting new builds through the Arch PKGBUILD system? Just curious. It certainly looks to me like something on which someone would be apt to keep a reasonably close eye. Comments?
Well, I never made a package from source, because Mozilla distributes binary packages that work fine in Arch, so there's no point. I just wrap that folder up into an arch package for dependancy reasons.
I could try building it from source tomorrow though, unfortunatly I have dialup, so 50MB is a pain.
"Contrary to popular belief, penguins are not the salvation of modern technology. Neither do they throw parties for the urban proletariat."
I've made 0.1 or 0.2 from source and posted it in /ncoming, maybe it's still there, but all I did was altering the firebird makepkg so it downloaded the thunderbird sources from cvs instead of the firebird ones.
p.s. the package didn't start for me and since the binaries are working ok I began using those
apt-get install arch
Was there anything special that you had to change in the PKGCONFIG between Firebird and Thunderbird, or is it more or less a manner of replacing all instances of "MozillaFirebird" and "0.7" with "thunderbird" and "0.3"?
"To be a Spartan is to be a philosopher much more than to be an athlete."
Plato, the <i>Protagoras</i>, 342e-343a
that + recplacing browser by mail (in part where it get's the latest cvs sources)
I've got a buildpkg if you want, but that one failed yesterday for me
apt-get install arch
I tried swapping everything like you said, but it complained about "" not being in the [install or build?] directory? How do you work around that?
"To be a Spartan is to be a philosopher much more than to be an athlete."
Plato, the <i>Protagoras</i>, 342e-343a
rename everything in to thunderbird and rename the file to
yes I mean rename everything! Even the name of your cat
apt-get install arch
I haven't been able to get it to go yet...can someone post their *working* PKGCONFIG please?!
"To be a Spartan is to be a philosopher much more than to be an athlete."
Plato, the <i>Protagoras</i>, 342e-343a